I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 180 Carp Jumps over the Dragon Gate (2)

"You have to keep working hard, Laplace!"

After Qianye Feng found Laplace swimming over, he also encouraged him.

During this period of time, Qianye Maple was relatively tolerant towards Lapras, and only allowed it to undergo some skill training every day, so that it could strive to transform what it learned from Adam's Menas into its own as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Lapras did not disappoint Qianye Maple. During this period, in addition to continuing to practice the skills it had already mastered, Laplace also learned two additional skills: praying for rain and water cannon.

Qianye Feng was quite satisfied with Laplace's learning progress, so he did not arrange any other training tasks for it.

Lapras' favorite thing to do now is to watch the training between Menas and Magikarp, because he finds it very interesting, especially after Magikarp becomes more and more resistant to beatings.

Menas and Carp King didn't have any objections to having this melon-eater next to them. As long as it didn't disturb their training, then it didn't matter to them.

After King Carp received Qianye Feng's treatment, he felt that his strength had made a breakthrough, and he began to charge towards Menas again.

Qianye Feng looked at the floating Magikarp and was a little surprised, because the speed of Magikarp was much faster than before.

Obviously, Menas did not expect that Magikarp's strength had improved so much. In a single moment of negligence, he was knocked backwards by Magikarp, and his body slapped on the water, causing large splashes of water.

This attack was not even a slight injury to Menus. Menus quickly came to the water again. However, his mood was obviously not that beautiful. He was successfully attacked by the old man Magikarp. It was a good thing for him. As far as face is concerned, it's a bit too much to worry about.

Facing the serious Meenas, King Carp immediately fell into a disadvantage again. As long as it got closer, it would be greeted by a trail of water.

Even though Carp King tried his best to dodge, he was still inevitably swept away by Menus, and flew farther than before. Obviously, Menas's attack power was a little stronger this time.

Watching the training between Menus and Magikarp King, Qianye Feng fell into deep thought. He felt that Magikarp King's current strength has fully met the conditions for evolution. The reason why he is still unable to evolve may just be that he lacks an opportunity. That’s all.

Continuing training like this will certainly allow Magikarp to continue to improve its strength, but it is already used to the battle training with Menus, and these trainings will not cause much fluctuation in Magikarp's mind.

"Laplace, come here."

Qianye Feng waved to Laplace who was watching with interest.

When Laplace heard someone calling him, he was stunned for a moment, but he immediately realized that it was the trainer calling him, and swam towards the shore.

"Laplace, please take me to the center of Feiyue Lake!"

After seeing Laplace coming, Qianye Feng jumped directly on its back, then patted its neck and said.

Although Qianye Maple's request was a little strange, Laplace did not refuse, but happily carried the trainer to swim towards the center of the lake.

Compared to the melon-eating crowds of Menas and Magikarp, Lapras felt that taking his trainer around in Feiyue Lake would make him happier.

"Laplace, can you use freezing light to create an iceberg here?"

After arriving at the center of Feiyue Lake, Qianye Feng asked Laplace to stop, and then asked it.

Laplace nodded happily, thinking that the trainer wanted to play a game with him, so he happily used the freezing ray to shoot towards the lake in front.

I saw that the water surface illuminated by the freezing light quickly formed a thick layer of ice. Then, as Laplace continued to output the freezing light skill, the ice layer became higher and higher. big.

At this time, the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot, and Qianye Feng could feel the biting cold. Fortunately, his body had become much stronger after undergoing physical training, so this cold could not affect him.

As time went by, a giant iceberg dozens of meters high appeared in front of Qianye Maple. At this time, Laplace had almost exhausted the energy in his body, and he was panting heavily. It's obvious that he has reached his limit and is just trying to hold on.

"Thank you for your hard work, Laplace, this is enough!"

Qianye Feng patted Laplace, signaling it to stop.

Lapras was already struggling very hard at this time, so he did not hesitate and immediately stopped the output of the freezing light. However, when he saw the huge iceberg in front of him, his heart was filled with pride.

After all, such a spectacular iceberg was made by its own strength. Although Lapras felt very tired, he was still very happy, especially since it was praised by the trainer.

Later, Qianye Feng brought Minas and Carp King over, and then explained his thoughts and them in detail.

After listening to the trainer's idea, King Magikarp seemed very excited and kept using water splash around Qianye Maple to express his excitement, while Menus was much calmer and just moved towards him. He nodded to show that he understood.

Menas swam directly to the back of the iceberg, and then fired the water cannon at the top of the iceberg. Suddenly, a large amount of water flowed down the iceberg, forming an iceberg waterfall.

"Go, Magikarp!"

After seeing his vision become a reality through the efforts of Laplace and Menus, Chiba Kaede patted Magikarp's head and signaled it to start jumping over the dragon gate.

After Qianye Feng of Carp Dynasty nodded, he swam towards the iceberg waterfall with a determined momentum.

Chiba Kaede remembered that on a small island in the animation, countless Magikarp were swimming upstream. As long as the Magikarp could successfully climb the waterfall against the current, there would be a high probability that the Magikarp could evolve into Gyarados.

Based on this, Chiba Kaede designed this iceberg waterfall, hoping that with the help of this man-made waterfall, Magikarp would feel the opportunity to evolve, so that he could leap over the dragon gate and evolve into Gyarados.

Qianye Feng felt that the climbing difficulty of this iceberg waterfall would be higher than that of a normal waterfall. After all, Magikarp not only had to swim upstream, he also had to expend physical strength to resist the cold air coming from the iceberg.

Soon, King Magikarp launched his first climb, and it went upstream with an indomitable momentum. Unfortunately, when it climbed to half the height, King Magikarp was already unable to continue, causing it to be washed away by the subsequent water flow. Go down.

However, Magikarp did not give up, once, twice. Until the end, Magikarp's body was covered with scars and frostbite, but he did not want to give up and insisted on continuing to climb up.

"Okay, Magikarp, that's it for today, we'll continue tomorrow!"

Qianye Feng called out to Carp King, who wanted to continue trying.

In fact, Qianye Maple did not expect Magikarp to succeed immediately. It had been training with Menus for a long time today and was not in the best condition. At this time, the probability that Magikarp could successfully jump over the iceberg waterfall was actually Not high.

Although he was a little unwilling, Carp King still listened to Qianye Feng's words and stopped.

At this time, Menas also stopped firing water cannons. The long-term use of water cannons still puts a heavy burden on Menas. Fortunately, they are in Feiyue Lake. The water vapor here is very rich and can reduce the amount of water cannons fired. Menas consumes a lot of skills.

"Meinas, you treat Magikarp, and then go back and rest. We will continue to let Magikarp climb this iceberg waterfall tomorrow!"

Qianye Feng ordered to Menas and Carp King.

Later, Qianye Feng asked Laplace to maintain the iceberg. It is not troublesome for Laplace to maintain the iceberg that has been formed. He only needs to use freezing light to reinforce it from time to time, and it will not consume it too much. Much physical strength.

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