After making this unexpected discovery, Qianye Feng simply gave up digging on his own, and instead searched specifically for the stone skins that had been knocked down by the Cocodora and abandoned aside.

The Cocodoras did not show any resistance to Qianye Feng's actions, and did not even bother to pay attention to his actions and continued their excavation.

The most important thing to them is rare ores. As long as Qianye Feng doesn't compete with them for rare ores, other things are of little use to them.

Qianye Feng's unusual behavior naturally attracted Zhenyi's attention. Faced with Zhenyi's inquiry, Qianye Feng did not hide anything and directly stated his plan.

Afterwards, the two of them thought about it and thought that they could rummage through the piles of stone skins abandoned by the Cocodoras from time to time, because there might be the super stone they wanted to get most.

After all, compared to the efficiency of the two digging by themselves, it is more cost-effective to rub the stone skin of the Cocodoras, and it does not require much effort. In fact, the efficiency has been improved a lot for the two of them.

Not to mention, they still found a lot of good things in the stone skin that the Cocodora disdainfully looked at. In addition to the lack of rare ores, there were several evolutionary stones, as well as a bunch of star fragments and A fire attribute gem.

Although they did not have the super stone they needed most, it was a free harvest after all, and the two of them were still very happy.

Of course, they are not the only ones who are happy, the Cocodoras who can often dig up rare ores are also very happy. Through the changes in their shells, Qianye Feng can tell that these Cocodoras have also received great benefits.

One of the Cocodora even has a tendency to evolve. If it successfully evolves into a Kodora, it will become the leader of this Cocodora group.

That's right, through Qianye Feng's observation during this period, there is no leader among the Coco Dora group in front of him. They just instinctively live together, because no Coco Dora can completely convince other Coco Dora. Dora.

But when the first Kodora appears, everything will change. Unless the elves are extremely talented, few elves can defeat their evolved form.

But then again, if Kokodora in this group had such a genius, it would have stood out and become the leader of the group.

"Xiao Feng, should we go to the last marked point to see if there is not much time left?"

Although picking up the Kokodora's leaks made them happy and they gained a lot, there were no super stones in these gains, which made Makoto feel a little regretful.

It has been more than 20 days since they entered Meteor Falls. If they don't go to the last marking point as soon as possible, their journey may end here.

But when Chiba Kaede has already harvested a super stone, Zhenyi really wants to get a super stone by herself.

However, a lot of other items were harvested at this location, but there was no sign of super stones at all.

So Zhenyi pinned her hope of getting the super stone on the last marked point, hoping to get the super stone at the last marked point so that she could be worthy of her underground life for this month.

Don't look at the fact that Zhenyi didn't show any emotions when she was with Qianye Feng. In fact, she had secretly considered quitting this exploration many times.

This dark and miner-like life has brought her spirit to the verge of collapse. If it weren't for the super stone hanging in front of her, and the occasional harvest that boosted her spirit, she would have given up.

"Okay, let's head to the last marking point tomorrow morning!"

Not only is Mayi tired of this kind of life, but Qianye Feng is also the same, but his spirit is relatively strong and he is far from breaking down.

He could actually feel the tiredness hidden in the eyes of the girl in front of him, so he agreed to the other party's request to go to the next marking point without thinking for too long.

In the early morning of the next day, Chiba Kaede and Mayi packed up the camp early, but they did not set off directly. Instead, they each took out some rare ores and came to the Cocodora to thank them for their help these days. .

Although in the eyes of the Cocodora, Chiba Kaede and Mayi just picked up some things that they didn't like, these things are indeed valuable to the two of them, so it is appropriate to give some feedback to the Cocodora.

When the Cocodoras saw the pile of rare ores placed in front of them, they were not polite. After they formed a circle, they started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

After doing all this, the two people originally planned to leave directly, but at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared on the Kokodora that Qianye Feng had favored before.

This white light was extremely dazzling in this dark cave, making it difficult for Qianye Feng and Zhen Yi, who had already adapted to the underground environment, to open their eyes. It was not until the light subsided after a while that the two of them could clearly see the scene in front of them.

At this time, in addition to the previous Kodora, there was also a Kodora that looked like a rhinoceros and was covered in iron armor.

Kodora is short in stature, with dark gray skin and sky blue eyes. Its back was covered with several pieces of steel armor, each with a protruding ridge in the center and circular holes on both sides.

It has several flat protrusions on its lower jaw and only two fangs in its mouth. Each foot has a pair of angular straps, the upper one is dark gray and the lower one is silver. It walks on four legs and has extremely sharp teeth.

The mountain where Kodora lives is rich in spring water and iron ore. It will build its nest near the mountain where iron ore is buried and the delicious spring water, so it will fight with those who come to dig for iron ore.

It likes to eat iron ore very much and exercises its iron body by drinking a bellyful of spring water containing iron.

When two Kodora meet, they will collide with each other's steel bodies to compete for territory. Kodora has a strong habit of showing the size of the sparks generated when its steel armor hits the rock. The sound of the collision can be heard several kilometers away. , if you look closely you will find scratches and dents on the steel armor.

"Congratulations, Kodora!"

Qianye Feng smiled and congratulated Kodora, who was still adapting to his evolved body not far away.

Kodora, who evolved due to the rare ore presented by Qianye Kaede and Ma Yi, looked at Qianye Kaede and Makoto with very soft eyes at this time, obviously considering them as benefactors who helped him evolve.

After looking around, Dora picked up the shell that she had shed during her evolution, then walked up to the two of them and put it down, apparently intending to give the shell to them.

For Kodora, this shell is actually useful. It can gain some supplements by swallowing this shell and stabilize its strength.

After Qianye Feng and Zhen Yi looked at each other, Qianye Feng directly picked up this substantial gift and put it in his backpack.

Although the value of this shell was not high to the two of them, in order to live up to Cordora's feelings, he still chose to accept it.

Then, under the watch of Cordora and Cocodora, the two slowly left the marked point and headed towards the last marked point.

The fourth marking point is located at the deepest point in the northwest corner of this layer. It can be said to be the deepest part of this underground world. Therefore, Chiba Kaede and Mayi still have great hopes for this location.

After all, there must be only a few trainers who can explore this place, and accordingly the number of treasures present here must be greater.

Of course, this is only Qianye Feng's own imagination. Whether this is the case will not be clear until they arrive. The most important thing now is to hurry up and get on the road. (End of chapter)

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