I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 236 Taking Care

After Kirby followed Qianye Feng into the newly built house, it scratched its head in confusion and started to look around. It felt that it was pretty good here, at least it didn't have to face the wind and sun.

Kirby doesn't like to sleep in the open air, but the environment in the wild is just like this. Therefore, Kirby nodded happily towards Qianye Feng, and then found a comfortable position and lay down directly.

After a while, Kirby was snoring, but there was still a smile on the corner of its mouth, as if it was having a sweet dream.

Qianye Feng shook his head helplessly after seeing this scene. However, seeing that Kirby was willing to sleep like this, he finally lived up to his wishes.

After the three bees and Kirby were settled, Chiba Maple went directly to the grass planting area. It was relatively close to the terraced garden, so it was affected to a certain extent, and many flowers grew among the grass.

Fortunately, the vitality of the pasture is tenacious. It is difficult for these flowers to compete with the pasture for nutrients. In addition, the Meili sheep will also eat some flowers. As long as Xie Mi no longer uses his abilities, I believe that after a while, the place can return to normal. .

At this time, the heterochromatic velvet sheep was playing with the mel sheep. In addition to doing some daily training during this period, it was spending time with its own group and taking care of the mel sheep in the group. This is also what it likes most. Things to do.

Although the heterochromatic velvet sheep works hard to improve its strength because it wants to protect its companions, its character is actually very gentle. What it likes to do most every day is play with the melley sheep and leisurely bask in the sun. .

When the heterochromatic sheep saw Qianye Feng, it also trotted over happily. The trainer was not around these days, and it still missed the trainer a little.

"RongRong Sheep, have you been training well these days?"

Qianye Feng patted the belly of the different-colored velvet sheep, and then asked.

The different-colored velvet sheep nodded quickly, saying that it was working hard. It knew the character of its trainer very well. If Qianye Feng knew that it had not been trained well, then it would not be able to play happily in the next time.

Although there were some doubts about whether the heterochromatic velvet sheep had really been trained on time during this period, Qianye Feng didn't come to see it this time for this reason, so he didn't ask too much.

"Here's this for you. It can enhance the power of your electrical skills."

Qianye Feng handed the elf prop magnet that he accidentally obtained from the Sinnoh region to the strange-colored velvety sheep, and then said.

After receiving the magnet, the heterochromatic velvet sheep happily integrated the magnet into its body. After it was completely integrated into the body, the heterochromatic velvet sheep felt that its ability to control the current in the body had increased a lot.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful electric current emerged from the body of the heterochromatic velvet sheep, and then formed a thunder dragon and roared away into the distance.

The heterochromatic velvet sheep could clearly feel that the power of the 100,000 volt skill it released had increased a lot. Immediately, the heterochromatic velvet sheep released several more electrical skills and found that the power had increased.

The happy different-colored velvet sheep flew directly towards Qianye Feng, obviously very happy about the gift brought to it by the trainer.

It's just that the heterochromatic velvet sheep forgot that there was a lot of static electricity in its hair. At the moment of contact, Qianye Feng felt a numbness in her body, there were constant crackling sounds on her clothes, and her hair stood on end.

"It's numb, it's numb!"

Qianye Feng said tremblingly.

The strange-colored velvety sheep, who was momentarily overwhelmed with joy, hurriedly jumped out of the trainer's arms, and then looked pitifully at the paralyzed Qianye Feng.

Qianye Feng, who finally recovered from the paralysis, took back his words of blame after seeing the appearance of the heterochromatic velvet sheep. He also knew that the heterochromatic velvet sheep was only happy for a moment and forgot about the special characteristics of his body.

"Okay, I know you didn't mean it, but you have to be careful in the future!"

Qianye Feng said to the different-colored velvet sheep.

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, the heterochromatic velvet sheep nodded obediently. It was indeed not intentional just now.

At this time, the Meili sheep and the big milk cans grazing nearby also gathered around. However, the big milk cans still subconsciously stayed away from the Meli sheep. Apparently they were frightened by their static electricity. .

Whether it's a big milk tank or a sheep, they are all in good spirits, which shows that Yuri Terada and others take good care of them, which is what Chiba Kaede hopes to see.

After staying with the elves in the pasture until dark, Qianye Feng accompanied them back to the house.

After sending the sheep and the big milk can back to the house, he returned home. At this time, Yuri Terada and others had also prepared meals and were watching TV in the living room.

In the next few days, Qianye Feng stayed at Qianye Farm, sorting out the flowers that had grown due to Xie Mi.

After taking care of it, these wildly growing flowers have finally become much more organized. Qianye Maple has also specially opened up several roads for them to walk. Otherwise, walking on the flowers would seem to ruin the picturesque beauty.

Terada Yuri and others have often been to the terraced gardens in the past few days. However, apart from finding that the Graxitia flowers grew better, they were not able to attract Xie Mi's appearance.

A few people were actually a little disappointed in their hearts, but they were relieved later. After all, Xie Mi was the legendary phantom elf, and it was so easy to see him.

In fact, when several people came to the terraced garden, Xie Mi had already discovered them, but Xie Mi did not choose to appear in front of them, but secretly observed them.

Xie Mi actually has a good impression of Terada Yuri, because he can see that the girl in front of him truly cares for this garden.

However, Terada Yuri didn't directly shout for it to appear like Chiba Kaede, so Xie Mi was happy to pretend not to know, secretly hiding among the flowers to observe the outside world.

It is worth mentioning that the four three-bee elf eggs hatched on the third day after Qianye Maple returned. Due to the special characteristics of the three-bees, they were in a larval state during the larval stage and needed to wait until they passed the larval stage before they could grow into Real three bees.

In order to let them pass the juvenile stage faster, Qianye Feng directly fed them with the remaining sweetness, because he knew that the queen bee also fed the three bee larvae in this way.

Fortunately, they don't eat much in their larval state, and the remaining sweetness is more than enough to feed them until they grow up.

Moreover, the three bees have now begun to build nests and collect honey. Although it only takes a few days, they have also brewed some sweetness.

It's just that the three bees now regard building the hive as their first priority, and collecting honey is the second priority. Only when they have built the hive almost fully will they concentrate on brewing sweetness.

In this regard, Qianye Feng did not interfere too much. Although he wanted the three bees to brew more sweetness, he still chose to respect the habits of the three bees.

Qianye Feng also took the time to visit the grove where Haoli lived. This area was where he and Heracross lived, but recently, Straight Bear, Long Nose Leaf and Poison Rose also came here.

They mainly receive training from Hao Li. Of course, Heracross will also give some guidance in his free time, which also greatly improves the strength of the Straight Bears.

However, after the period of strength improvement after evolution, the strength of the Straight Bears improved much more slowly. However, the Straight Bears did not slack off, and instead worked harder to hone their abilities. (End of chapter)

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