I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 337 Dr. Kukui

"My name is Shui Lian, nice to meet you, Xiao Feng!"

After listening to Qianye Feng's self-introduction, Shui Lian introduced him with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, they are the little flame monkey and the baby dragon. They are both very rare elves!"

Shui Lian said with some surprise after noticing the little flame monkey and baby dragon playing at Qianye Feng's feet.

At this time, Suiren was already studying in the trainer school, so her knowledge reserve was still enough for her to identify the Little Flame Monkey and the Baby Dragon, and she also knew how rare they were, especially in the Alola region, where they were basically invisible. to them.

"That's right, Shui Lian, you have a solid knowledge of elves. Little Flame Monkey and Baby Dragon, please say hello to Shui Lian!"

After Qianye Feng answered Shui Lian's question, he asked the little flame monkey and baby dragon to say hello to Shui Lian.

The little flame monkey and the baby dragon had just seen the whole process of Shui Lian catching the big fish, and they also liked Shui Lian very much. They soon started playing with her and even became friends with the other party's Qiuqiu sea lion.

"Xiao Feng, I'm sorry, it's getting late, I have to go back and make dinner for my sisters!"

At this time, Shui Lian looked at the sky and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I'm going back too, Shui Lian, be careful on the way."

Although he met Shuilian by chance, Qianye Feng had no intention of pestering him. Seeing that he wanted to go home, he responded politely.

After watching Shuilian leave with the big fish, Qianye Feng also returned in the direction he came from.

He will stay in Hauale City for one night today and plans to set off tomorrow morning to find Dr. Kukui's research institute.

Since they followed Qianye Feng around all day long, the energy of the little flame monkey and the baby dragon was consumed a lot, so at night they rarely calmed down a lot, which also saved Qianye Feng. Quite a few things.

"Xiao Feng, you should have arrived in the Alola area. Why didn't you go find Dr. Kukui? Did something happen?"

Today, Dr. Odamaki received feedback from Dr. Kukui and learned that Chiba Kaede did not go to Dr. Kukui's residence, so he called to ask about his current situation.

"I'm fine. Dr. Odamaki, don't worry. I just visited Hau'ola City for a while today and plan to set off to find Dr. Kukui tomorrow morning."

Qianye Feng scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

To be honest, Chiba Kaede did not expect that Dr. Kukui would go out of his way to contact Dr. Odamaki because of his own affairs. You must know that he did not agree with the other party on a time to visit.

But after thinking about it, Qianye Feng figured out that Dr. Kukui was now a teacher at the elf school, and he might have assumed the role of his student, so he was so nervous about his whereabouts.

Later, Chiba Kaede obtained Dr. Kukui's communication number from Dr. Odamaki, and planned to contact the other party in advance to avoid further misunderstandings.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

After dialing Dr. Kukui's number, the person on the other end asked with some confusion.

"Hello, this is Dr. Kukui, I am Chiba Kaede. I just learned from Dr. Odamaki that you are concerned about my whereabouts!"

Qianye Feng didn't show off and explained directly.

"Oh, you are Xiao Feng. How about it? Have you arrived in the Alola area?"

After hearing that the caller was Qianye Feng, Dr. Kukui breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, he was also afraid that something would happen to the other party on the way.

"I arrived in Hauale City last night, but I just spent a day shopping here today. I planned to visit you again tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect to make you worried!"

Qianye Feng said apologetically.

"Haha, it's okay. Welcome to the Alola area. I happen to have classes tomorrow morning. So, can you come to the trainer school to find me directly?"

After Dr. Kukui laughed heartily a few times, he directly asked Chiba Kaede to go to the trainer school to look for him.

"Okay, no problem, then Dr. Kukui, see you tomorrow!"

Afterwards, Qianye Feng hung up the communication with Dr. Kukui.

Qianye Feng felt that his call was quite timely. At least he would not have to take the wrong path tomorrow and could go directly to the trainer school where Dr. Kukui was located to look for him.

Afterwards, Chiba Kaede picked up her cell phone and dialed Terada Yuri's number, telling her that she had arrived safely in the Alola area, so that they would not worry about her.

The next morning, Qianye Feng did not leave for the trainer school very early. He waited until after 9 o'clock in the morning before leaving the room and walking out.

After all, it is a school. If you go there too early, the door may not even be opened. Moreover, trainer schools in the Alola region have very few classes, and the students have very short classes every day, and many of them are engaged in extracurricular activities.

Qianye Feng just searched for information about the Alola Trainer School, and he was envious of these students. He felt that the trainer's school's training of these children was closer to being free-range.

After all, it is a school dedicated to training trainers, and the students there only need to master some knowledge related to elves.

Just think about Xiaozhi. When he started traveling, he didn't even memorize the attribute restraint table. He simply relied on his own blood to fight.

After walking to the Elf Plaza in Hauale City, Qianye Maple released his King Swallow and planned to ride it to the trainer school.

Since the Alola region is made up of islands, there are many flying elves used for transportation here. People in Alola will even wear riding gear on these transportation elves to give them a more comfortable experience when riding.

Although Melemele Island is one of the top large islands in the Alola region, it is still just an island after all. King Yan only flew for less than ten minutes to find the location of the trainer school.

Qianye Feng did not directly let King Yan fly into the trainer's school, but let him land in front of the door of the trainer's school, and then walked in himself. This was a necessary respect for others, and he still knew it.

"Young man, who are you looking for?"

When Qianye Feng was about to walk in through the gate, he was stopped by an old man who looked like a guard.

"I'm looking for Dr. Kukui and have already contacted him. By the way, my name is Qianye Feng!"

Facing the obstruction from the guard, Qianye Feng was not surprised. He directly reported the name of Dr. Kukui.

"Oh, you are Chiba Kaede. Dr. Kukui did ask me to pay attention to you this morning. He asked you to go directly to Junior Class 3 to find him!"

After Qianye Feng reported his name, the guard had obviously been notified by Dr. Kukui in advance and let him in directly.

After entering the trainer school, Qianye Feng saw many students fighting elf battles on the battlefield, and some were interacting with their own elf.

After asking a student, Qianye Feng quickly found the location of Junior Class 3.

At this time, the door of the classroom was not closed, and inside there was a half-naked male teacher wearing only an unbuttoned white robe and a dark body. He was obviously Dr. Kukui. (End of chapter)

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