I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 190 Final Tournament (1)

After Chiba Kaede and Rina Susui spent a wonderful day resting, the final tournament of this Aiyu Conference finally began.

There will be a total of 16 6V6 Elf Battle matches today. The winner will advance to the top 16, while the loser will be eliminated directly.

Today Xiaozhi will have his first game, and his opponent is also called Xiaofeng, but she is a girl in sportswear with a cold appearance.

The competition between the two was very fierce. First, Xiaozhi's Coal Turtle used flame jets to suppress Xiao Feng's Moru Moth. Then Xiao Feng directly changed the elf and replaced it with Gotha Duck, which restrained the Coal Turtle.

However, Xiaozhi, who didn't care about attribute restraint, decided to continue using the Coal Turtle, which eventually led to the Coal Turtle falling to the Gotha Duck's random grabs.

The next elf sent by Xiaozhi was Pikachu, who could restrain the Gotha Duck. After seeing this, Xiao Feng replaced the Gotha Duck with three gophers, which had unfavorable attributes. It can be said that he knew the attribute restraint list by heart.

Under this kind of attribute restraint, Pikachu also fell to the sacrificial collision of the three gophers. The current situation on the field is very unfavorable for Xiaozhi.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi's third elf, Ice Ghost Guard, performed well. It first used freezing light to defeat the three gophers, and then exchanged one for one with the dream monster who used the same life skill.

However, Xiaozhi is still at a disadvantage at this time. After all, he has lost three elves, while his opponent only lost two elves.

Since Xiaozhi has lost three elves, the battle field will be randomly changed. The final random result is that the field is changed from a rock field to a water field.

The first elf sent by Xiaozhi in the second half was the Lobster Soldier, while Xiao Feng sent out the Gotha Duck that had appeared before. After a hard battle, the Lobster Soldier defeated Xiao Feng's Gotha Duck and Morocco. Lu Mo.

However, because it consumed too much energy in the first two games and was in a state of chaos, the lobster soldier was temporarily replaced by Ash.

The one who replaced the lobster soldier was Xiaozhi's King Yan. After using the Swallow Return skill to defeat the opponent's fifth elf Giant Claw Mantis, King Yan was also hit by the freezing ray of Xiao Feng's last elf Diya Sea Lion. , directly lost the ability to fight.

At this time, Xiaozhi still had two elves left, so he first sent out the lobster soldiers who had rested for a while. However, perhaps due to the excessive physical exertion before, the lobster soldiers were directly pressed by the Taishan pressure of Diya Sea Lion and lost their fighting ability.

Then, Xiaozhi sent out his last Elf Forest Lizard to have a final battle with the opponent's Diya Sea Lion.

Since the Diya Sea Lion had already consumed a lot of energy in the previous battle, it was ultimately defeated by the Forest Lizard's leaf blade skill. However, the Forest Lizard could only be said to have suffered a tragic victory.

After getting off to a good start, Xiaozhi directly advanced to the top 16 of the Aiyu Tournament. As time went by, he soon reached the group of Chiba Kaede and Rina Susui.

Rina Susui and Chiba Kaede walked into the arena side by side. However, Chiba Kaede could see from her strong fighting spirit that she had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

As the referee announced the start of the game, Chiba Kaede and Rina Susui released the first elf at the same time.

Since their game venue was randomly chosen to be a water venue in the first half, Chiba Kaede's first elf was Menas, while Rina Hsui's first elf was a mushroom.

Obviously, Rina Susui wanted to gain an advantage through attribute restraint, thereby giving up the field advantage.

Under the command of Rina Susui, the Toga Mushroom took the lead in launching an attack. While it used its seed machine gun to harass Menas, it kept jumping on the floating platform on the water, trying to get close to Menas.

In this regard, Qianye Feng just asked Menas to use the water wave skill to offset the attack of these energy seeds.

And when the Dou Li Mushroom came to Menus and planned to use the tile-splitting skill to attack Menas, a tail with a metallic luster hit its body firmly and swept it away.

For Menas, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one tail. If there is, then it is with two tails.

The Dou Li Mushroom that was swept away floated on the water for a few times before grabbing a floating platform and stabilizing its figure.

Rina Susui, who lost the first battle, did not hesitate and continued to let the mushroom attack Menas. However, after the mushroom approached Menas, it flew back at an extremely fast speed, and this time Menas Sri Lanka uses a water flow tail.

The Dou Li Mushroom, which had been hit twice in succession, looked a little miserable on the outside, but a fighting spirit could still be seen in its eyes, and it was obvious that it was not defeated by this difficulty.

Seeing that close combat was not feasible, Rina Susui changed her mind and continued to use paralysis powder and poison powder, making a large amount of these powders float on the field.

Menas did not check for a while and inhaled a lot of paralysis powder, causing its body to fall into a paralyzed state. Then, the Dou Li mushroom released parasitic seeds towards Menas, constantly absorbing Menas's physical strength.

After recovering a lot of physical strength through the parasitic seeds, the Dou Li Mushroom continued to rush towards Menas, intending to use Splitting Tiles to end the battle.

However, the Dou Li Mushroom's luck was a bit bad. Just when it was about to hit Menas's body, Menas's body had just temporarily recovered from the paralysis state. Therefore, Menas's conditioned reflex gave it another dragon blow. Tail attack.

This powerful and heavy blow from the dragon's tail caused the mushroom to hit the wall outside the venue, and then it rolled its eyes and lost consciousness.

After retrieving the mushroom, Rina Hakui released her second elf Rose Leiduo, an elf with grass and poison attributes.

Due to the lessons learned from the Dou Li Mushroom, Roseredo did not intend to approach Menas, but instead released the magic leaf skill towards Menas.

Menas, who had originally planned to use the tornado for defense, suddenly felt his body stiffen. Apparently the paralysis effect had taken effect again, allowing it to withstand the attack of the magic leaf.

Fortunately, Menas is also rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so this attack is still bearable for it.

But Rose Leiduo did not stop, as if it had turned into a mobile turret, and under the command of Rina Susui, the falling flowers and magic leaves were used alternately.

During this period, Menas also fought back to a certain extent, but due to his paralysis state, his movements were severely restricted, and he was ultimately defeated by Rose Leiduo.

After Qianye Feng took back Menas, he quickly sent out his second Elf Gyarados.

Originally, Gyarados could only be considered a reserve team, but after Minus was defeated, its Poké Ball had been beating, which also let Qianye Feng know how strong Gyarados was in wanting to fight.

After Gyarados appeared, a terrifying aura swept across the entire place, causing Roseredo to shrink his neck. This was because it was affected by the intimidating characteristics of Gyarados.

After Gyarados appeared, he stared at Roseredo with his scarlet eyes, which also made Roseredo feel panicked.

Fortunately, Rose Leiduo was not a showman. After calming down his mind, he launched an attack on Gyarados. With the release of the petal dance, countless petals condensed with grass attribute energy swept towards Gyarados.

Gyarados ignored these petals and instead released several tornadoes from around it. These tornadoes continued to absorb the water flow in the field, forming several waterspouts.

Seeing this scene that was like a natural disaster, not only Rina Usui was a little scared, but even the audience outside the venue held their breath, fearing that Gyarados would go berserk.

There were many cases of Gyarados going berserk in competitions, each time causing a lot of damage. Therefore, even the organizers of the Aiyu Tournament looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

They took the time to organize a security team, hoping to suppress the Gyarados immediately when it went rampaging and prevent it from causing too much damage.

Fortunately, the worst case did not happen. Gyarados controlled the waterspout well and struck in the direction of Rose Leiduo. At this time, it was also directly attacked by Petal Dance.

Just touching the hard scales of Gyarados, these petals can't bring much harm to it. (End of chapter)

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