I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 222 Returning with a Full Load

Queen Bee saw that Qianye Feng was sincere and confident in treating her injuries, so she agreed to let him help her treat her injuries.

At first, Queen Bee thought that Qianye Feng was asking her elves to use recovery skills to help her heal. Unexpectedly, Qianye Feng walked up to it alone.

Of course, the queen bee would not be afraid of Qianye Maple, who was a human. She did not think that a human could cause any harm to her.

However, the three bees next to the queen bee seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, staring at Qianye Feng. Once he made any move to harm the queen bee, these three bees would definitely attack as soon as possible to protect their queen. .

After Qianye Feng came to the queen bee, he just smiled at it, then stretched out his right hand and placed it on the wound. Then a burst of emerald green life energy was integrated into the body of the queen bee through his right hand. middle.

As this life energy entered the body, Queen Bee felt a soreness and numbness emerge from the wound on her waist, and then began to heal at an extremely fast speed.

After the external wounds healed, the remaining life energy began to repair the hidden wounds in the queen bee's body.

As these hidden injuries were repaired, Queen Bee felt more relaxed than ever before, and her momentum was also improving little by little. It was obvious that her strength had also made a big breakthrough.

After the therapeutic effect of the life energy ended, Queen Bee felt that her body became very relaxed, and she did not feel as sick as before.

At this time, the Queen Bee's eyes towards Qianye Feng had changed. Only she knew how much benefit she had gained from the treatment just now.

After saying hello to Qianye Feng in a friendly manner, the Queen Bee gathered the three bees together, and then came to Qianye Feng, indicating that he could subdue these three bees.

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng knew that Queen Bee did not intend to go back on her word, but honestly abided by her original agreement, so she took out the elf ball she had prepared in advance and began to conquer the three bees.

However, Qianye Maple stopped after only conquering 10 three bees. For this group with hundreds of three bees, the lack of 10 three bees actually has little impact. Moreover, the queen bee can continue to produce A new three-bee elf egg is released.

With these 10 Three Bees, plus the 4 Three Bee Elf Eggs purchased previously, Qianye Feng felt that it was enough for the honey collection work in Qianye Farm.

If he wants to expand the three-bee colony later, he only needs to cultivate and evolve a queen bee among these three bees.

The queen bee was originally afraid that Qianye Maple would conquer a large number of the three bees under her command. In this way, even if it could feed the larvae into three bees, the colony would be weak for a long time.

However, after seeing that Qianye Feng only subdued 10 three bees, the queen bee's favorability towards him went up a few levels.

Qianye Feng, who was about to leave after subduing the three bees, was suddenly stopped by the queen bee and motioned for him to follow her.

Although Qianye Feng didn't know Queen Bee's intention, she still followed it, intending to see what Queen Bee wanted to do.

Soon, Qianye Feng followed the Queen Bee to a hive hidden in a cave. Apparently this was the residence of the Queen Bee and the three bees.

Finally, Qianye Feng was led by the queen bee to a huge pool filled with golden honey. There was a lot of sweetness flowing in the pool.

Looking at the pool full of sweetness and smelling the sweet smell in the air, Qianye Feng couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Qianye Feng looked at Queen Bee with some doubts, but saw Queen Bee pointing towards the pool with a smile, and then stepped aside.

At this moment, Qianye Feng understood what Queen Bee meant. It was obvious that she wanted to give herself some sweetness as a way to repay herself for treating her injury.

After understanding what Queen Bee meant, Qianye Feng was not polite and took out the container from his backpack. However, he stopped after filling two bottles of sweetness.

Although there is still a lot of sweetness in the pond, Qianye Maple also knows that enough is enough, not to mention that with Three Bees, his farm will be able to continuously produce sweetness, and there is no need to do anything too tasteless. .

After the queen bee saw Qianye Feng's behavior, she was more sure of his character and knew that he would not treat those three bees harshly.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng left this valley hidden among the mountains under the farewell of Queen Bee and Three Bees.

However, neither Qianye Feng nor Queen Bee noticed that there was a curious gaze in the flowers not far away that saw everything that had just happened.

This elf with a hedgehog-like appearance was exactly the Xie Mi that Qianye Feng had longed to see. As long as Xie Mi curled up into a ball, it looked like a flower, and no one could notice it.

This is also the talent of the Shemi family, integrating with the natural environment. Therefore, even if there are many three bees flying around its head every day, no three bees can detect it. exist.

Just when Qianye Feng and the Queen Bee clan were at war with each other, Xie Mi had already been awakened. It generally didn't like to get involved in these things, and only liked to quietly observe the development of things from the sidelines.

However, the process of Qianye Feng using life energy to treat Queen Bee still surprised her. It could feel the natural and rich life energy.

The level of this energy is very high, and it can even be used to treat injuries. You must know that if the phantom elves are seriously injured, they usually need to sleep for a long time to recover.

It was because of this life energy that Xie Mi began to observe Qianye Maple carefully. To his surprise, he smelled a floral fragrance from Qianye Feng that fascinated him.

If its feeling is correct, this human with magical powers has the Gracidia flower on his body that can allow him to evolve into the sky form.

Xie Mi has been looking for this rare flower in this area for a long time, but has never found it, which makes him feel very depressed. Unexpectedly, he saw a human with this kind of flower today.

This also aroused Xie Mi's interest. He sniffed it with his little nose, and then ran quickly with his short legs, tracking Qianye Feng in the direction he left.

During the whole process of Xie Mi running out, the queen bee and the three bees in the valley did not notice a small green hedgehog passing in front of them.

At this time, Qianye Feng was flying towards Binhai City on the back of King Yan. However, since it was getting late today, he planned to find a suitable place to camp when it was almost dark.

Soon, Qianye Feng found a suitable place for camping. The terrain here is flat and the view is wide. Moreover, there is a large lake next to it. The area of ​​this large lake is much larger than that of Feiyue Lake. In other words, Feiyue Lake is different from this place. The lake can only be regarded as a small puddle in comparison.

After arriving on the ground, Qianye Feng quickly released all the elves. After all, they had spent most of their time in the elf ball in the past few days, and they were indeed a little depressed.

After Laplace came out, he happily wandered around the lake, and Tentacle Lily also ran to the rocks beside the lake and swayed.

Strong Chicken and Little Diamond started their adventurous activities. Qianye Feng just asked them to come back early and let them leave. After all, with their current strength, they generally would not encounter any danger.

King Chuanshan was relatively honest, and together with King Yan, he quietly guarded Qianye Feng and helped him set up a temporary camp.

Thanks to book friends 20210926204503873 and Free Maple Leaf for their monthly ticket support!

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