I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 335 Arriving at Alola

"Xiao Feng, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

Not long after Kaluni left, Koy trotted up to him, obviously not wanting Qianye Feng to wait too long.

"Mr. Coy, you don't have to be so anxious, I have nothing to do right now!"

Looking at Koy who was out of breath, Qianye Feng comforted him.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng and Koy left the airport hall, then took a taxi to the bustling area of ​​Baike City.

Baike City is a seaside city. Due to the existence of the super power gym, Baike Gym, it attracts many trainers to challenge, and these trainers also drive the economy here.

In addition, Baike City has a very good environment. The blue sea and white beaches satisfy many people's yearning for vacation, so it has become a well-known tourist city.

Although it was almost 9 o'clock in the evening, there was still an endless stream of pedestrians and elves on the street. It was obvious that people's nightlife had just begun.

Qianye Feng and Koy found a well-known local restaurant and sat in. Since it was Koy who was treating the guests, Qianye Feng asked the other party to order, and he was only responsible for eating.

Qianye Feng was very satisfied with this meal. Through the conversation with Koy, he also learned that the other party had won the second place in the Hoenn League Caiyu Tournament. However, due to an accident, he stopped going out and continued. He plans to travel, and then joins the job as an escort trainer to shoulder the burden of the family.

Qianye Feng also admires Coy for giving up traveling for his family. After all, there are many people in this world who are willing to give up everything for their so-called ideals, including their own family and friends.

Qianye Feng had dinner with Koy until after ten o'clock in the evening, and then the two parties said goodbye. However, they had agreed to keep in touch frequently in the future. After all, Koy lives in Kaina City now, and the distance between the two parties is not very far. .

After bidding farewell to Koi, Qianye Feng found a hotel and stayed in. He had purchased a flight to the Alola region in advance from the Internet. It happened to depart at ten o'clock tomorrow morning and was expected to arrive at Melemele Island Airport in the Alola region. It will be around 7 o'clock in the evening.

Since the room Qianye Feng rented was relatively large, he released all the elves as soon as he entered the room.

After the elves who had been locked in the elf ball for a day came out, they immediately started chasing each other happily in the room, as if they were venting their energy for the day.

Especially the baby dragon, it walked directly to the window and planned to jump directly from here. Fortunately, Qianye Feng hugged it quickly with quick hands and eyes, so no accident happened.

He is not worried about accidents to the baby dragon. Although this place is more than ten stories high, the damage to the baby dragon is actually very small. Qianye Feng is worried about passers-by walking underneath. If he happens to be hit by the baby dragon, then Qianye Feng will be hit by the baby dragon. Ye Feng is in big trouble.

If it really killed a pedestrian, even if it was an unintentional act of the baby dragon, Qianye Feng, as its trainer, estimated that he would still have to go in and cry behind bars for a few years.

Unless he abandons his identity, plunges into the darkness, becomes a mouse in the darkness, and finally can only look up to the light of the outside world.

After scolding the baby dragon for more than ten minutes, Qianye Feng let him go because of his pitiful look, but he still strictly ordered the baby dragon not to jump from high places without his permission. .

After dealing with the thorn in the side of Baby Dragon, Qianye Feng began to practice the daily Tianxin Exercise Technique. After practicing until he was exhausted, Qianye Feng went to wash up and sleep.

Early the next morning, Qianye Feng was woken up by the chasing little flame monkey and baby dragon. Maybe it was because their energy was not released yesterday. They got up early this morning and were full of energy. Man started to fight.

In this regard, Qianye Feng had no choice but to get up and start washing, then put the elves back into the elf balls, checked out and left the hotel.

Qianye Feng found a breakfast shop on the side of the road. After slowly eating a breakfast of Carlos regional style, Qianye Feng walked towards Baike City Airport.

Since there was still plenty of time, Qianye Feng took Li Zhuang Chicken to eat while enjoying the scenery along the way.

The reason why only the strong chicken is released is because the current strong chicken's character is much more mature and stable than before, at least he will not leave him as a trainer and run around casually.

On the way to the airport, Qianye Feng saw many elves that are relatively common in the Kalos area, and even Yusanjia Fire Fox and Hali Su in the Kalos area. However, Qianye Feng did not find the croaking frog that Qianye Feng liked the most. .

Chiba Kaede felt that among the three royal families in the Kalos region, only the Koga Ninja Frog could catch his eye. Especially the Koga Ninja Frog after the bond evolution, he did not know how many people loved him.

However, Chiba Kaede knows that Xiaozhi can achieve the bond evolution with Koga Ninja, but it does not mean that others can also do it. It can even be said that it is almost difficult for others to replicate Xiaozhi's bond evolution and can only carry out mega evolution through the super stone.

When Qianye Feng slowly arrived at the airport lobby, it was less than half an hour before his flight took off, so he quickly boarded the plane after checking in.

There were already dozens of passengers on the plane at this time. Looking at the clothes of these passengers, Qianye Feng knew that most of these people were traveling to the Alola region for vacation, and a few of them were trainers like him.

The escort trainer for this flight was a serious-faced uncle. As for his elf companions, he didn't release them, so Qianye Feng didn't know.

As time goes by, the plane is also flying high in the sky. At this time, below is the endless sea, but you can still see scattered small islands dotted on the sea.

"Boy, are you planning to go to the Alola region for vacation too?"

Just as Qianye Feng was focusing on the window, a gentle voice sounded in his ears.

"My name is Qianye Feng, and I plan to go to the Alola area to stay for a while."

After Qianye Feng turned around, he realized that the uncle sitting next to him wanted to chat with him, so he responded.

"Oh, then you should be a trainer. Since my boy became a trainer, he has been running around all year round. It is rare to see him now."

When the middle-aged uncle saw Qianye Feng's response to him, the conversation became heated for a while, and he began to complain to Qianye Feng about his troubled son.

Qianye Feng did not show any impatience with her uncle's complaints, but listened carefully and gave some responses from time to time.

As the uncle's voice spread, many uncles and aunts who were traveling began to complain about their children, and the atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became lively.

In such a lively atmosphere, time passed quickly, and soon they saw a huge tropical island.

Qianye Feng knew that the destination of their trip, Melemele Island, had arrived, and sure enough, the announcement on the plane rang in time, reminding them that these passengers had arrived at their destination. (End of chapter)

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