I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 330 Sirona’s departure

After figuring out this key point, Qianye Feng put away the trace of disappointment. After all, if Dianxi could be cultivated so easily, then the fantasy elf would not be so rare.

Later, Qianye Feng told Xiao Suituan and everyone about his thoughts, mainly because he wanted Xiao Suituan not to give up.

"Your idea is still very feasible. If small broken diamonds can successfully create diamonds like Dianxi, then there is actually not much difference between it and Dianxi."

After listening to Qianye Feng's follow-up arrangements for Little Broken Diamond, Sirona also agreed.

Although it was a pity that she did not see the evolution of Little Diamond, after seeing that Qianye Feng did not give up because of this, she became even more looking forward to Qianye Feng's future.

Little Broken Diamond's originally a little disappointed mood was heightened by Qianye Feng's encouragement. With its firm beady eyes, it said that it would work hard to learn how to make diamonds and would not let the trainer down again.

Seeing that Little Diamond recovered, Qianye Feng was relieved. Although it was not clear whether successfully making diamonds would allow Little Diamond to evolve into Dianxi, he still had to give Little Diamond a direction to work towards.

If it still doesn't work, Qianye Feng feels that he can consider other plans. In short, he is in conflict with Dianxi and must let Little Diamond evolve into Dianxi.

"Xiao Feng, I'm sorry to bother you during this time. I think it's time for me to leave. I hope we can have time to get together again in the future!"

After seeing the diamond on the head of a small diamond turn into a pink diamond, Sirona also said goodbye to Qianye Feng at the right time.

As the champion of Sinnoh, Sirona is very busy every day. Being able to squeeze out a few days to stay at Chiba Farm is the limit. She needs to fulfill her responsibilities.

"Miss Sirona, you are welcome to come over as a guest at any time. Please don't mind if there is a lack of hospitality in the past few days."

Qianye Feng did not hold back Sirona's farewell, but he still knew the proper etiquette.

After Sirona and Yuri Terada said goodbye, she flew towards Kaina City on her Biting Land Shark.

Chiba Kaede knew that Sirona probably wanted to take a flight from Kaina City to return to the Sinnoh region. After all, she had already completed all the things she wanted to do in the Hoenn region.

Regarding Sirona's departure, Terada Yuri and others were a little disappointed. After all, they had been getting along very well with Sirona these days, and they had become friends.

In this regard, Qianye Feng did not comfort them. Sirona was destined to be the kind of person who could not stay in one place for a long time. This was not even determined by her will.

In general, it can be said in one sentence: the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Not only Sirona, but also powerful trainers such as the Four Kings of the Alliance are actually very busy. After all, they are responsible for the safety of the entire region and the expectations of the people.

The three phantom elves, Celebi, Semi and Victini, who completed Qianye Feng's commission, were also very happy. After all, using their abilities for a long time was not a small burden for them. I just didn't want Qianye Feng to underestimate them. That's why they managed to hold on.

Especially Victini, it has already had the idea of ​​leaving Chiba Farm. Although there are many people and elves here and the food is very good, it still wants to see more things in this world and does not want to stay forever. in one place.

Of course, when Victini gets tired of playing outside, he will still choose to return to Chiba Farm, because this is the starting point for his arrival in this era.

Victini did not say goodbye to Chiba Maple and others. It chose to leave Chiba Farm silently, and then started its journey in a random direction.

It was already noon the next day when Qianye Feng knew that Victini had left. Although Victini did not appear in its room last night, he did not pay too much attention because of these phantoms. The behavior of elves is actually very random.

"What about you, Celebi, what are your plans next?"

Touching Xie Mi in his arms, Qianye Feng asked Celebi.

"Now that Victini has left, I will continue my journey through time and space, but I will still come back here often."

A slightly childish voice came into Qianye Feng's mind. He knew that this voice was transmitted to him through telepathy by Celebi.

"Then I wish you a pleasant journey, Celebi. No matter what era you are in, Chiba Farm welcomes you."

After touching Celebi's onion, Qianye Feng said seriously.

After saying goodbye to Qianye Feng and others, Celebi didn't stay too long. After eating lunch, he activated his ability to travel through time and space and disappeared into the air in the back garden.

With the departure of Sirona and Celebi, Chiba Farm has returned to its previous peace, except that Yuri Terada and others will still mention them from time to time.

Fortunately, after this period of getting along with each other, Xie Mi finally no longer huddles in the Graxitia flower field all day long. It will now appear anywhere in Chiba Farm during the day, and will only return at night. Resting in the flower field.

Of course, occasionally it would still sleep in Qianye Feng's arms, because the breath of life exuding from him could make Xie Mi sleep soundly.

After Daigo left, he communicated what he saw and heard from Chiba Farm to the top management of Fengyuan Alliance. After his mediation, the top management of the alliance finally decided to let Dr. Odamaki and Chiba Kaede communicate directly.

Regarding the whereabouts of the two fantasy elves, the alliance's top leaders did not dare to be careless at all. They restricted the news to a limited number of people, and then sealed the file as the highest level secret. Without the consent of these people, others Cannot be viewed privately.

Chiba Kaede still trusted Dr. Odamaki, so after Celebi and Victini left, he immediately reported to Dr. Odamaki, hoping that Dr. Odamaki could report to the alliance on his behalf.

After Dr. Odamaki heard that Victini had left Chiba Farm, he was a little confused. Both he and the top leaders of the alliance were actually a little wary of the elf that only belonged to this era.

If this Victini originally belonged to this era, they wouldn't care too much, but the problem is that Victini is an elf smuggled in from other eras, which means that it is like a time bomb. Existence may cause unexpected crises at any time.

The first reaction of the indigenous people in each world towards outsiders is actually repulsion. Just like the ultimate alien beasts in the Alola region. Even if they can be conquered, the senior officials in the Alola region still want to try to conquer these ultimate aliens. Beasts are sent back to their original world through the Ultimate Cave to avoid their influence on this world.

The better thing about Victini is that it also exists in this world, but it just doesn't belong to this era.

However, the premise is that Victini cannot make any big noise in this world.

Otherwise, the Alliance Champion and the Four Heavenly Kings are not vegetarians. Even if it is a fantasy elf, if the Elf Alliance decides to take action against it, it will be difficult for Victini to resist. (End of chapter)

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