"Gardevoir, strong mind!"

In the end, Tadokoro Nagi couldn't hold back, because she knew that even with Gardevoir's mental strength, she could not sustain the continuous use of teleportation for too long.

Unfortunately, the activation of the mental power skill is not as fast as teleportation.

During the few seconds of pause when Gardevoir stopped teleporting and prepared to release his strong mental thoughts, it was enough for King Yan to attack.


Before Gardevoir had fully released the skill of Mental Power, King Yan had already arrived in front of her, and then Yan's return skill directly hit Gardevoir.

This not only interrupted Gardevoir's mental strength, but also knocked Gardevoir away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Gardevoir, don't give up, use the Drops of Life!"

After seeing that Gardevoir was only severely injured and had not lost his ability to fight, Tadokoro Nagi hurriedly ordered.

"Great King Yan, the brave bird attacks fiercely!"

Qianye Feng would not give her this opportunity and directly asked Wang Yan to use the flying ultimate move. In this way, even if Gardevoir returned to its full strength, it would not be able to withstand this blow.

After hearing Qianye Kaede's order, Tadori Nagi's expression changed, but now it was too late for Gardevoir to change her skills. She could only hope that the recovered Gardevoir could withstand the blow.

Unfortunately, the final result did not go in the direction she hoped for. Gardevoir used life drops on herself to restore her vitality, but after being fiercely attacked by King Yan's brave bird, she still lost her combat ability.

Qianye Feng didn't get any benefits either. King Yan suffered the side effects of Brave Bird's fierce attack and was seriously injured. In addition, he had consumed a lot of energy by using lightning flash many times before, and his condition was also very bad.

"Gardevoir, you have lost the ability to fight, King Yan, win!"

Afterwards, the referee checked the situation of Gardevoir and directly announced the result of the game.

"I lost, congratulations!"

Although Tadokoro Nagi lost the game, she felt that she had tried her best and was not too sad.

"Thank you, I'm just lucky. Your Gardevoir is really strong!"

Qianye Feng responded politely.

Afterwards, the two exchanged contact information, mainly because Tadokoro Nagi wanted to ask Chiba Kaede to have another elf battle in the future.

At this time, the games in other battle arenas were not over yet. Qianye Feng found an excuse and came to the lounge provided by the organizer. At this time, there was no one else in the lounge.

That's right, Qianye Feng plans to use this period of time to use his abilities to restore King Yan's condition. Otherwise, King Yan will probably be eliminated in the next game based on his current situation.

Now Qianye Feng has entered the top four. If he is eliminated now, he will get nothing.

After the treatment, Qianye Feng took out the energy cube for King Yan to eat. It consumed too much energy in the previous game.

After doing this, Qianye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the games in other venues also ended one after another.

"Xiao Feng, you are so powerful, you are the first among us to win the battle!"

At this time, Yasha and the other two winning contestants also walked in. Said to Qianye Feng.

"You guys, hurry up and get back to your elves' state now. The organizer probably only gave us half an hour of rest."

Qianye Feng suggested to the three of them.

In order to make the afternoon game more exciting, the organizer gave half an hour for the trainers to restore the elf's state.

"That's right, I won't talk to you anymore, let's work together for the next game!"

Yasha also knew that now was not the time for small talk. Her lava snail was in very bad shape after a fierce battle in the last game.

Although the other three do not have Qianye Feng's healing ability, but they can reach the semi-finals, they naturally have their own recovery methods.

The competition only stipulates that elves cannot be replaced, but it does not restrict trainers from using auxiliary elves to restore the injuries of their own elves, or from using their own moves to recover.

"Geely Egg, use healing wave!"

"Big milk jug, use it to drink milk!"

"Lava snail, use self-regeneration!"

The trainer who uses the auspicious eggs is a quiet-looking girl wearing black-rimmed glasses. Her participating elf is a Tanabata bluebird.

The trainer who used the Big Milk Can was a middle-aged uncle. Since his participating elf was the Big Milk Can, he directly used the skill to restore his own state.

The same goes for Asha. Her lava snail can use self-regeneration. As long as the injury is not particularly serious or its own energy is exhausted, it can almost recover.

After seeing their recovery methods, Qianye Feng was also a little envious. His background was still too shallow. If there was no life energy to assist in healing Wang Yan, the result of his next game could be foreseen.

The break was only 30 minutes and passed quickly.

During this period, Qianye Feng also got to know the other two people.

The girl who uses the Tanabata Blue Bird is named Mochizuki Yuki. She is about 15 or 6 years old. She comes from Huayuan Town in the Sinnoh region. This time she came to Hoenn just for vacation.

The middle-aged uncle's name is Mu Shanyan, who is from Chenghua City. According to him, he is running a large milk can farm, specializing in raising large milk cans, and the large milk cans he uses in the competition are raised on his family's farm.

Qianye Feng originally planned to go to Manjin City in the Chengdu area to buy large milk cans of elf eggs from the gym trainer Xiao Qian, but now he plans to go to Mu Shanyan's farm to inspect.

If the inspection results satisfy him, he will purchase large milk cans of elf eggs from Mu Shanyan, and Mu Shanyan also agrees to trade some large milk cans of elf eggs to Qianye Feng.

Afterwards, the two parties exchanged contact information, and Qianye Feng planned to wait until he had sufficient funds before going there.

During the chat between the four of them, they finally arrived at the square. At this time, their opponents had been assigned to them on the big screen.

This time, two battles were held at the same time. Chiba Kaede's opponent was Mochizuki Yuki who used Tanabata Blue Bird, and naturally, Asha's opponent was her uncle Maki Zenhiko.

"Go, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

"Come out, Great Wang Yan!"

As Chiba Kaede and Mochizuki Yuki each release elves, it represents the beginning of this battle. This is a duel between flying elves.

"Qixi Blue Bird, moving at high speed!"

"Great Wang Yan, gather your energy!"

Mochizuki Yuki knew that Qianye Maple's King Yan was incredibly fast, so she first strengthened her speed.

Qianye Feng also knew that the Tanabata Blue Bird had a high defense, so he first used Qi gathering skills to concentrate on making it easier for his attacks to hit the vital points.

"Qixi Blue Bird, Dragon Wave!"

With the high-speed movement completed, the Tanabata Blue Bird is no longer much slower than the King Yan, so Mochizuki Yuki took the lead in launching the attack.

"Great Wang Yan, attack with sharp air blade!"

Qianye Feng was not to be outdone.

Then, the two energies collided in the sky, causing an explosion. The airflow generated by the explosion caused both elves to retreat some distance.

"The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird, the charming voice!"

Mochizuki Yuqi immediately ordered.

"Great King Yan, attack with wings!"

The charming sound of the Tanabata Blue Bird hit the King Swallow first, causing the King Swallow to let out a cry, but it did not flinch, but continued to use its wings to attack despite the damage, directly hitting the Tanabata Blue Bird.

"Qixi Bluebird, use cotton defense!"

Mochizuki Yuki planned to compete with Qianye Feng for consumption, so she chose cotton defense to greatly increase the defense of Tanabata Blue Bird.

The current situation is somewhat unfavorable for Qianye Feng, and the outcome is difficult to predict.

"Great King Yan, Yan Hui!"

Qianye Feng issued the order. Now there is no other way to take advantage of it. He can only fight head-on. He believes that Wang Yan's perseverance will not lose to other elves.

The ensuing battle turned into a war of attrition. The two elves started a back-and-forth battle in the sky, and the scars on their bodies gradually increased.

However, as the competition progressed to the end, King Yan's momentum became stronger and stronger. It was an elf that was fought out in the jungle, and was different from the Chinese Valentine's Day blue bird that had been raised by humans since childhood.

It’s just that the comfortable living environment during this period has restrained the wildness of the king swallow. In the war of attrition with the Tanabata bluebird, it seemed to have returned to the time when it was still a proud swallow, returning to the scene of fighting for food with its life with the sparrow. .

Now, Da Wang Yan no longer defended at all, but launched an all-out attack.

Even though the Qixi Blue Bird's injuries are now lighter than that of the Great King Yan, there is still a bit of fear in its eyes under such a fearless attack by the Great King Yan.

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