I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 28 The Proud Swallow Clan

"Yuri, has the tree fruit mixer I ordered arrived?"

Qianye Feng remembered the tree fruit mixer he ordered before and asked.

"It was delivered yesterday. It's in the big box under the stairs."

Terada Yuri pointed to the bottom of the stairs leading to the second floor and said.

Chiba Kaede looked in the direction of Terada Yuri's finger, and sure enough she found a big box.

"Okay, let's see tomorrow. I'm exhausted today, so I'm going to rest first!"

When Qianye Feng saw that the fruit mixer had arrived, he was not in a hurry to check it. He had been tired all day and wanted to rest early.

"Then boss, you go and have a rest first. I'll read some books here!"

Terada Yuri said with a smile.

The next day, early morning

Qianye Feng felt that he had become accustomed to his bed. Last night was the most comfortable sleep he had in the past few days. When he was at the Kaina City Elf Center, he felt that his sleep was very light and he was easily awakened.

After stretching, Qianye Feng washed up and went downstairs. Seeing Heracross and the others already having breakfast, he said hello to them.

"Guisi, come out and say hello to everyone!"

Qianye Feng looked at the elf in front of him and felt that something was missing. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, turned around and said to his shadow.

After Qianye Feng finished speaking, his shadow swayed, and then Ghost slowly floated out.

"Did you capture this child when you went to Kaina City this time?"

Terada Yuri was also a little surprised after seeing Ghost. After all, ghost elves are not common, let alone conquered.

"Yes, when I went to worship my parents, it was nearby. I saw that it had no companions around it, so I invited it to be my elf."

Qianye Feng briefly introduced the situation of conquering Ghost.

I don’t know why, Guisi is a little timid, and he never showed up in front of Yasha and the others when he was in Kaina City before, but he got quite familiar with King Yan and Mosquito-repellent Tadpole.

After introducing Guisi to everyone, Qianye Feng stopped paying attention. He believed that Guisi would be able to integrate into Qianye Farm after getting along with him for a few days.

After the meal, Qianye Feng asked Heracross to help move the fruit mixer to the center of the hall. He could not move it himself.

"Yuri, here is the instruction manual for this instrument. Please read it for now. When our fruit matures, you can operate it."

Qianye Feng looked at the big boxy guy in front of him. After playing with it for a while, he gave up. Making energy cubes in reality is not as simple as in the game. It is a profound knowledge.

Chiba Kaede planned to wait until Yuri Terada successfully made the energy cube before learning from her, thus saving herself the time to learn from scratch.

"Okay boss, I will work hard and won't let your investment go to waste."

Terada Yuri assured Chiba Kaede.

She knew the price of the instrument in front of her. If Qianye Feng hadn't invested a lot of money to buy it, she didn't know how long it would take to save up to use the fruit mixer.

"Well, don't put too much pressure on me. With this instrument, I believe there will be a day when you can successfully create an energy cube."

Chiba Kaede didn't want to put pressure on Terada Yuri, so she comforted her.

After breakfast, Qianye Feng led a group of elves to the orchard first.

Things are very different here now. There are already more than 20 fruit trees bearing fruit. They will be harvested in a while, and that time is the most critical time.

When the fruit matures, it will emit a fragrance that attracts elves that feed on the fruit. This is why Qianye Maple needs to be protected.

It would be okay if the number of elves attracted is small, but if the number is large, King Yan and Heracross may not be able to take care of it.

"Big Wang Yan, can you go to the place where you were born and recruit some proud swallows to come and settle here?"

After Qianye Feng thought for a long time, he suddenly had an idea and said to Wang Yan.

Yes, this is Qianye Feng's plan. The defense force of Qianye Farm is still too weak now. If a group of proud swallows can be attracted to settle down, Qianye Feng can train them as guards of the farm.

The Qianba Farm has a large area, and it can be satisfied even if it raises some more elves, but it will need to wait until the subsequent fruit trees bear fruit.

The Great King Swallow was even more overjoyed at Qianye Feng's request. Now that it has evolved into a Great King Swallow, it would be great if it could have a group of younger brothers.

As the saying goes, wealth never returns to its hometown, just like walking at night in brocade clothes, King Yan naturally wanted to show his face among his original ethnic group. After chirping a few words to Qianye Maple, he couldn't wait to fly towards the Orange Flower Forest.

"Hey, Da Wang Yan, don't leave yet, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Qianye Feng was angry and amused that the Big King Swallow was so eager. He also wanted to tell the Big King Swallow about the quantity limit for introducing the Proud Swallow!

According to his estimation, after these fruits mature, excluding those used for making energy cubes, the remaining fruits should be able to support more than 20 proud swallows. Even if there are some gaps in food, he can make up for it.

Now, the big king swallow flew away without even listening to what he said. I just hope that the number of proud swallows it brings back will not exceed too much!

Just when Qianye Feng was worrying about how many proud swallows the King Swallow would bring back, he suddenly felt something tugging at his trouser leg.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, stop pulling me, you're going to pull my pants off!"

Qianye Feng looked down and saw that it was a tadpole, looking at him with its big eyes shining brightly.

Seeing this scene, Qianye Feng was also a little confused.

"Do you also want to have a tribe and be the leader yourself?"

After thinking for a while, Qianye Feng said uncertainly.

After seeing Qianye Feng understand what he meant, the little tadpole nodded wildly, and then its tail fin like a cattail fan shook wildly, making Qianye Feng a little dizzy.

"You are not good enough now. You need to wait until you evolve and become strong enough. Only then will you be able to manage a group and protect the group from being bullied. Do you understand?"

Qianye Feng knelt down, picked up the tadpole, and then said to it.

Then, the little tadpole pointed at the different-colored sheep, as if he was a little unconvinced.

"The Bail sheep are different. Our Chiba farm now mainly relies on the wool produced by the Bail sheep, so we raise them. The reason why the Bail sheep can become the leader of the Bail sheep is also because of its riskless protection. It has defeated other Meili sheep, but in fact its current strength is still too weak, and it needs to work hard!"

Qianye Feng seemed to be talking to the mosquito tadpole, but in fact he was also talking to the heterochromatic sheep.

Sure enough, after hearing Qianye Feng's words, Yi Semeili Yang was a little unconvinced at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he reluctantly admitted it.

After all, it did not defeat the invading Arbor monster, it just delayed the attack. Even so, it suffered serious injuries.

Now, there are more urgent requirements for the improvement of strength in the hearts of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and the heterochromatic sheep. I believe that in the future training, they will train spontaneously and do not need any more supervision from him.

Thinking of this, Qianye Feng couldn't help but praise his wit.

In the following time, Qianye Feng led the elves to complete the farm work, and then led them to start training.

The performance of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and the heterochromatic sheep were not beyond his expectations. They were much more miserable than usual. This stimulated the enthusiasm of other elves, especially Shuttlecock Grass. This guy was a bit of a bastard.

They continued training until the evening. Suddenly, a group of bird elves flew over from a distance. However, because the distance was still relatively far, Qianye Feng could not see it very clearly.

After a while, Qianye Feng saw clearly that under the leadership of a large king swallow, a group of proud swallows flew over behind it.

Under the leadership of Da Wangyan, they landed in the open space in front of Qianye Feng.

"Da Wang Yan, you are back, thank you for your hard work!"

Qianye Feng said to Da Wang Yan.

Although Wang Yan flew away without listening to Qianye Feng's words, now that it had happened, he didn't want to dwell on it anymore.

After Qianye Feng counted the number of proud swallows behind the big king swallow, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. There were 34 in number. Although some exceeded his planned number, the difference was not big, and he could still afford to support them.

That's right, while waiting for the fruit to mature, Qianye Maple needs to purchase enough energy cubes to feed these proud swallows.

However, fortunately, the strength of these proud swallows is relatively average, and the number of energy cubes they consume every day is not very large.

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