Menas and the giant tooth shark leader did not chat for too long, and they quickly returned to both camps.

Then, Menas called out to Laplace, and Laplace swam out from behind consciously, while a ferocious-looking megalodon swam out from the opposite side.

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng knew that the two sides were going to fight each other before starting the battle, and Laplace was acting as the vanguard general to fight the opponent's megalodon.

After seeing that both sides were accustomed to this kind of battle and began to cheer for their own players, Qianye Kaede knew that this kind of battle should have been going on for a while, which could also explain why Laplace's temperament changed drastically.

If you just fight Menas and Gyarados, since the relationship between the two parties is very good, there will be no sense of psychological crisis at all, and it will be more like a slapstick. Although this can also improve Lapras's strength, it will not appear to be the same on the outside. The temperament will not change much.

Only after Laplace had experienced many battles with the Megalodon, could he change his mentality and become a strong warrior.

As Qianye Feng's imagination runs wild, the battle between Lapras and Megalodon has begun on the distant sea.

Being able to be sent out to fight by the leader of the Megalodon proves that the Megalodon in front of him is not just an ordinary person among the group. It was seen that its whole body was covered with water and it hit Laplace at an extremely fast speed. It used the correct method. It's a water jet skill.

However, water attribute skills have no effect on Lapras, who has water storage properties. The purpose of the megalodon is just to get close to Lapras quickly.

Sure enough, just after the megalodon approached Lapras, it directly broke the water flow, and then used the crushing skill to bite Lapras' neck. If he was bitten by it this time, Lapras would definitely suffer. Not a minor injury.

It's just that the Megalodon underestimated Laplace's strength. After this period of fighting, it has gained a lot of combat experience. Before it was bitten, it condensed a boulder and then directly He smashed the giant tooth shark away and easily resolved the attack.

Immediately afterwards, a freezing beam of light erupted from Laplace's mouth, directly hitting the Megalodon that had not yet fallen into the water. In an instant, the terrifying ice attribute energy wrapped the Megalodon's body and directly froze it. Sealed in thick ice, it looks like a small iceberg.

Perhaps the frozen Megalodon still has the strength to fight, but facing the thick ice, it cannot break it with its own strength, so it has actually lost this battle.

The leader of the megalodon obviously knew about this situation, as it spurted out a stream of hot water from its mouth. The moment this stream of water came into contact with the iceberg, the ice on it began to melt rapidly, and it was not long before he was trapped. The megalodon broke free from the ice.

Seeing this scene, Qianye Feng knew that the giant tooth shark leader used the hot water skill. Although this skill is a water attribute skill, it also involves the use of some fire attribute energy. Therefore, few elves among the water attribute elves can Once you understand this skill, you can see how extraordinary the Megalodon leader is.

After the frozen megalodon escaped from the trap, it did not continue to attack Lapras. It just stared at it viciously and then returned to the group. Obviously it also knew that it had lost.

The victory in the first battle made the elves on Menas cheer for joy. The Carp Kings even happily used their water splashing skills and kept jumping on the water surface.

Not long after, another Megalodon swam out from the Megalodon's side. One of the eyes of this Megalodon was already blind. However, its only remaining eye was very vicious and sharp, which made the and The elf who stared at it couldn't help but feel a chill in its heart.

This one-eyed megalodon has a lot of combat experience. At the beginning, it first used the high-speed movement skill to increase its speed. After approaching Lapras, although it was also knocked away by the boulder skill, it quickly adjusted itself. His figure, before being hit by the freezing light, relied on his sudden increase in speed to dodge the attack.

Then it dived directly into the water, jumped out from the blind spot of Laplace's vision, opened its bloody mouth and bit Laplace's neck fiercely, causing Laplace to scream because of the pain in his neck. A whine.

However, so many battles with Lapras were not in vain. He flicked his neck violently, throwing the Megalodon away, and then condensed a beam of destruction and death from his mouth and struck hard at the One-eyed Megalodon. On the body, this blow directly made it lose its ability to fight.

Although the one-eyed megalodon still lost to Laplace in terms of strength, it actually left a deep bite mark on Laplace's neck, causing Laplace's condition to decline significantly. few.

Fortunately, Lapras can use his recovery skills to directly condense the droplets of life into the wound on his neck. Soon, this somewhat ferocious-looking wound has completely recovered.

The leader of the Megalodon did not pay too much attention to his own defeat. Instead, he continued to send his Megalodon and Lapras to fight.

After Laplace defeated the fourth Megalodon, its physical strength was exhausted and its body was covered with scars. In the previous battle, it had no time to recover at all, even if it had used water flow before. Ring skills, but it can only keep the injuries on the body from getting worse.

After Lapras reluctantly used the life drop skill to recover his injuries, he no longer had the strength to continue fighting. It did not show off, but returned to Menas with a proud look of victory. behind.

On the beach in the distance, Qianye Feng watched the entire battle process of Laplace. He also had to admit that Laplace's strength had indeed grown by leaps and bounds. Even if it had been able to defeat the first giant before, The tooth shark will also consume most of its own physical strength, and it will also suffer considerable damage.

Qianye Feng stared in the direction of the Megalodon leader and fell into deep thought. Obviously the Megalodon leader also wanted to train his troops. Otherwise, with the individual strength of the Megalodon family, no matter how strong the three of Menas were, they would not be able to do anything in a short time. There will definitely be no way to escape the siege of the Megalodons within a short period of time. At this time, the other water elves may only need a charge from the Megalodons to escape.

Now Qianye Feng's only doubt is what Menus and the others should do when the Megalodon leader no longer plans to train troops. At that time, their strength alone will not be able to completely protect these weak water elves, thus leaving They were spared the jaws of the megalodons.

Of course, these water elves were not familiar with Qianye Feng, and their fate could only depend on their own luck. He just didn't want Menas and the others to be harmed because of this incident.

Both parties are still abiding by certain rules, so Qianye Feng cannot intervene casually at this time, otherwise it may make things more complicated. Everything still needs to wait until Menus and Gyarados take action before they can judge.

If Menas and Gyarados can defeat the Megalodon leader in the end, then the Megalodon family may retreat directly. After all, the sea is vast enough, and there is no need for the Megalodon family to keep fighting with Menas and the others. (End of chapter)

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