I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 277 Moon Eevee

"Strong Chicken, you did a good job!"

Qianye Feng walked up to Li Zhuangji and praised him.

After hearing the trainer's praise, the strong chicken also looked proud, but its slightly heavy breathing and facial twitching expression still revealed that its current condition is not that good.

After all, they are the Rumble Rocks of the same ethnic group. Although they are all untrained wild elves, facing so many Rumble Rocks at once puts great pressure on Li Zhuangji.

When he was still fighting, Li Zhuangji didn't feel anything. After defeating the Longlong Stone tribe, Li Zhuangji felt pain in his body and weakness from the massive consumption of energy in his body.

"It's really good. Your strong chicken must have gone through hard training before!"

Zhenyi watched the entire battle process of Li Zhuangji and knew that without a lot of training, it would be impossible to develop such a keen fighting intuition as Li Zhuangji.

"Strong Chicken trains really hard, let's go there first!"

Afterwards, Qianye Feng and Zhen Yi passed through the road blocked by the rumble stones and came to a cave entrance extending downward. Obviously, this cave entrance was the entrance to the inner layer of Meteor Falls.

"Mai, please wait for me for a moment!"

After saying that, Qianye Feng returned directly to the location of the Rumble Stones. At this time, some of the Rumble Stones had awakened, but they were still unable to move.

After these rumble stones saw Qianye Feng coming, they all thought that he would not let them go, and they all had a look of fear on their faces.

"Shuttlecock cotton, use the grass court!"

Qianye Feng didn't waste any time and directly summoned Shuttlecock Cotton, and then let it treat the Rumble Stones.

After Shuttlecock Mian finished releasing his green grass field skills, Qianye Feng didn't waste any time and walked quickly back to the entrance, and then called for Mayi to enter the entrance.

Ma Yi is also very pleased with Qianye Feng's actions, because in many cases, she will provide necessary treatment after fighting wild elves in the wild. This is exactly respect for life.

As we went down the somewhat narrow and crude stairs, the light became dimmer and dimmer until it was completely dark.

At this time, Qianye Feng released the little diamond again. With the flash of the little diamond, they could see the way forward clearly again.

The stairs were not long, and soon they arrived at the inner level. Although the light outside was still dim, there was no longer the feeling of being unable to see anything.

"Xiao Feng, we have to be careful when we come here. We may be attacked by wild elves at any time. It's better to let my Eluredo take the lead!"

At this time, Zhenyi became very serious, and she knew that this journey had only officially begun now.

Qianye Feng did not try to be brave. After he nodded to Zhenyi, he took out an elf from his waist. After a flash of red light, Haoli's muscular figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"Haoli, follow us and protect the safety of our rear!"

Qianye Feng ordered to Haoli.

After Haoli nodded to show that he understood, he followed Qianye Feng a few meters behind him. From this position, he could stop him in time when there was a crisis in the rear.

After Zhenyi looked at Haoli for a while, she was also a little surprised. She could tell from the aura of Haoli that the Haoli in front of her was no weaker than her own Eluredo, or even stronger.

From this moment on, Ma Yi really began to face up to Qianye Feng's strength, knowing that the other party might be a trainer who was not weaker than her.

After walking for a while, Qianye Feng found that the inner roads were very winding and complicated, making it easy for people to lose their way. Fortunately, they had a map in their hands so that they would not get lost in these roads.

Suddenly, a dark energy ball struck in their direction, but a figure flashed past, and Elureduo accurately used the leaf blade skill to split the shadow ball.

This sudden attack also startled Qianye Feng and Zhenyi, but they soon calmed down and began to look for the culprit who attacked them.

After a long time, they discovered a gaze in the shadow not far away, which was staring at them, but it did not continue to attack, but confronted Eluredo.

"Strange, why is there Moon Eevee here?"

Mayi murmured.

Normally, Eevee's living environment would not be in an underground cave, so naturally, Eevee's evolved form would not live here either.

In particular, Moon Eevee likes to bathe in the moonlight, and the inner layer of Meteor Falls is not exposed to moonlight at all, so this is not an ideal living environment for it.

"Xiao Feng, I want to conquer this Moon Eevee, is that okay?"

After Mayi stared at Moon Eevee for a while, she asked Chiba Kaede.

For trainers who form a team outside, if they meet an elf they like, they need to confirm with their partners whether they are also willing to conquer it.

Otherwise, after one or two times, this team will definitely break up. After all, no one wants to stay with someone who only thinks about themselves.

"Of course, Makoto, I'm not very interested in this Moon Eevee!"

Qianye Feng replied cheerfully.

Qianye Feng feels that he has raised enough elves now. Unless he meets the kind of elves that particularly suit his wishes, he will not easily conquer the elves again.

After getting Qianye Feng's reply, Zhen Yi no longer hesitated and directly commanded Elle Duo to fight with this Moon Eevee.

Although Moon Eevee's strength is not bad, there is still a big gap compared to Elle Duo, and he was quickly suppressed and out of breath.

During this period, although Moon Eevee also tried to escape, he was still unable to succeed in front of the keen-perception Elledo. Elledo only needed a teleportation to appear next to Moon Eevee.

Seeing that it was indeed impossible to escape, Moon Eevee began its final death struggle. It relied on its excellent double defense to trade injuries with Eluredo.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength cannot be made up at all. Although Moon Eevee left a few scratches on Eluredo's body, he was still hit in the abdomen by Eluredo's splitting skill. This hit Moon Eevee directly Boo lost the ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Zhenyi knew that the time had come, so he took out a high-level ball and threw it towards Moon Eevee.

Moon Eevee, who was seriously injured, was unable to resist at all. The high-level ball only bounced twice and then stopped beating. This also meant that Makoto had completed the conquest.

After subduing Moon Eevee, Zhenyi was obviously in a good mood, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

She has always wanted to conquer Eevee and Eevee's evolved form. She has no resistance to such cute creatures. This is why she couldn't wait to conquer Moon Eevee after discovering it.

After calming down his excitement a little, Mayi first released Moon Eevee from the high-level ball, then took out a Poké Ball and released Gotha Duck from it.

Subsequently, under the command of Zhenyi, the Gotha Duck released the life drop skill and began to treat Aluredo and Moon Eevee. Obviously, this Gotha Duck also served as the team doctor.

After being treated by the Life Drops, Moon Eevee's injuries immediately recovered a lot. However, as soon as it regained consciousness, it chose to stay away from Makoto and hid in the shadows where it could make it feel safe.

After spending a certain amount of energy cubes, Zhenyi still allowed Moon Eevee to initially recognize her as a trainer, but there was still some rejection and she needed to get used to it later.

This is also the disadvantage of directly taming adult wild elves. These elves have experienced many things in the wild and their personalities have been completely shaped. If a trainer wants to establish a certain bond with them, it will take far more time and energy than the elves hatched by themselves. . (End of chapter)

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