I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 242 Returning to the old place

"Good boy, old man, I was sitting in a well watching the sky, I hope you don't mind!"

Kazuya Takatani's attitude towards Qianye Maple at this time made a 180-degree turn. Apparently, the successful planting of Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root brought him a great bonus.

"Grandpa Kazuya, I only succeeded in planting the Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root by accident. My own planting level is not high!"

Qianye Feng said modestly.

"By the way, Grandpa Kazuya, can I buy some more seeds from you now? After all, the quantity planted before is indeed a bit small?"

"Of course, no problem. I do still have some seeds here. Don't say anything about buying them. I only keep enough seeds for my own use, and I will leave the rest to you to plant!"

The reason why Takatani Kazuya only gave Chiba Maple a small amount of seeds last time was because he was afraid that he would destroy the seeds. It was not difficult for him to obtain seeds. Every time he successfully planted a batch of Resurrection Grass and Vitality Roots, Many seeds can be harvested.

"Thank you very much, Grandpa Kazuya!"

Qianye Feng expressed his gratitude in a timely manner.

"There is one more thing I need to discuss with you. I wonder if your Chinese medicine store will buy the Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root I planted?"

Qianye Feng said a little embarrassed.

When asked this question, Qianye Feng did blush a little. After all, the resurrection grass and vitality root seeds he planted were provided by the other party.

It was indeed a bit abrupt to have to sell it to the other party after planting it. However, in order to save the trouble of finding a buyer later, Qianye Feng finally asked shamelessly.

"Haha, that's great. We already lack raw materials for preparing traditional Chinese medicines. It would be best if you could sell the grown resurrection grass and vitality roots to our traditional Chinese medicine store."

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Takatani Kazuya also laughed happily.

The medicinal fields on Chimney Mountain are not large, and due to the relatively long growth cycle of Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root, the raw materials for making traditional Chinese medicines have been in short supply. For this reason, traditional Chinese medicine shops have been unable to expand their operations.

Although the traditional Chinese medicine they produced tastes very bitter, the effect is very good, so they don't have to worry about sales. Even because resurrection grass and vitality root are relatively rare, they have always been in short supply.

After all, not every trainer has the conditions to cultivate a healing elf, and it goes without saying how important it is for a trainer to have such a potion that can bring an elf back to life when exploring in the wild.

Soon, Qianye Feng and Takatani Kazuya agreed that in the future, the resurrection grass and vitality roots produced in Qianye Farm would be purchased by their Chinese medicine store. The purchase price of one resurrection grass is 5,000 alliance coins, and one vitality root. The purchase price is 3,000 alliance coins.

Qianye Maple is already very satisfied with this price. As long as the scale of planting Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root increases later, it will bring a large amount of income to Qianye Farm every year.

After reaching an agreement with the two old men, Qianye Feng and Yasha chatted with them for a while before saying goodbye and leaving the Chinese medicine store.

"Xiao Feng, I didn't expect that you are also good at planting."

As the two of them walked back to the Kamayan Gym, Asha said with some emotion as if she had gotten to know Qianye Feng again.

"No, I also planted a lot of fruits and flowers. In fact, I don't know much about planting. I often rely on the power of the elves on the farm to help me."

Qianye Feng explained with a smile.

After returning to the Cauldron Gym, the two of them took a short rest before riding on the flying elves and flying towards Chimney Mountain.

Coming to the lava cave again, although Qianye Feng still felt a little hot, his performance was much better than last time.

Qianye Feng knew that this was due to the physical strengthening techniques he had practiced during this period. His physical fitness was now much stronger than the last time he came here, and his ability to withstand harsh environments had naturally improved a lot.

After placing the little flame monkey's elf egg on the stone platform, countless fire-attributed energies visible to the naked eye converge on the stone platform from all directions, and then merge into the little flame monkey's elf egg.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, why are you not afraid of the temperature in the cave this time?"

It was only then that Yasha discovered something was wrong. Facing the high temperature environment in the cave, Qianye Feng did not sweat like last time, nor did she become intolerable.

"During my last trip, I learned a set of body-building techniques. Through practicing this set of body-building techniques, my physical fitness has improved a lot. I think it is for this reason."

Qianye Feng explained.

"It seems that you have obtained the true inheritance of a fighter. These inheritances are not easy to obtain, and the requirements for personal qualifications are also very high. It is really not easy to learn while traveling!"

After Asha listened to Qianye Feng's explanation, she knew that the other party had obtained a real inheritance and that his qualifications were not bad.

In fact, Yasha has been practicing a set of moves taught by her grandfather since she was a child, which is one of the reasons why she can ignore the high temperature. However, this set of moves is a family secret, and she cannot pass it on to others without her grandfather's consent.

"This set of movements worked well at first, but now the effect on my body is not very obvious."

Qianye Feng said with some pity.

Without waiting for Asha to answer, Qianye Feng took an elf from his waist and released the strong chicken.

As soon as the strong chicken came out, it felt a sense of intimacy here, and coupled with the rich fire energy in the cave, it couldn't help but stretch its body comfortably.

And every time the strong chicken exhales, a large amount of fire energy will be absorbed into its body, making the colors of its three head feathers more and more bright.

Qianye Feng knew that if the strong chicken lived here for a long time, its strength would improve very quickly. Unfortunately, there was no such a unique environment near his Qianye Farm.

After seeing Qianye Feng release the strong chicken, Yasha thought about it and released the lava snail. Today's battle was a bit frustrating for the lava snail. After all, it was defeated by a blue-skinned duck. This caused the trainer to be ridiculed by the opponent.

Therefore, after the lava snail came out, it glanced at the trainer, and then moved in the direction of the lava lake until it jumped directly into the lava lake with a "plop" and disappeared completely.

However, neither Yasha nor Qianye Feng cared about it. The lava lake was like home to the lava snails. Their family originally lived in this environment.

The free-roaming chicken, Strong Chicken, who was strolling aside, was filled with envy after seeing this scene. Although it was also a fire-attributed elf, it could not survive in the lava lake for a long time.

Yes, the Strong Chicken can actually enter the lava lake briefly, but it must ensure that it is not engulfed by the lava, because it cannot breathe inside the magma.

Just like a landlubber entering the water, it can flutter a few times at first, but if it sinks into the water, it will die of drowning.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The strong chicken's body structure is not suitable for surviving in a lava environment. As far as Qianye Feng knows, most fire-attribute elves cannot do this.

After a while, the lava snail emerged from the lava, followed by many lava worms. Obviously, there were many lava worms living in this lava lake.

Qianye Feng knew that the lava bugs living here should have something to do with the Kamuyan Gym. Just like the proud swallows living in Qianye Farm, although they were not his elves on the surface, they would still be controlled and dispatched by him. . (End of chapter)

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