I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 306 Jungle Adventure (3)

When a group of them had just arrived at the beach, Xie Mi had already sensed that many elves of the Dou Li Mushroom clan in this place were seriously injured, and even some mushrooms were about to lose their lives, so it hurried into the area. In the jungle.

At that time, Xie Mi just curiously sensed the situation in the jungle. He did not expect that it would sense this group that was about to decline. Its kind nature made it unable to sit back and watch these elves die, so it ran into the jungle in a hurry. middle.

When Xie Mi arrived here, even the leader Dou Li Mushroom was seriously injured and dying. Most of the mushrooms in their group also suffered serious injuries, but these injured elves quickly recovered. He was restored to health through Shemi's strength.

Without the help of Xie Mi, this group will soon be rounded up and driven away by the predators who came after hearing the news. In the end, there may be only a few mushrooms that survive, and they will lose their territory and become wanderers. Elf.

When the recovered Dou Li Mushroom led Mushroom Mushroom to thank Xie Mi, they found that Xie Mi had quickly disappeared from their sight.

It wasn't until Qianye Feng appeared in front of them again with Xie Mi just now that Dou Li Mushroom discovered this mysterious elf who saved his own tribe. Although it didn't know what kind of elf Xie Mi was, it could feel it from Xie Mi's body. vitality of life.

And this is why Xie Mi quickly fell asleep on Qianye Feng's chest after returning to the beach. In order to treat the Dou Li mushrooms, Xie Mi still spent a lot of his own energy and needed sleep to restore his own state.

From the injuries suffered by the Dou Li Mushroom group, Qianye Feng could also deduce that they should have encountered a strong enemy not long ago, and this was also the reason why they were so hostile to the Dou Li Mushroom group after a group of them broke into their territory.

Because the family group had just been attacked, the nerves of the Dou Li Mushrooms and Mushrooms were still in an extremely tense state, and it was easy for them to regard the creatures approaching their territory as enemies with malicious intentions.

"So soft, so cute!"

After arriving under the tree, the mushrooms were very friendly to them for Xie Mi's sake. Soon, Yuri Terada and the others became familiar with the mushrooms. The bold Yui Takemoto even picked up a mushroom directly. .

Fortunately, Momoguo, who was held in her arms, was not angry. Instead, she was enjoying the youthful embrace of Takemoto Yui.

On the other side, Dou Li Mushroom led Mushroom Mushroom to carry out a pile of tree fruits from the tree hole where they lived, obviously intending to use these tree fruits to entertain their group.

Of course, the main purpose of Dou Li Mushroom is to entertain Xie Mi. They are just taking advantage of Xie Mi, but Qianye Feng doesn't care.

Just as a group of them were sitting comfortably on the grass and watching the little flame monkey and baby dragon playing with the mushrooms, there was another noise in the trees not far away, which also attracted the attention of all of them. .

Not long after, Kairos came out from behind the trees one after another. Qianye Feng counted them carefully. There were about a dozen Kairos, and several of them were seriously injured.

After seeing Kairos, the Dou Li Mushroom gathered the mushrooms as if facing a formidable enemy, and then the two sides began to confront each other. The Dou Li Mushroom angrily talked to Kairos, the leader of the Kairos tribe. .

Even though he couldn't understand their conversation, Qianye Feng could still feel the unhappiness between the two parties. It was obvious that things were not going in a good direction.

Kairos on the opposite side kept pointing at the Kairos boys who were seriously injured, obviously to help these boys regain their position.

This move also made Qianye Feng understand that it was probably these Kairos who fought against the Dou Li Mushroom tribe before.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is indeed quite large. Just a few Kairos almost caused the Dou Li Mushroom tribe to perish. And now there are so many Kairos. Without their intervention, the Dou Li Mushroom tribe will probably end up very miserable. .

If we follow the concept of natural balance, outsiders like them should not intervene in this kind of battle between wild elves. However, they first encountered the Dou Li Mushroom group and had some friendship with them, so from an emotional point of view None of them will sit back and watch the Dou Li Mushroom tribe perish.

Even the little flame monkey and the baby dragon had already mixed into the mushroom team at this time, and were roaring at Kairos opposite, as if they were also members of this group.

However, even with the addition of the two of them, this strength is still not enough for Kairos and the others, because these mushrooms are too weak and can only rely on some of the poisonous spores they spray to protect themselves.

However, this kind of attack is not of much use to Kairos. The only one in the entire group that can confront Kairos head-on is the Dou Li Mushroom.

Subsequently, the leader of Kairos, who had broken up with the Dou Li Mushroom, directly ordered his Kairos to launch an attack.

The Dou Li Mushroom directly faced the leader of Kairos, and the Little Flame Monkey and Baby Dragon were not to be outdone. Each of them found a Kairos to fight, but the remaining Kairos continued to rush towards the mushrooms.

Seeing this, Ogata Akino also asked his King Swallow to go to help the mushrooms. With the advantage of attributes, the King Swallow restrained the two Kairos, preventing them from continuing to attack the mushrooms.

However, the mushrooms were still retreating steadily under the attacks of the remaining Kairos. Obviously if the battle continued, they would soon be defeated by the Kairos.

"Go ahead, Gyarados!"

Faced with this situation, Chiba Kaede directly sent Gyarados out, letting it stand in front of the mushrooms and face the remaining Kairos.

With its huge size and ferocious appearance, coupled with its own intimidating characteristics, its appearance frightened these Kairos and they did not dare to continue attacking.

At this time, the leader of Kairos who was pressing down on the mushrooms roared angrily after seeing this scene. This roar also made these Kairos wake up from the intimidation of Gyarados and use their skills to attack Gyarados one after another. The dragon attacks.

Facing the Kairos' attack, Gyarados did not dodge, but relied on its strong defense ability to resist, and then directly used the dragon tail skill to sweep away several Kairos.

The pain of the attack stimulated Gyarados, making its desire to fight even stronger. Then a huge tornado formed in front of it, and then swept towards Kairos.

Kairos, who had regained his fighting consciousness, did not sit still and avoided the tornadoes. Then they released skills such as insect bites and cross scissors, and he was fighting Gyarados back and forth for a while.

It was rare to have so many opponents. Qianye Feng did not intend to end the battle immediately, so after releasing Gyarados, he stopped moving and allowed the elves to engage in melee. Anyway, with him and Xie Mi here, he was not afraid of anything irreversible. Accident.

What surprised Qianye Feng was that the little flame monkey relied on its own attribute advantages to first deal with Kairos, who was stronger than it. However, its body was also full of wounds left by Kairos. (End of chapter)

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