I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 290 Conquering the quasi-god cub

After landing on the ground, the baby dragon just shook its head and continued to attack the strong chicken. Apparently the strong chicken's tile-breaking skill just now did not cause any damage to its head.

Immediately afterwards, the baby dragon ran and bit the strong chicken, with a desperate look, as if he would not give up until he defeated the strong chicken.

Seeing that Baby Dragon was so arrogant, Li Zhuangji planned to teach it a lesson so that it would know how much it weighed.

I saw the strong chicken holding the baby dragon's head with one hand, and then kicked it twice in a row, kicking the baby dragon fiercely away.

The baby dragon that was kicked out rolled around on the ground for a few times before standing up again, and then continued to attack the strong chicken. Obviously, for it with rough skin and thick flesh, the double kick of the strong chicken was not very effective. good.

Come to think of it, Baby Dragon is a being who jumps off cliffs every day. Without a good body, he would not be able to hold on long ago.

Qianye Feng had been watching the battle between the strong chicken and the baby dragon. He originally thought that it would be easy for the strong chicken to defeat the baby dragon, but he did not expect that the baby dragon was not weak in the initial stage.

This also strengthened Qianye Feng's desire to subdue the baby dragon. He believed that as long as the baby dragon could grow and evolve into a violent flying dragon, its strength would also belong to the top echelon among his elves.

Although Qianye Feng didn't want to admit it, he had to say that elves with high racial values ​​did have an advantage in improving their strength, and their upper limit was often higher.

Just like Qianye Maple's King Yan, he has his life energy as a boost, but his current strength is only barely on par with Beech's Tyrannosaurus.

But now King Yan's strength has been improving very slowly, but Beechcraft's Tyrannosaurus can continue to improve its strength rapidly. This is because its upper limit of strength is much higher than that of King Yan.


While Qianye Feng's thoughts were racing, the baby dragon had been beaten by the strong chicken until he cried bitterly.

Although Baby Dragon's physical body is very strong, its strength is still far behind that of Strong Chicken. When Strong Chicken becomes serious, Baby Dragon cannot resist it at all.

Faced with the attack of the strong chicken, the baby dragon could bear it at first and fought back without giving up. However, after the injuries on its body accumulated to a certain extent, it became difficult for it to even resist.

"That's it, strong chicken!"

Seeing that the strong chicken wanted to continue beating the baby dragon, Qianye Feng urgently stopped it.

Although the baby dragon has not lost its ability to fight, it has lost its will to fight. If it continues to fight, it will be bullying a child. Qianye Feng can see that the baby dragon in front of him should not have been born for long, and it still belongs to the category of baby dragon.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the strong chicken lowered its raised arm. Just now, it was provoked to fight by the baby dragon. Now that it came back to its senses, it realized that it seemed that it had gone too far, and it couldn't help scratching its head in embarrassment. looked at the baby dragon.

At this time, Qianye Feng directly took out a high-level ball and threw it towards the head of the baby dragon. Although the baby dragon still has some physical strength, it may be because he is afraid of being beaten by the strong chicken, so the high-level ball just flashes. It was locked in two clicks, which meant that he had successfully conquered the baby dragon.


After seeing that the dust had settled on conquering the baby dragon, Qianye Feng also exhaled a long breath. At least there were no accidents in conquering this time.

Qianye Feng walked over and picked up the high-end ball containing the baby dragon, and then released the baby dragon. At this time, the baby dragon was still a little confused, but after feeling the pain in its body, it cried again.

"Okay, baby dragon, I'll help you treat it now!"

Qianye Feng touched the baby dragon's hard head, and then directly activated his ability. A strong life energy was directly absorbed into the baby dragon's body, repairing its body damage.

The baby dragon also stopped crying and simply squinted its eyes to enjoy the warm current composed of life energy that helped it recover from the injuries in its body. Even the hidden injuries accumulated from jumping off the cliff were repaired.

After a while, the baby dragon opened its eyes again. It felt that its strength had been greatly improved, and its whole body was warm, making it feel extremely comfortable.

After feeling the huge benefits that Qianye Feng brought to him, Baby Dragon has now recognized Qianye Feng as his trainer, and happily hugged his thigh.


Suddenly, there was a sound in the belly of the baby dragon. It was obviously because the energy stored in its body had been exhausted due to the previous battles and treatments, and it urgently needed to eat to replenish energy.

Qianye Feng was naturally prepared for this, and quickly took out a plate of primary energy cubes and placed it in front of Baby Dragon.

At this time, the baby dragon was very hungry, and naturally he was not polite. He started to feast directly. After eating the entire plate of energy cubes, he lay on the ground and stroked his bulging belly. It was obvious that he was a little full from eating just now.

"Looks like I have a big eater again!"

Qianye Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw the baby dragon eating up a whole plate of primary energy cubes.

After Qianye Feng waited for the baby dragon to calm down for a while, he took it back behind the elf ball and let it rest inside.

Immediately afterwards, Qianye Feng explored the bottom of the abyss for a while, but saw that there were strange rocks everywhere and there was nothing worth paying attention to, so he rode King Yan and flew upward.

"Xiao Feng, you finally came up. If you don't come up, I will go down to find you!"

Zhenyi, who had been guarding the edge of the cliff, said excitedly after seeing Qianye Feng riding up on the big king swallow.

At this time, it had been more than an hour since Qianye Feng went down. Seeing that he hadn't come up for so long, Zhenyi wondered if he might be in danger down there. He just wanted to ride the Tanabata Blue Bird and go down to the bottom of the cliff to look for him, but he didn't. Thinking that she hadn't taken any action yet, Qianye Feng came up on his own.

"Mai, I made you worry!"

Knowing that Zhenyi was sincerely concerned about her safety, Qianye Feng was also very moved. During this time together, the two formed a deep friendship.

"By the way, why were you down there for so long?"

Mayi asked curiously.

"Come out, baby dragon!"

Faced with Mayi's doubts, Qianye Feng directly released the baby dragon.

After the baby dragon came out, he just glanced at Zhenyi, and quickly ran to Qianye Feng and hugged his legs. It was now completely impressed by Qianye Feng's life energy and energy cubes, and even now Qianye Feng was trying to drive it away. The kind that don’t want to leave.

"Don't tell me that you just tamed the baby dragon at the bottom of the cliff!"

Mayi asked with a look of disbelief.

After she got the answer from Qianye Feng, Zhenyi had the urge to whip herself. Qianye Feng had invited her to go to the bottom of the cliff to check. If she also went together, then the ownership of the precious dragon in front of her would not be certain.

You must know that dragon-type elves like Baby Dragon are rare to find. Even the super stone is not as valuable as it, or it cannot be measured by value.

At this time, Zhenyi's eyes changed when she looked at Qianye Feng. She felt that the European emperor and the non-chief like her were not the same kind of people.

Zhenyi decided not to go on adventures with the other party in the future, otherwise, she would be depressed to death just by being depressed. (End of chapter)

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