I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 294 Fossil Pterosaur

"By the way, where are Biqi and Chengshu? I wonder what their harvest was like?"

Only then did Dr. Buratano remember that he seemed to have sent two clients, and asked hurriedly.

"Well, that's the case. They are still in the Meteor Falls. It will take a few days before they come back. Because the news about the super stone in the Meteor Falls was leaked, Xiaofeng and Zhenyi came back early."

Dr. Odamaki answered hastily.

"That's it, then I have to look forward to their harvest!"

Dr. Bratano said to himself.

Afterwards, Dr. Odamaki chatted with Dr. Buratano about some academic issues and then hung up the communication.

"Congratulations, Xiaofeng, except for the key stone, you have gathered most of the conditions for mega evolution!"

Zhenyi said with some envy.

Seeing the way the other party looked at Ou Huang, Qianye Feng silently pulled out the hand he had put into his backpack. He felt that it was better not to take out the key stone at this time.

"By the way, Makoto, are you going to exchange the Super Stone, or subdue a fossil pterosaur?"

After knowing that the other party's super stone belonged to a fossil pterosaur, Qianye Feng asked curiously.

"I should probably choose to exchange it. It would be best if I could exchange it for the Lizard King's Super Stone, but the hope is slim!"

Zhen Yi spread her hands helplessly.

As the initial elf of Zhenyi, the Lizard King has the deepest bond with her. If the Lizard King's super stone can be obtained, then as long as Zhenyi obtains the key stone, I believe that the Lizard King will be able to complete the super evolution soon.

However, if you start from scratch to cultivate a fossil pterosaur, you can imagine the time and energy required.

Fossil pterosaurs, elves that have been resurrected from elf fossils, find it difficult to get close to their trainers, and the vast majority of fossil pterosaurs have very violent personalities. It will take many years to form a deep bond with their trainers. realized.

Of course, if the super evolution of the fossil pterosaur can be completed, then the strength of the super fossil pterosaur will definitely be in the top echelon.

Relatively speaking, the Lizard King's Super Stone will be more popular, because trainers who have the ability to obtain Super Stones will definitely have the strength to obtain a Wooden Gecko to train.

This is also the reason why Zhenyi is a little distressed. Although she has crossed the stage of starting from scratch, the time when she can complete the super evolution seems to be still a long way away, unlike Qianye Feng who has completed the most difficult stage.

"By the way, didn't we get an elf fossil before? We can ask Dr. Odamaki to help resurrect it. Maybe the resurrected elf is a fossil pterosaur!"

Seeing that Zhenyi's mood was a little low, Qianye Feng patted his head and said quickly.

"But, this elf fossil was obtained by you, Xiaofeng. Is it really okay to just give it to me like this?"

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, a hint of emotion flashed in Zhenyi's eyes, but she still expressed her concerns.

"You don't have to be too polite. Fossil pterosaurs are not important to me. Besides, don't have too much hope. In the end, you still have to see whether the resurrected elves are fossil pterosaurs."

Qianye Feng said indifferently.

For him, being able to harvest treasure dragons and super stones on this trip has already made him a lot of money. As for other things, it is actually not important to him.

"It turns out that Xiaofeng, you have also obtained an elf fossil. If this is the case, I will be ready to help you resurrect it soon."

Dr. Odamaki also came over at this time and said.

The last time Dr. Odamaki helped resurrect Tentacle Lily, he had prepared a lot of materials for resurrecting fossil elves. After resurrecting Tentacle Lily, there was still a lot left, which was more than enough to resurrect another fossil elf.

"Then I'll trouble you, Doctor!"

Qianye Feng took out the elf fossil from his backpack and handed it to Dr. Odamaki, and said very gratefully.

After that, Chiba Kaede and Mai cooperated with Dr. Odamaki to make all the preparations before resurrecting the elf fossils, and then began to wait for the fossil resurrection machine to resurrect the elf fossils.

"Mai, don't be too nervous. The elf fossil will be resurrected after a while!"

It was already early morning the next day, and there were only a few minutes left before the elf fossil was successfully resurrected. When the countdown was over, they would know what kind of fossil elf would be resurrected from this elf fossil.

"How can I not be nervous? If the fossil pterosaur can be resurrected this time, then I can start cultivating it now and strive to form a bond with it as soon as possible that can carry out super evolution!"

Zhen Yi clenched her hands, and her eyes never left the location of the fossil resurrection machine.

After waiting for a while, as Dr. Odamaki pressed the button, the door of the fossil resurrection machine opened. Suddenly, a burst of white smoke rose up and enveloped the entire resurrection cabin.

Amid the expectations of several people, a fossil pterosaur appeared in front of them. Perhaps because it had just woken up, the fossil pterosaur was just walking staggeringly on the ground with its claws.

The body of the fossil pterosaur is gray, the pupil color is blue, the head has two horns extending back, the inside of its wings is purple, there are two sharp claws on its wings, and the teeth are serrated.

Fossil pterosaurs were resurrected through the study of genes extracted from amber. They were vicious elves from ancient times. The theory of extinction due to the fall of a huge meteorite is deeply ingrained in people's minds. Its temperament is more brutal than imagined, and there are even victims.

It is said that even with the most advanced technology today, it cannot be perfectly restored. It soared freely in the vast ancient sky with a proud posture, chirping loudly while flying, and was the king of the ancient vast sky.

After landing on the ground, it seemed to weaken and walk slower. Now it is imagined to be the king of the sky at that time. It will bite out the opponent's throat with its saw-like teeth, tear the prey into pieces and then devour it. Its saw-like teeth can even tear into pieces the skin of steel-type elves.

"That's great, Zhenyi. I didn't expect that a fossil pterosaur would be resurrected!"

Qianye Feng congratulated towards Mayi.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng!"

At this time, Zhen Yi was also very excited. She did not expect that this elf fossil would actually resurrect a fossil pterosaur.

Although it is difficult to completely tame the fossil pterosaur, Makoto is confident that he can form a deep bond with it through his own efforts.

After a period of adaptation, the fossil pterosaur seemed to have adapted to some external environments. It began to flap its wings and tried to fly. After all, it could be the king of the sky.

Soon, a fossil pterosaur with wings spread over 3 meters appeared in the sky. Fortunately, the resurrection cabin was located in the backyard, otherwise it might have caused considerable damage to the research institute.

The fossilized pterosaur that had adapted to the environment began to show its ferocious personality. At this time, it had already locked onto Qianye Feng and the others, apparently treating them as food.

"Go, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

When the fossil pterosaur rushed towards several people, Mayi released her Tanabata Blue Bird. She planned to subdue the fossil pterosaur first. (End of chapter)

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