I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 296 Reunion in the Backyard Garden

"Okay, okay, baby dragon, don't get excited, your life will be in danger if you jump from here!"

Qianye Feng felt that the baby dragon in his arms was getting more and more restless. He always wanted to break free from his arms and experience the feeling of flying for himself. These were not the most important things. The most important thing was that it could not fly at all.

It's just that it's obvious that Baby Dragon is completely immersed in his own fantasy at this time, completely unable to listen to Qianye Feng's persuasion, and just wants to fly freely in the sky.

Without Qianye Feng's efforts to stop him, Baby Dragon would have completed the leap of faith in Da Wang Yan.

You must know that King Yan's flying height at this time is not low. It is estimated that the baby dragon performing free fall motion at this height will be difficult to withstand the terrifying impact based on its own physical fitness.

Fortunately, Weibai Town is not far from Chiba Farm. Finally, when Chiba Feng was about to lose control of the baby dragon, King Yan landed steadily in the open space in front of the house where Terada Yuri and the others lived.

After landing, the baby dragon finally woke up, but he still looked at the sky from time to time.

Its yearning for the sky is engraved in its bones. It is this persistence that makes Baby Dragon work hard to improve its strength and evolve into a flying dragon that soars above the nine heavens.

After landing, Qianye Feng first released all the elves on his body and let them return to their own territory. As for the baby dragon that he had just subdued, he followed him.

After pushing the door open and entering, Qianye Feng found that there was no one else in the room at this time, but he didn't care. When he was in the sky before, he had already discovered traces of Terada Yuri and others, and they were in the backyard at this time.

Compared to a month ago, this place has now completely transformed into a spring-filled garden, with many Chiba Maple flowers and plants that cannot be named by themselves, and Terada Yuri and others are taking care of an area each.

"Welcome back, boss!"

Terada Yuri was the first to notice Chiba Kaede walking over, and quickly stopped what he was doing and said with a smile.

"Ah, boss, you are back. Come and take a look at the flowers I planted. I take good care of them!"

Takemoto Yui also said in surprise when she heard the movement.

"Hey, isn't this a precious dragon? I didn't expect you, boss, to be able to conquer such a rare elf!"

Ogata Akino has learned a lot about elves during this time, so she immediately recognized the baby dragon as a quasi-god cub.

"That's right, this little guy is my biggest reward from this adventure!"

Qianye Feng said with some pride after picking up the baby dragon who was following him.

"What a cute little guy. Boss, can you give me a hug?"

At this time, Takemoto Yui also discovered the baby dragon, and couldn't help but stare at it with bright eyes, and then said to Qianye Feng in a pleading tone.

"Here you go, but if the baby dragon doesn't want to, there's nothing we can do!"

Seeing this, Qianye Feng handed the baby dragon in her arms to Takemoto Yui. As for whether she can make the baby dragon like her in the future, it depends on her own ability.

Sure enough, the baby dragon held in Yui Takemoto's arms was not honest at all. Fortunately, it also knew that the girl holding it in its arms was an acquaintance of its trainer, so it did not dare to use too much force, otherwise it would He had already broken free.

"Okay, Yui, after you get familiar with the baby dragon, I believe it will let you hold it. It's better to put it down now!"

Seeing that the baby dragon seemed very reluctant, Terada Yuri spoke up to help.

"All right!"

Although she was a little reluctant, Takemoto Yui obediently put the baby dragon on the ground.

After the baby dragon returned to the ground, it quickly ran to Qianye Feng's side with its short legs, and then curiously looked at the surrounding environment. It wanted to find a cliff where it could take off.

But Baby Dragon was disappointed. The area around here was very flat and there were no cliffs with high drops.

"By the way, looking at the growth speed of these flowers and plants, you should ask Xie Mi for help!"

Qianye Feng has only been away for more than a month. Even with the help of the shuttlecock tribe, it is impossible to form such a mature garden.

"Hehe, boss, you are so smart. I have been begging for a long time to let Xie Mi take action!"

Takemoto Yui said with an expression as if she was quick to praise me.

"Oh, it seems that you and Xie Mi are getting along very well during this time!"

Qianye Feng was also a little surprised that Takemoto Yui could let Xie Mi's ten thousand year old house take action.

"Actually, not really. Now every time I go to deliver energy cubes, Xiemi doesn't show up most of the time, so I don't know if this is a good thing or not!"

Takemoto Yui said somewhat tangledly.

While Qianye Feng was chatting with the three girls, Straight Bear ran over with Poison Rose and Long Nose Leaf, and on the back of Straight Bear sat a little flame monkey. Apparently they were mixed together during this period. .

After not seeing their trainer for such a long time, several elves missed Qianye Maple a little, especially the little flame monkey. The first thing it saw when it was born was Qianye Maple. In its heart, Qianye Maple was like a relative.

So the little flame monkey immediately jumped from the back of the straight bear to Qianye Feng's shoulder, which was its exclusive seat.

"How is everyone doing lately?"

Qianye Feng touched the head of the little flame monkey, then smiled and asked the straight bears.

In fact, the Straight Bears are living a good life these days. Due to evolutionary reasons, their strength is finally no longer at the bottom. So if they get tired of staying at the Chiba Farm, they will go exploring in the Orange Flower Forest. .

Due to the improvement in strength, as long as they do not go too deep into the Orange Forest, safety is completely guaranteed, especially since the three of them are operating together.

Knowing that his trainer likes some rare items, Zhichong Xiong often brings back some items that he finds valuable in the forest, planning to give them to Qianye Feng when he comes back.

The little flame monkey was in a low mood for several days when Qianye Feng left. It was precisely because of this that Zhichong Xiong took on the role of master. He led the little flame monkey in training and playing this month.


When the baby dragon saw that a little monkey could climb onto the trainer's shoulder, he immediately gave up and let out his own baby dragon roar, intending to tell the little monkey that he was the trainer's prettiest kid.

Originally, the little flame monkey was happily sitting on Qianye Feng's shoulder, but he didn't expect to be provoked by a stupid dragon underneath. How could it bear it? It opened its mouth and sprayed sparks, shooting towards the baby dragon.

For the thick-skinned baby dragon, these sparks naturally did not cause too much trouble, but it felt that its position had been provoked, so it jumped up on the spot and knocked the little flame monkey to the ground with a headbutt.

"Uh, why did you two little ones get into a fight?"

The originally warm scene was suddenly ruined by two little ones, which made Qianye Feng a little dumbfounded and quickly stopped.

It's a pity that this time, neither the baby dragon nor the little flame monkey paid attention to Qianye Feng. They were fighting among themselves, obviously intending to decide the winner, which would determine their future status. (End of chapter)

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