I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 250 The glass greenhouse is completed

During this period, Chiba Farm can be said to have been changing day by day. As the glass greenhouse gradually took shape, this huge building covering a large area became a landmark building in this area.

Many customers who come to buy elf eggs make a special trip here, and it even attracts many farmers from nearby to visit.

Several of the farmers were very interested in this kind of glass greenhouse. However, when they heard the cost of the glass greenhouse, they gave up the idea of ​​building it. After all, the climate in the Fengyuan area is very pleasant, and it is not really needed. Rely on the greenhouse to maintain the temperature.

If Qianye Feng hadn't wanted to prevent the life energy generated in the grass field from escaping, he would not have built such a costly glass greenhouse. Thinking of the huge amount of money spent, his own heart was bleeding.

Since many people came to Chiba Farm during this period, the flower fields created by Shiemi were also discovered by them. Now many travelers come here every day to enjoy the beautiful flower fields.

In this regard, Qianye Maple has naturally made some adjustments, only allowing these tourists to enjoy the beautiful flower fields from the outside. If anyone wants to go deep into the flower fields, or even go to the Gracidia flower field where Xie Mi lives, they will be stopped by the farm. The Arrogant Swallow group in the area was driven away.

At the beginning, some tourists pretended to be elf trainers and took out elves to drive away the proud swallows and force their way in. However, when they discovered that doing so would attract several large king swallows and countless proud swallows to attack, they no longer wanted to do so. No one dares to do this anymore.

The trainer who sent out the Boom Monster ended up being rather miserable. Not only was the Boom Monster seriously injured, but he himself was pecked all over by the proud swallows. Fortunately, the proud swallows knew not to kill him, otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of the thousands. Leaf Farm.

Qianye Feng was actually not clear about this incident at the beginning. It was after the trainer was unconvinced after returning to Chunhua Town and went to Miss Junsha to report that Qianye Farm connived at elves to attack tourists that he learned from Miss Junsha Know the specific situation.

Of course, in the end, this matter was settled. After all, Chiba Farm was his private territory. This trainer entered without the permission of the farmer, which was considered an illegal intrusion. He himself was not responsible. Naturally, He must bear the consequences himself.

However, in order not to cause more trouble, Qianye Maple specially made a wooden sign and placed it in front of the flower field, telling tourists who came to enjoy the beauty of the flower field not to go deep into the flower field, otherwise they would be attacked by the elves in the farm, and all consequences would be theirs. take responsibility.

Although Qianye Feng also knows that the more forbidden some people are by others, the more enthusiastic he will be, but he has already informed the danger in advance. If there is a really stubborn person, then he will bear the consequences himself.

It just so happens that the proud swallows in Chiba Farm are very relaxed recently, and they are also eager for blind people to cause trouble so that they can exercise before meals.

Qianye Farm suddenly became so lively, which made the four people, including Qianye Feng, a little uncomfortable. After all, they were used to the peaceful days before.

Fortunately, after this fresh energy passed, the flow of people coming to Chiba Farm obviously decreased a lot, which also made Chiba Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

On this day, the glass greenhouse that took more than half a month was finally completed. After Uncle Henry and his engineering team worked day and night, everyone and the elves looked tired, but they looked at their own hands. When the glass greenhouse was built, there was a sense of satisfaction.

The shape of the glass greenhouse is a rectangular parallelepiped, with a length of 100 meters, a width of 60 meters, and a height of 4 meters. The outer walls and roof are laid with transparent glass, so the inside of the greenhouse can be clearly seen from the outside.

Since all are made of transparent glass, the light transmittance is very good, and the sunlight the plants bear is not much different from the outside world.

With the protection of glass greenhouses, the plants planted in them can avoid the impact of most natural disasters. The intelligent management system can accurately control the irrigation of plants at regular intervals to ensure that the plants can grow faster.

After checking it carefully, Qianye Feng was very satisfied with the glass greenhouse. After letting Uncle Henry demonstrate the intelligent control system in the greenhouse, he simply paid the final payment for the project.

Uncle Henry and his team are also very satisfied with Qianye Feng's straightforwardness. Those who do projects are most afraid of encountering the kind of picky owners who like to play tricks and deliberately find troubles to deduct part of the final payment of the project.

"Xiao Feng, if there are any problems with this glass greenhouse in the future, you can contact me and I will definitely help you solve it!"

Uncle Henry said cheerfully.

"Sorry to trouble you, Uncle Henry. If there is anything you don't understand about the operation, I will ask you as soon as possible!"

Qianye Feng responded with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Henry and his party, Qianye Feng returned to the glass greenhouse. Looking at the glass greenhouse full of science fiction colors in front of him, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart at this moment.

Qianye Feng couldn't help but feel that the technology in this world was indeed advanced in some aspects. The magical power of elves had brought countless inspirations to scientific research in this world.

Although scientific researchers may have only analyzed a small part of it, even this trivial part has brought great convenience to people's lives, so that people in this world do not need to worry about food, and can eat in their youth. It’s time to start pursuing your dreams.

Now that the construction of the glass greenhouse has been completed, Qianye Feng needs to plan the land in the greenhouse. He initially plans to divide the land into two pieces, one for planting resurrection grass and one for planting vitality roots.

While waiting for the completion of the glass greenhouse, Qianye Maple has strengthened the resurrection grass and vitality root seeds obtained. Each of these strengthened seeds is full of grains, crystal clear, and exudes vitality from the inside out. vitality.

Just yesterday, Chiba Maple had soaked these seeds in nutrient solution. It only takes a few days for them to germinate and grow into seedlings. At that time, they can be planted.

"King Chuanshan, I'm going to trouble you again!"

Qianye Feng immediately called Chuanshan Wang, a good farmer, over. With his help, the land in the glass greenhouse could be cultivated quickly.

The Sand King is also very happy to be able to help the trainer reclaim land. This means that it is needed by the trainer and is also a reflection of its self-worth.

Qianye Feng has already marked the area of ​​land that needs to be cultivated in advance. Chuanshan King only needs to plow the enclosed land and loosen the soil.

It can be said that Chuanshan King is very proficient in this job. Qianye Feng does not need to explain too much. I only saw it using the digging skill, a pair of sharp claws to dig continuously, and the surface of the land was constantly turned over by it. During this period, it encountered relatively large When the stone is removed, King Chuanshan will also dig out the stones and pile them into a pile.

Qianye Feng hired strong chickens to help carry these stones. With the efforts of the elves, it only took one afternoon. Two soft plots, one large and one small, had appeared in the glass greenhouse.

Since there are relatively few resurrection grass seeds, they will be planted on a slightly smaller plot of land, and another piece of land will be used to plant vitality roots. (End of chapter)

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