I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 299 Tasting and Training



There was a plate placed in front of the baby dragon and the little flame monkey. The plate contained the sweetness that Qianye Maple obtained from the honeycomb. The crystal clear golden liquid looked very tempting.

After the baby dragon and the little flame monkey took a sip of the sweetness, they suddenly screamed with excitement. Apparently, they were very satisfied with the sweet taste.

The baby dragon has a rather impatient temper. It directly picks up the plate with its short hands and drinks it all in one gulp. After finishing the drink, the baby dragon licks its lips with its tongue, as if it is reminiscing about the previous taste, as if it is still unfinished.

The little flame monkey next to the baby dragon is much more stable. Every time it takes a sip of sweetness, it will savor the aftertaste for a while, so when the baby dragon's plate is empty, the little flame monkey's plate still has most of the sweetness. .


The baby dragon looked at his empty plate, then at the little flame monkey's plate, and suddenly felt a little envious. Then he walked up to Qianye Feng with his short legs and hugged his legs, looking at him with longing eyes. .

"No, today's sweetness has been given to you. You have to wait until next time to drink it!"

After touching the baby dragon's head, Qianye Feng also spread his hands and refused directly.

After seeing that his cuteness was useless, the baby dragon ran directly to the little flame monkey, and then drooled and looked at the little flame monkey who was savoring the sweetness, hoping that it could share some of the sweetness with him.

After the little flame monkey glanced at the baby dragon, he turned around to avoid the baby dragon's gaze and pointed its flaming butt towards the baby dragon. Obviously it didn't want to share its sweetness.

Seeing the attitude of the little flame monkey, the baby dragon was also very angry. He ran to the side and sulked. He regretted that he drank too fast and didn't taste the sweet taste.

"Brother Kenjiro, what was the reason you called me before?"

When Chiba Kaede looked through the communication records on his mobile phone, he found that Kenjiro had made several calls to him during the time he went underground, so he quickly called him back.

"Xiao Feng, are you okay? I called you several times and couldn't reach you. I thought something had happened to you!"

Kenjiro's concerned voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry, Brother Kenjiro. I accepted a commission and went exploring the Meteor Falls for more than a month. There was no signal there at all. When I came out, I saw the call record and made this call to you right away!"

Qianye Feng said apologetically.

"So that's it. Just hope you're fine. I have now returned to Tenshin-ryu and am training at the fighter stage under the guidance of my master. I just want to know the progress of your current training in Tenshin-ryu!"

After listening to Qianye Feng's explanation, Kenjiro was relieved, as long as Qianye Feng was fine.

Although Qianye Feng is now his junior brother, in fact, all Qianye Feng's training was taught by him. In Kenjiro's heart, he has long regarded Qianye Feng as his apprentice.

"Brother Kenjiro, don't worry. Even when I went underground to explore, I did not relax my practice of Tenshin Exercise Technique. Now I can continue to practice Tenshin Exercise Technique for about two hours every day!"

"Well, that's good. I'm worried that you'll delay your cultivation because of other things. I'm relieved that you can have such an enlightenment, so be it!"

"Senior Brother Kenjiro, goodbye!"

After finishing the call with Kenjiro, Chiba Kaede found that the little flame monkey had also finished the sweetness on the plate. Then, he called the little flame monkey and the baby dragon out. He wanted to give the two little guys some training. .

The training of the Little Flame Monkey was good. Qianye Feng planned to let it compete with the Strong Chicken. The final evolved forms of both sides are elves with fire and fighting attributes, and their compatibility is very consistent.

Of course, Strong Chicken is now much stronger than Little Flame Monkey, so before Little Flame Monkey's strength improves, it is equivalent to Strong Chicken sparring for Little Flame Monkey.

As for the baby dragon, Qianye Feng felt that none of the other training he had given it was worth its leap of faith. After all, the impact force and physical training the baby dragon endured from jumping off a cliff could not be compared with ordinary training.

The only pity is that there is no suitable place for baby dragons to jump off the cliff near Chiba Farm. It would be a bit troublesome to find cliffs elsewhere.

However, when Qianye Feng saw the proud swallow flying in the sky, he had an idea and came up with a good way to replace the cliff.

That is to let the big king swallow carry the baby dragon to a certain height, and then let the baby dragon jump off the big king swallow's back.

In this way, as the strength of the baby dragon increases, King Yan can gradually increase the height of its jump, so that its body can be fully exercised.

Later, Qianye Feng called Da Wang Yan over, and then personally directed Da Wang Yan to fly to the corresponding height, and then asked Baby Dragon if the height was appropriate.

However, after discovering that Baby Dragon himself did not know the maximum height that he could jump, Qianye Feng could only find a suitable height with Da Wang Yan for Baby Dragon to try, and then gradually increase the height.

For the first time, Qianye Feng found a height similar to the one where the baby dragon jumped off the cliff at the bottom of the Meteor Falls abyss. The baby dragon excitedly jumped off the back of the big king swallow, with its two short hands still in the air. It keeps sliding, but unfortunately there is no cushioning effect at all.

Since the skull of the Baby Dragon's head is very hard and the weight is not light, the Baby Dragon soon turned into a standard diving action with its head downwards, hitting the ground straight under the influence of gravity.

When Qianye Feng rode King Yan back to the ground, Baby Dragon was still struggling to crawl out of the big hole he had made.

The Baby Dragon's behavior of jumping down from the sky also startled the little Flame Monkey who was training to fight with the strong chicken nearby. It did not expect that its defeated Baby Dragon would be so wild in training and had no protection at all. Jumping down from such a high place.

This also shocked the little flame monkey's young mind. Facing a ruthless dragon like Baby Dragon, it felt that it could no longer be so comfortable in training.


The little flame monkey shouted to the strong chicken with a determined look on his face.

This is the little flame monkey's request to the strong chicken, asking it not to hold back when training with him.


The strong chicken did not expect the little flame monkey to have such an awareness, but since it was the request made by the other party, it naturally would not refuse.

Later, in the battle with the little flame monkey, the strong chicken was no longer restrained as before, and showed his strength without any scruples.

As a result, the little flame monkey was quickly beaten to bruises, but the little flame monkey did not flinch and worked hard to fight back, which seemed to be ineffective.

At this time, Qianye Feng also noticed the miserable situation of the little flame monkey, and hurriedly asked Shuttlecock Mian to help treat it first, but he was also very happy that the little flame monkey had such energy.

After all, as long as the little flame monkey was not beaten to death by the strong chicken on the spot, he would have been able to save it completely. (End of chapter)

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