I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 217 Selecting Elf Eggs

As soon as Qianye Feng took the high-level ball that subdued Kirby, he saw a flash of red light, and Kirby appeared in front of Qianye Feng.

I saw Kirby patting its belly full of fat with its stubby front paws, and then pointing to its mouth, obviously indicating to Qianye Feng that it was hungry now and needed to be fed by its trainer.

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng couldn't help but look up at the sky, feeling that he had really conquered a big trouble.

However, Chiba Kaede still took out some energy cubes and put them on a plate and handed them to Kirbymon. After all, he still had to be responsible for Kirbymon's food before handing over Kirbymon to Dr. Yamanashi.

Kirbymon did not show politeness to Qianye Maple. He directly grabbed a handful of energy cubes and threw it into his mouth. After chewing it for a while, Kirbymon's eyes lit up. Apparently, the taste of the energy cubes was very suitable for it. .

Most of the energy cubes Qianye Maple gave Kirbymon were mid-level energy cubes, with a small amount of high-level energy cubes, and the weight was twice that of Haoli.

Originally, Qianye Maple thought that these energy cubes were enough for Kirbymon to have a full meal. Unfortunately, the idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. After Kirbymon finished eating these energy cubes, he still pointed at his belly. This meant a lot. Obviously, it is not full yet.

Qianye Feng had no choice but to prepare the same amount of energy cubes for Kirby. Fortunately, this time Kirby finally stopped asking him for food after eating it. Instead, he lay down on the ground and started Falling asleep.

Faced with a Kirbymon that had to eat the energy cubes equivalent to 4 Goli in one meal, Chiba Kaede felt that it was better to solve the problem quickly and leave the Kirbymon in the care of Dr. Yamanashi.

After taking back the high-level ball from the sleeping Kirbymon, Chiba Maple mounted the King Swallow and flew towards the direction of Zhensha Town.

After returning to Zhensha Town, Chiba Kaede did not go directly to Dr. Yamanashi's research institute, but came to the grove where the Alidos tribe lived.

"Go and call the other Alidos and Orb Silk Spiders over here!"

Qianye Feng said to the two Alidos who were subdued by him.

The two Alidos knew that Qianye Feng had subdued the Kirby beast that caused them to become homeless, so they obediently went to gather their own clansmen.

Qianye Feng didn't wait too long. Many Alidos and Orb Silk Spiders surrounded him from all directions. The number was much larger than yesterday.

Qianye Feng knew that the words of the two Alidos could not dispel their concerns, so he immediately released the sleeping Kirby beast.

After seeing Kirbymon, Alidos and the Orb Silk Spiders all showed expressions of fear, obviously remembering the fear of being dominated by Kirbymon before.

"The Kirby that occupies your territory has been conquered by me. It will not appear in your territory again, so you can now return to your previous territory."

Qianye Feng said to Alidos and the Orb Silk Spiders.

After Kirbymon's personal statement, Alidos and the Orb Silk Spiders showed happy expressions. If they were not forced to do so, they would not want to live in this place so close to human towns.

"You are free. Let's live happily with our companions from now on!"

Qianye Feng took out the elf balls that captured two Alidos, and then chose to release them permanently and let them return to the life of the group.

The two released Alidos nodded towards Qianye Feng, and after expressing their gratitude, they integrated into their own group. Then all the Alidos and Orb Silk Spiders gathered together and headed towards the forest. heading in the direction.

In order to make things come to an end, Qianye Feng rode on the back of King Yan and followed the Alidos tribe throughout the whole process until they returned safely to their own territory before returning to Zhensha Town.

"Dr. Yamanashi, I have completed your commission!"

After Chiba Kaede found Dr. Yamanashi, she explained to him in detail how she had conquered Kirby today and escorted the Alidos tribe back to their territory.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, you completed this commission very well, I am very satisfied."

Dr. Yamanashi also laughed heartily after listening to Chiba Kaede's story.

"Dr. Yamanashi, what do you think you should do with this Kirby? I must declare in advance that I cannot afford to raise it?"

Qianye Kaede released Kirby directly, and then asked Dr. Yamanashi about the feeding of Kirby.

Dr. Yamanashi looked at Kirbymon, who was still sleeping, and fell into thinking. Although the backyard of his research institute was very large, facing a big eater like Kirbymon, the ecology of the backyard would be broken if he was not careful. balance.

The most important thing is that Dr. Yamanashi believes that elves should still follow the trainer to get the best training.

"I can provide you with an energy cube formula. This formula is specially used to cultivate big-eating elves like Kirby with astonishing appetites. At that time, you only need to feed Kirby one such energy cube every day. Just make it full.”

Dr. Yamanashi said with a smile.

Chiba Kaede interpreted Dr. Yamanashi's words, that is, Kirby still let him raise it by himself, but he could sponsor an energy cube formula.

Without thinking for too long, Chiba Kaede agreed. After all, Kirbymon is still a very powerful elf as long as it can solve the problem of Kirbymon eating, and it seems that Dr. Yamanashi does not want to raise Kirbymon.

After solving the Kirbymon problem, Chiba Kaede followed Dr. Yamanashi to the place where the Elf Eggs of the Three Elfs in the Sinnoh region were stored. With Dr. Yamanashi's permission, he could pick one of the Elf Eggs from the Three Elfs and take it away.

With the ability to sense the life energy of elf eggs, Qianye Feng doesn't need to think too much. He only needs to choose the elf egg with the strongest vitality.

"Dr. Yamanashi, I choose this elf egg."

After walking around the room, Chiba Kaede came to an elf egg, pointed at Dr. Yamanashi and said.

"This is the elf egg of a little flame monkey. Its parents are both very powerful elves. I hope you can cultivate it well in the future and not let its potential be buried."

After Dr. Yamanashi saw the elf eggs chosen by Qianye Kaede, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He did not expect that Qianye Kaede could select one of his most promising elf eggs from so many elf eggs.

"I will definitely train this little guy well, Dr. Yamanashi!"

Chiba Kaede also saw Dr. Yamanashi's doubts, but he did not intend to answer the doubts. If asked, it was just a feeling that he and this elf egg were more compatible.

Qianye Feng was quite happy that the elf egg he chose was the Little Flame Monkey Elf Egg. After all, he liked the Flame Monkey more than the final evolved forms of Turtle and Bogaman.

After all, the image of the Blazing Monkey is so similar to the legendary senior brother of Qianye Feng in his previous life.

After selecting the Elf Eggs of the Gosan Family, Chiba Kaede first contacted Terada Yuri and sent back the Elf Balls of Haoli and Kirbymon. Of course, the energy cube formula given to him by Dr. Yamanashi had also been transmitted to him through his mobile phone. she.

Without this kind of energy cube to feed the big-eating Kirby, Chiba Kaede estimated that Yuri Terada and the others would have to spend a lot more time making ordinary energy cubes every day in order to feed the Kirby. (End of chapter)

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