I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 2 Chance Encounter

Since there was no choice, Qianye Feng did not hesitate too much. After picking up a relatively strong wooden stick from under the tree, he stepped into the jungle.

As Qianye Feng went deeper, he saw more elves.

Spiny tail worms are eating leaves on the trees, and some bird spirits pop up from time to time on the tree crown. The most common ones are the proud swallows and the spearbirds.

Fortunately, these elves did not pay special attention to him. Maybe Qianye Maple was not in their prey range!

As long as Qianye Feng does not actively provoke them, they will not attack him.

After searching for a while, Qianye Feng finally found some fruits on a fruit tree. After observing the surroundings for a while, he discovered that a Spearow had pecked one of the fruits and then flew away.

This discovery made Qianye Feng know that the fruits in front of him were non-toxic and edible. He hurried forward to pick a few fruits and immediately stayed away from the fruit tree.

Qianye Feng did not dare to stay any longer in the jungle. He trotted along the way he came and returned to the tree near the beach. After taking a few breaths, he had time to look at the fruits he had picked.

I saw that the appearance of these tree fruits was similar to the oranges in the previous life, except that the skin color was blue and there were some spots scattered on the skin.

When Qianye Feng played the Pokémon game in his previous life, he didn't pay much attention to the shape and function of the fruit, so he didn't know what kind of fruit it was.

But he was tired and hungry now, so he couldn't care less. He just broke open the hard skin and ate the pulp inside.

As soon as I ate it, a taste that was difficult to express in words exploded in Qianye Maple's mouth. It was a little sour, a little bitter and spicy. These flavors mixed together to form a unique taste, but it was not It just tastes bad.

After eating a fruit, the already unbearable feeling of hunger and thirst was immediately relieved a lot, and my physical strength was restored a little.

In the end, Qianye Feng only ate two berries, and there was one left that he planned to save for when he was hungry at night.

Looking at the sun that had set in the west, Qianye Feng knew that he needed to take action, at least light a fire, so that some dangers could be dispelled at night.

After collecting enough wood, Qianye Feng lit the fire by drilling wood to make fire. It may be that it was summer and the weather was very hot, so he lit the fire without much effort.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and Qianye Feng could only lean against the tree and rest. Today's events were too bizarre, and he still needed some time to digest them.

While he was lost in thought, he suddenly heard something in the forest, broke the branches, and rushed over.

Not long after, Qianye Feng saw a proud swallow with scars all over its body, stumbled out of the woods, and then fell directly on the beach.

After falling on the beach, the proud swallow still struggled to fly, but unfortunately one of its wings was seriously injured and could not support it at all.

At this time, Qianye Feng slowly walked towards Ao Guyan.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Seeing a human approaching it, the proud swallow struggled even more fiercely. It didn't know whether the human wanted to hurt it. Its long-term wild life told it to fly back to the tree at this time.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, Proud Yan!"

Qianye Feng stopped a few steps away from Aoguyan and comforted Aoguyan.

After seeing that the human in front of him did not rush to catch it, Ao Guyan slowly calmed down and just looked at Qianye Feng.

"I have a way to save you, but it requires contact with your body. Do you agree?"

Qianye Feng did not dare to contact the proud swallow rashly. Although the proud swallow was in a bad state now, it was not sure whether it still had the power to attack.

Although the human beings in this world are physically much better than in the previous life, they are still far behind compared to the elves. Qianye Feng does not want to waste another opportunity for treatment.

After hearing that Qianye Feng had a way to save himself, Ao Guyan thought about it and nodded to him.

After getting the permission of Aoguyan, Qianye Feng approached Aoguyan, and then stretched out his right hand and put it on its back.


As Qianye Feng recited silently in his heart, his right hand emitted an emerald green light, which was particularly conspicuous in this dark night.

And Aoguyan can also feel a force entering his body, which is quickly repairing his injuries.

Not long after, after the light dissipated, Qianye Feng took back his right hand and then took a few steps back.

After feeling her own condition, Aoguyan felt the most perfect state since she was born.

Qianye Feng's treatment not only repaired the damage it suffered this time, but also repaired the hidden injuries it had in the past. Now it just feels comfortable all over and has endless strength.

Even if you go back and find the Spearow that hurt it, there is no problem in having another fight.

After gently flapping its wings a few times, the Proud Swallow had already flown into the air.

After flying several times in the air quickly, Proud Swallow flew onto Qianye Feng's shoulder, and then rubbed his head against Qianye Feng's face.

At this time, Qianye Feng also felt the gas in his dantian and found that the volume had been reduced by half.

"It seems like I only have one chance for treatment, and I don't know if I can recover!"

Qianye Feng didn't know whether the gas would recover, but treating Ao Guyan was his inevitable choice.

On the one hand, he couldn't bear to see Aoguyan die like this. On the other hand, he also needed Aoguyan's power to help him get out of the jungle and find traces of human towns.

Qianye Feng touched Aoguyan's back with his hand, and Aoguyan did not refuse. Instead, he narrowed his eyes in comfort.

"Here is this for you to eat!"

Qianye Feng took out the fruit that he wanted to use as a midnight snack and handed it to Ao Guyan.

Because Qianye Feng discovered that although Proud Yan was treated by him, his stomach was growling.

It must have been seriously injured when it was competing with other elves for food.

After taking a look at Qianye Feng, Proud Swallow quickly started to peck at the fruit in front of him without any politeness.

Qianye Feng put the fruit on the ground and let the proud swallow eat it by himself, while he added some wood to the fire to prevent it from extinguishing.

After eating the fruit, Proud Swallow did not leave, but flew into Qianye Feng's arms and fell asleep.

The same was true for Qianye Feng. He had already been very sleepy and fell asleep not long after.

The next morning,

Qianye Feng woke up amid a burst of shouting. After opening his eyes, he saw a scene that frightened him. A half-eaten spinytail was placed in front of him.

The proud swallow was calling to him from the branch above him.

Qianye Feng instantly understood what Ao Guyan meant, which was to let him eat the remaining insect meat.

At this time, he also recalled some information about Ao Guyan in his mind. He should have seen it in his previous life, but he was not sure why it came to mind so clearly.

The proud swallow is like a barn swallow, with dark blue feathers accounting for most of the body, the feathers on the belly are pure white, and there are red feathers on the head and neck. It has gray eyes and a yellow beak, and its paws are as dark blue as its feathers.

The proud swallow is short in stature, but very brave and can compete with the huge armored bird. It is not good at dealing with the cold season and will fly up to 300 kilometers a day in search of warm land.

Since she has just left the nest, she sometimes cries because she is so lonely at night. No matter how powerful the opponent is, it will bravely challenge it and has the perseverance to not be discouraged even if it loses. It feeds on spiny tail worms that live in the forest, but when hungry it becomes cowardly and cries loudly.

Spiny tail worms are the main food of proud swallows. Sure enough, in the real world, the law of the jungle is the mainstream.

After thinking clearly, Qianye Feng no longer struggled too much. If he wanted to survive, he had to eat the insect meat in front of him. Otherwise, just looking for tree fruits would not only be dangerous, but also difficult to fill his stomach.

Then, he found a relatively sharp stone, dragged the spiny tail worm to the beach and processed it, leaving only the insect meat, and the other internal organs, epidermis, etc. were thrown into the sea.

Immediately, it attracted a lot of Magikarp kings fighting for it.

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