I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 224 The challenge of the two-tailed monster

"Don't rush to scold each other for now. I'll let Lapras help treat the long-tailed monsters first!"

Qianye Feng stopped the fight between the strong chicken and the two-tailed monster, and then said.

He saw that the injuries on the hands of the long-tailed monsters were not minor, and they already felt shaky. After all, it was the work of the strong chickens, so Qianye Feng thought it was better to treat them first.

Sure enough, after listening to Qianye Feng's words, the two-tailed monster stopped sparring with the strong chicken and nodded in agreement.

The reason why the two-tailed monsters came here was actually because they had the idea of ​​​​letting the trainers of the strong chickens help treat them. After all, these long-tailed monsters were severely burned, and their tribe had no means of treatment at all, so they continued to delay If you go down, your life may be in danger.

Immediately afterwards, Laplace used drops of life water to treat the injured long-tailed monster hands. After the treatment was completed, although their appearance still looked a bit miserable, the injuries were actually mostly healed and only needed to be nursed back to health. You can be active and active in a few days.

Seeing that the younger brother had recovered his health, the angry expression in the eyes of the two-tailed monster finally reduced a bit, but as the boss, it still wanted to stand up for the younger brother.

The two-tailed monster nodded to Qianye Feng to express his gratitude, and then hooked his hand towards the strong chicken. Qianye Feng naturally understood its meaning, and it was obviously that he wanted to fight the strong chicken.

Qianye Feng looked at the strong chicken and asked what it meant. The strong chicken nodded confidently towards him, and then took a few steps forward.

After seeing that both sides had made up their minds, Qianye Feng asked the elves to take a few steps back, leaving enough space for the strong chicken and the two-tailed monster to fight.

After everything was ready, the two-tailed monster rushed directly towards the strong chicken, and then used the grabbing skill to attack the strong chicken. The strong chicken did not choose to dodge, and also used the grabbing skill to fight with the two-tailed monster.

I saw the two tails of the two-tailed monster hand dancing non-stop, and the strong chicken was knocked away without noticing for a moment.

The strong chicken did not pause after landing, and directly shot a powerful jet of flames towards the two-tailed monster hand.

Facing the rapid incoming flames, the two-tailed monster did not panic. It hit the ground with its tail and jumped directly into the air, avoiding the attack of the flames. Then it swept its tail in the direction of the strong chicken, and suddenly countless energy The stars fly towards the strong chicken. This is the high-speed star skill.

At this time, Strong Chicken was still using the flame jet. He didn't expect that the two-tailed monster's hand would move so quickly. He was directly hit by the high-speed star and was knocked away again.

Being knocked back twice in succession made the strong chicken a little embarrassed. It saw flames all over its body, and then quickly rushed towards the direction of the two-tailed monster.

Each time the charged fire attack is launched, the speed of the strong chicken will be increased. Therefore, as long as the strong chicken can successfully use the charged fire attack skill several times, its speed will be much faster.

Facing the menacing Strong Chicken, the two-tailed monster used two combos when the Strong Chicken was about to hit it. The two tails quickly hit the Strong Chicken, and the first blow blocked the Strong Chicken. The momentum of the impact, followed by the second blow, knocked the strong chicken away.

"It seems that the strong chicken may lose!"

Qianye Feng, who was standing not far away, turned around and said to the elves, with some gloating in his tone.

For Qianye Feng, the battle between the strong chicken and the two-tailed monster is just a game. Winning or losing actually doesn't matter much. Even if the strong chicken loses, then it will definitely work harder in future training. , this result is actually good.

Perhaps because he was aware of the trainer's evil intentions, King Yan rolled his eyes at Qianye Feng, thinking that you, an idiot, have a very bad conscience!

Little Broken Diamond, who had the best relationship with Li Zhuangji, was also a little anxious at this time and wished he could fight for Li Zhuangji. However, he also knew that with Li Zhuangji's temper, he would definitely not allow it.

In contrast, the long-tailed monsters under the two-tailed monsters saw how powerful their boss was, and they shouted excitedly, cheering and cheering for their boss.

The strong chicken stood up unsteadily, and then continued to use the charged flame attack on the two-tailed monster. This time, its speed was much faster, and it was knocked away before the two-tailed monster could counterattack. , and at the same time, the flames on its body also caused some damage to the long-tailed monster.

In this way, the two-tailed monster and the strong chicken began to engage in an offensive and defensive battle back and forth. The injuries on both sides became more and more serious. In the end, it was a competition of will to see who could not hold on and fell first.

After seeing that the battle between the two sides had become tense, Qianye Feng thought about interfering. Unexpectedly, Strong Chicken was the first to change, and the flames on his body suddenly increased by a level, directly suppressing the two-tailed monster. hand.

Qianye Feng knew that this was the strong fire characteristic activated by the strong chicken. However, this also meant that the strong chicken could no longer hold up. As long as the two-tailed monster could resist for a period of time, the strong chicken would probably fall to the ground from exhaustion. After all, activating the fierce fire characteristic will also increase its energy consumption.

Maybe the Strong Chicken also knew that he couldn't hold on for too long, so he launched a final charge against the two-tailed monster. Qianye Feng thought it was using a charged flame attack, but after seeing the powerful flames wrapped around the appearance of the Strong Chicken, he discovered that This is one of the fire attribute's ultimate moves, Flash Charge.

Although the power of Flare Charge is astonishing, while attacking the opponent, it also has to bear a lot of retaliation damage. It can be said that it can kill a thousand enemies and damage itself by three hundred.

Faced with the terrifying blow from the strong chicken, the two-tailed monster also changed its expression. However, it seemed to have made up its mind in the end, and slapped its two tails on the strong chicken one after another, trying to repel it with its two-hit combo skill. Strong chicken.

Unfortunately, in the face of the strong chicken's flame charge, the two consecutive attacks only suspended part of the attack. The strong chicken still directly hit the double-tailed monster, knocking it away.

The two-tailed monster rolled a long way after landing and stopped moving. It had obviously lost consciousness.

After the strong chicken stood still, he gasped for air, suddenly showed a painful look on his face, and then rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Qianye Feng scratched his head after seeing this scene. Unexpectedly, the strong chicken and the two-tailed monster were tied. Although the strong chicken stood for a while longer, this was not a formal competition. In the wild, they should have died together. .

Without watching the excitement for too long, Qianye Feng first came to the strong chicken and used his own abilities to help it recover. After experiencing such a close battle, I believe that the strong chicken will be stronger after being treated with life energy. Not a small improvement.

As for the two-tailed monster hand, Qianye Feng originally only planned to let Laplace use the life drop skill to help treat it, but after thinking about it later, he felt that the two-tailed monster hand was very suitable for him, so he decided to leave the last part of the day today. A healing ability was used on it.

After waiting for a while, both the strong chicken and the two-tailed monster have recovered. Because the strong chicken knows the trainer's ability, he is not surprised, but is a little happy with the improvement of his strength.

The two-tailed monster looked at Qianye Feng with great reverence. It could feel that earth-shaking changes had taken place in its body, as if it had suddenly returned to its youth.

The two-tailed monster hand that has been living in the wild for a long time has suffered serious hidden injuries. This treatment has a much greater impact on it than the strong chicken. It can feel that its strength, which has not improved for a long time, has exploded. (End of chapter)

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