I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 220 Buying Three Bee Elf Eggs

After thinking about it for a while, Qianye Feng decided to buy three-bee elf eggs from the breeding house first. If the number of three-bee elf eggs that could be purchased was too small, he planned to go to the depths of the forest to see if he could find them. A wild three-bee colony.

Through the introduction of Maeno Ayano, Chiba Kaede came to a breeding house located in the wilds of Huayuan Town. This breeding house has a wide range of business and has cultivated many elves. The three bees are the members of this breeding house. One of the pillars.

However, before Chiba Kaede came, he heard from Maeno Ayano that the supply of three-bee elf eggs in this breeding house was always in short supply. Not only local beekeepers would come to buy them, but also many outsiders like him would come to buy them. Come and buy some three-bee elf eggs to raise.

Therefore, Qianye Feng himself did not know how many Three-Bee Elf Eggs he could buy at the breeding house this time. He just hoped that they would not miss out.

In fact, when three bees hatch, they are in a larval state. If they are in a wild population, these larvae will usually live in the body of the queen bee. The queen will feed them with the nectar collected by three bees until they pass the larval stage. , grew into a real three bees.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

When the staff of the breeding house saw Qianye Feng coming in, they immediately came over and asked.

"I want to buy some three-bee elf eggs. I wonder if your breeding house still has them in stock?"

Qianye Feng asked politely.

"Guest, please wait a moment while I check the records."

The staff saw that Qianye Feng was here to buy Three Bee Elf Eggs, but did not give an immediate reply.

Not long after, the staff came to Qianye Feng from the workbench. Apparently at this time, he had already checked the number of three bee elf eggs left in his house, and introduced directly:

"I have kept you waiting for a long time. Our breeding house now has 4 three-bee elf eggs for sale. Each one is priced at 20,000 alliance coins. There will be no counter-offering."

Seeing that there were still 4 Three Bee Elf Eggs for sale, Qianye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it wasn't much, it was fine as long as the trip was not in vain.

"I want all these Three Bee Elf Eggs. I would like to ask how long it will take for you to continue selling Three Bee Elf Eggs. If so, I would like to continue buying them?"

Four three-bees are still a bit small compared to the terraced garden area in Chiba Farm, so Qianye Feng plans to continue buying three-bee elf eggs.

"Sorry, I can't give you a specific time when the next batch of Three Bee Elf Eggs will arrive."

The staff member gave an apologetic look.

This is not because he is not doing business, but when the three bees will start laying eggs, and how many eggs they will lay, he really has no way of knowing in advance.

Since there were only 4 Three-Bee Elf Eggs in the breeding house, Qianye Feng didn't bother too much. He just paid the money and took the Elf Eggs and left.

Qianye Feng knew that there might be some three-bee elf eggs stored in the breeding house, but as long as they didn't sell them, he couldn't force them.

"Xiao Feng, how are you? Have you purchased the three-bee elf eggs?"

After Chiba Kaede returned to the fruit store, Maeno Ayano asked curiously.

"I bought it, but the quantity is only 4, which is still a bit short. I plan to take a trip to the forest to see if I can catch some more three-bees."

Qianye Feng planned to try his luck in the forest. If he really couldn't find a wild three-bee group, he was ready to return to the Fengyuan area.

"That's it, but you have to be careful. After all, there are still many dangers in the forest. Every year, many trainers enter the forest and are unable to come out!"

Seeing that Qianye Feng had made up his mind, Maeno Ayano did not stop him, but only reminded him to pay attention to safety.

"I will pay attention, Miss Ayano, then I will leave first. Thank you very much for your help!"

After Chiba Kaede and Maeno Ayano said goodbye, they also walked to the entrance of Huayuan Town, where they then rode on the King Swallow and flew towards the forest.

Qianye Feng said that whether he could meet the Three Bees group on this trip, he had to leave it to chance. After all, after having four Three Bees, as long as he could cultivate a queen bee, he could continue to expand the number of the Three Bees group.

Of course, this will take a long time, so Qianye Maple is still more inclined to capture a group of wild three bees directly.

Because it needs to look for traces of the three bees, the flying speed of the king swallow is not fast, and it can even be said to be slow for it. It doesn't even bother to flap its wings, and relies on its own control of the airflow to support its smooth flight.

As King Yan went deeper, Qianye Feng looked down from above and saw only the endless sea of ​​trees and the elves shuttled between the trees.

Various elves unique to the Sinnoh region were reflected in Qianye Feng's mind, but the three bees he was looking for never appeared.

During this period, Qianye Feng even saw a super elf named Casey sleeping on the canopy of the tree. The moment he saw Casey, he was still a little moved and wanted to ask King Yan to go down and conquer this Casey.

However, Qianye Feng chose to give up after thinking about it. After all, an elf like Casey could instinctively use teleportation even in his sleep as long as there was a slight disturbance.

Qianye Feng didn't want to play hide and seek with Casey in this dense forest. After all, the purpose of his trip was to find the three bee tribe. It was better to put other things aside first, otherwise he might not get anything in the end.

After this episode, Qianye Feng did not stop even when he saw relatively rare elves, until he saw a big mountain.

The mountain towers into the clouds, majestic and majestic, as if standing between heaven and earth, unreachable. The surface of the mountain is green and lush, with towering trees and entangled roots, forming a lush forest.

While Qianye Feng was admiring this amazing scenery, he suddenly discovered a gap on the mountainside, with steep cliffs on both sides of the gap.

After discovering this anomaly, Qianye Feng also aroused the desire to explore, and directly let King Yan fly towards the gap.

After arriving at the entrance, Qianye Feng took back the King Yan and planned to enter the gap on foot.

After passing a narrow rock wall, Qianye Feng found that his eyes suddenly opened up, and what appeared in front of him was a scene like a paradise.

This is a valley with a huge area. A stream runs through the entire valley, bringing vitality to the entire valley. Countless flowers are vying for beauty in the valley, and the three bees that go to and from the flowers are the three bees he misses.

With just a cursory glance, Qianye Feng saw dozens of three bees shuttled among the flowers.

This discovery also made Qianye Feng ecstatic. He did not want to catch all three bees in one go, but just wanted to capture some of them to meet the nectar collection needs of the terraced gardens.

Before Qianye Feng could take action, the three bees in the valley also discovered him as an uninvited guest. The three bees began to "buzz", apparently to alert other companions that something unusual was happening.

Facing the three bees that gathered together, Qianye Feng didn't know what to do for a moment. After all, these three bees were different from the crow leader group. They did not provoke him. Instead, it was his intention to subdue them. It's not good to be too harsh.

After conquering Qianye Maple, he still needed these three bees to help collect honey and brew sweetness, so he felt that communication should be the main focus, otherwise conquering a group of elves who resented him would not be a trouble for himself!

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