I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 233 Encounter with Xie Mi

Qianye Feng was not in a hurry to look for Xie Mi, because he knew that as long as Xie Mi wanted to settle down on the farm, he could look for it at any time. If Xie Mi only lived in Qianye Farm temporarily, then Xie Mi might be there as soon as he disturbed her. The rice will leave on its own.

Originally, Chiba Maple thought that 14 three bees would be enough to collect nectar at Chiba Farm. Unexpectedly, a sea of ​​flowers appeared in Chiba Farm overnight. So, relying on these three bees alone to collect nectar is actually a drop in the bucket. .

Moreover, there are still 4 three-bee elf eggs that have not hatched yet, but counting the days, they should be able to hatch in the next few days.

"Yuri, please contact Uncle Henry again and ask him to build two houses for us!"

Chiba Kaede turned to Yuri Terada who was still enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sea of ​​flowers and said.

"Oh, no problem, but boss, why are you building so many houses?"

After Terada Yuri agreed immediately, he asked with some doubts.

"One room is used for the three bees to build a nest, and the door of the other house must be made larger so that Kirby can sleep and other elves on the farm can rest!"

Qianye Feng explained.

Although Kirby can just find a place to sleep when it is full, Qianye Feng still feels it is necessary to build a house for it. At the same time, other elves in this house farm can also go in and rest.

After giving instructions to Terada Yuri, Chiba Feng asked the Arrogant Yan messenger to call Da Wang Yan over. He had to take a look at the specific situation of the farm from the sky.

Although these flowers are very beautiful, if they grow uncontrolled, his tree orchard and other crops will inevitably be affected.

Thinking of this, Qianye Feng suddenly remembered the resurrection grass and vitality roots planted in his backyard, and hurriedly jogged to the backyard.

Fortunately, when he came to the backyard, he found that everything was as usual here. The shuttlecocks and shuttlecocks were playing in the backyard as always, and the tentacle lily was swinging the tentacles on its head heartily.

The three resurrection plants in the middle have very green leaves. If you look closely, you can see that there are some dewdrops hanging on the leaves.

The life breath of the ten vitality roots surrounding the Resurrection Grass is also very strong, and it is obvious that they are well developed.

According to Qianye Feng's estimate, these resurrection grasses and vitality roots will be ready for picking soon, and more seeds will be available for planting.

Moreover, he also had a little flame monkey elf egg that needed to be hatched in Fuyan Town, just in time to go to the Chinese medicine store to enjoy the autumn breeze. Qianye Feng couldn't believe that the Chinese medicine store had grown resurrection grass and vitality roots for so many years to store these seeds.

It's just that Mr. Takatani Kazuya didn't believe that he could grow these resurrection grass and vitality roots, but he couldn't resist Asha's request, so he gave him a small amount of seeds and dismissed him.

Therefore, before Qianye Feng came to Fuyan Town this time, he planned to take a video of these resurrection grass and vitality roots as proof that he had successfully planted them, so as to ask for more seeds.

In addition, Qianye Feng also plans to cooperate with Chinese medicine stores. He can sell the grown resurrection grass and vitality roots directly to Chinese medicine stores so that they can make corresponding medicines.

Because Qianye Feng knew that even if there was a piece of land on Chimney Mountain to plant these rare Chinese herbal medicines, the area would not be too large, so the number of resurrection grass and vitality roots planted would not actually be too many.

After all, judging from the days he planted Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root, how much life energy is needed to make these Chinese herbal medicines thrive. If he didn't have the support of the shuttlecock flowers, he would not be able to successfully grow these herbs. .

At this moment, the Great King Swallow also landed. After receiving the message from his younger brother, it flew over to find Qianye Feng without wasting any time.

However, when flying here, King Yan also noticed that the ground became a little colorful. This change also made it a little confused. Fortunately, this situation did not happen in the orchard, otherwise King Yan would watch Also a headache.

Qianye Feng did not hesitate, and directly rode on the back of Da Wang Yan and began to inspect the situation of the entire farm.

In the sky, Qianye Maple could easily see the area of ​​the farm surrounded by flowers. It was probably a large circular area extending from the terraced gardens and was filled with flowers.

However, it only extended to a diameter of about 1 kilometer, and did not affect the orchards and artificial lakes.

It is a very pleasant sight to see countless flowers forming a circle, and the terraced garden in the middle of the circle is bright red.

If Chiba Maple is willing, he can even develop this place into an attraction, which I believe will attract countless tourists to come and enjoy it.

Of course, this is just an assumption. Qianye Feng will not make his farm known to everyone in order to make money. In that case, there will be no privacy at all.

After riding around on the back of the big king swallow, Qianye Feng finally let it land near the terraced garden.

Looking at the Gracidia flowers that were more beautiful than before, Qianye Feng knew that his guess was correct. Unless Celebi returned to Qianye Farm, the only one who could create this effect was Xie Mi.

However, Qianye Feng knew that if Celebi returned to Qianye Farm, he would not deliberately hide it, but would appear openly in front of him.

However, Qianye Feng spent more than half an hour carefully searching the entire terraced garden, but found no trace of Xie Mi at all.

At this time, Qianye Feng didn't know whether Xie Mi had left or was hiding with its power so that no one could find its traces.

What Qianye Feng didn't know was that in the flower field less than 2 meters away from him, there was a little hedgehog sleeping in a ball. Even his arrival did not wake up Xie Mi.

"Xiemi, I know you are here, can you come out for a moment?"

Qianye Feng, who knew that he could not find Xie Mi with his naked eyes, suddenly shouted, his voice was very loud.

Xie Mi, who was in a deep sleep, couldn't help but frown when he heard the noise coming into his ears. Not long after, he was awakened by Qianye Feng's shout.

At this time, the little hedgehog's face was full of anger. It finally fell into a deep sleep. It would not want to get up if it had not slept for ten days and a half. It did not expect that the human in front of it would disturb its sweet dream.

However, after hearing what the other party shouted clearly, Xie Mi couldn't help but be shocked. It didn't know why its whereabouts were discovered by the humans in front of it, and it found it accurately.

After confirming that his whereabouts had been discovered, Xie Mi stopped hiding and jumped directly into the air, transforming into the sky form Xie Mi.

Qianye Feng shouted for a long time and saw no movement in the garden. He thought Xie Mi had left or didn't want to see him. When he was about to leave, he didn't expect that Xie Mi in the form of a sky suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, Xie Mi looked at Qianye Feng with an unhappy face, and Qianye Feng was also startled by the sudden appearance of Xie Mi. After a while, he calmed down. Looking at the cute little deer in front of him, Qianye Feng couldn't help but stretch out his arms. He reached out and touched Xie Mi's head.

Xie Mi was also a little overwhelmed by Qianye Feng's intimate gesture. However, when it was touched, it was not repelled in his heart, but felt a little comfortable.

The reason why Qianye Feng dared to touch Xie Mi directly was because he knew that an elf like Xie Mi had a relatively gentle personality and would not attack him because he was touched.

However, Xie Mi quickly reacted and hurriedly flew away from Qianye Feng, preventing him from stroking his head. After all, it was also a legendary phantom elf. How could it allow humans to touch its head? Could it be that Xie Mi No face! (End of chapter)

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