I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 34 Meeting Shida Kyohei again

Qianye Feng did not take Da Wang Yan with her when she set out for Chenghua City this time, which made Da Wang Yan feel awkward for a while.

However, after knowing that Qianye Feng asked him to protect Qianye Farm, he no longer lost his temper. Instead, he solemnly promised him that he would protect everything here.

Chiba Kaede did not take Wang Yan with him because after he left, there were only three employees of Chiba Farm, Yuri Terada.

If Chiba Farm encounters an emergency, they may not be able to flexibly command the Arrogant Swallows group. After all, these Arrogant Swallows are actually wild elves in a strict sense and are just attached to the command of King Yan.

During this trip, the five elves Qianye Feng took with him were Heracross, the heterochromatic sheep, the tadpole, the shuttlecock grass, and the ghost.

As for why he didn't take the Sand Mountain King with him, it was because he felt that digging the artificial lake during this period had made the Sand Mountain King too tired, so he just let it rest for a while.

As the elf doctor of Chiba Farm, Shuttlecock needs to stay on the farm to treat the injured elves. As for him, it is enough to have Shuttlecock who has learned the green grass field skills.

Qianye Feng learned that if he walked to Chenghua City, it would take about half a month. Only the town of Gumei Town could rest during the journey. At other times, he could only spend the night in the wild.

At this time, Qianye Feng came to the Chenghua Forest again, but now that he had a map to guide him, he was not worried about getting lost.

"Finally I meet you again, let's have an upright elf showdown, Xiaofeng!"

A boy jumped out from the grass in front and said to Qianye Feng.

"So it's you, Kyohei!"

To be honest, Chiba Kaede was also shocked by the way Shida Kyohei appeared. He thought he was attacked by a wild elf!

He almost let Guisi, who was hiding in his shadow, take action. Fortunately, the voice coming from the other party made him understand that it was a person. After careful observation, he found that this person was Shida Kyohei.

He has only met Shida Kyohei three times so far, including this time. The reason why he was able to recognize him was that Shida Kyohei left such a deep impression on him.

The first time they met was when Shida Kyohei guided him and Ao Guyan out of the Orange Flower Forest. The second time they met was when they met him at the Elf Center in Chunhua Town after he failed in the Elf Battle. And this time, it was exactly three times.

"I agree, come out, Meili Yang!"

Chiba Kaede felt that it was so lucky to meet Shida Kyohei in the Orange Flower Forest. Plus he had nothing urgent to do now, so it wouldn't matter if he had an elf duel with him.

"Great, you finally agreed to fight me. Come out and hunt the swallowtail butterflies!"

After being enlightened by Chiba Kaede last time, Shida Kyohei trained his elves very seriously, and even defeated the Straight Bear by hunting swallowtail butterflies, saving himself from defeat.

"Then let's have a 1V1 elf showdown, okay?"

Qianye Feng asked.

"No problem, let's get started, I can't wait!"

Shida Kyohei said eagerly.

"You attack first!"

Qianye Feng said lightly.

"Then I'm welcome. Hunting swallowtail butterflies and using air blades!"

Shida Kyohei was a little angry when he saw that Qianye Feng was looking down on him, so he directly asked Hunting Papilio to use his special attack skills.

"Meili Sheep, electric shock!"

In fact, Chiba Kaede did not look down on Shida Kyohei, but he had confidence in the strength of the different colors. During this period, the different colors did not waste time, but instead trained harder.

From time to time, Qianye Feng also asked him to help the big king Yan with resistance training, that is, let the heterochromatic melee sheep use electric shock skills to attack the big king swallow, so that the big king swallow could improve its resistance to electric-type moves in each attack.

In such training, Da Wang Yan's resistance to electrical attributes has indeed improved significantly.

As the attacker, the heterochromatic Meili Sheep also tried his best to increase the power of his electric shock skills, thereby redeeming his pride as an electric elf.


The electric shock skill of the heterochromatic sheep and the air blade skill of the hunting swallowtail butterfly collided in the air, causing an explosion of energy. This time the skill showdown can be said to be evenly matched.

"Damn it, hunting swallowtails, use Butterfly Dance!"

After seeing that the air blade skill had no effect, Shida Kyohei chose to use the butterfly dance skill to strengthen the hunting of swallowtail butterflies.

After hearing the order, the hunting swallowtail butterfly dances in the sky. Coupled with its beautiful appearance, it is indeed pleasing to the eye. No wonder the hunting swallowtail butterfly can coordinate one of the must-have elves for trainers.

"Meiliyang, use charge!"

Since the opponent chose to strengthen his skills, Qianye Feng naturally also needs to strengthen his special skills.

"Hunting swallowtails, let's continue to use the air blade!"

After seeing Hunting Papilion Butterfly use Butterfly Dance, Shida Kyohei chose to continue using the air blade, and saw several wind blades that were more powerful than before flying quickly towards Meili Sheep.

"Meiliyang, use discharge, maximum power!"

Qianye Feng also issued the order at the right time.

This time he did not choose to use electric shock, but used a more powerful discharge skill. Coupled with the blessing of the charging skill just now, a terrifying electric light suddenly emitted from the heterochromatic sheep.

This electric light directly broke through the air blade flying over, and then flew towards the hunting swallowtail butterfly with unabated momentum.

"Get away quickly, hunting swallowtail butterflies!"

Shida Kyohei shouted hurriedly.

It's just that the speed of this electric light was too fast. The hunting swallowtail butterfly just wanted to avoid it, but it was already too late and was directly hit by this electric light.

After the Hunting Papilio butterfly withstood this extremely effective blow, it could no longer support itself and fell directly to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Are you okay, hunting swallowtails!"

Shida Kyohei hurriedly ran over to check on the situation of hunting swallowtail butterflies.

"Shuttlecock grass, use the grass field!"

Qianye Maple directly released the shuttlecock grass, allowing it to use the grass field skill.

With the release of the shuttlecock grass field skill, this area is shrouded in an emerald green ability. This life energy will continue to restore the physical strength of hunting swallowtail butterflies and melee sheep.

After a while, the hunting swallowtail butterfly had recovered a lot of strength and could at least fly in the air on its own.

"Okay, Kyohei, your hunting swallowtail butterfly is fine, you don't have to worry too much!"

At this time, Chiba Kaede walked up to Shida Kyohei and said to him with a smile.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng, but although I lost this time, Hunting Swallowtail and I will definitely train harder and challenge you again in the future!"

Shida Kyohei was very grateful when he saw Chiba Kaede helping him to treat the hunting swallowtail butterfly. After all, his current location is indeed a bit far away from the elf center.

"I'm waiting for your challenge, but I still have things to go to Chenghua City, so I won't talk to you any more. Goodbye!"

Chiba Kaede and Shida Kyohei waved their hands and planned to say goodbye and leave. After all, it was getting late now and he needed to find a place to camp.

Shida Kyohei looked at Qianye Feng's leaving figure and didn't say anything else. He just clenched his fists. The taste of failure was indeed unpleasant, and he needed to work harder.

"Meiliyang, this battle is your true battle against elves. Although you won the victory, you still need to recall the battle and summarize your shortcomings!"

Qianye Feng took out a medium-grade energy cube and handed it to the heterochromatic Meili Yang, and then warned.

"Meili, meili!"

The heterochromatic sheep nodded to Qianye Feng, indicating that it understood, and then ate the energy cube in one bite. It had just used the discharge skill, which did consume a lot of energy.

When he saw that the heterochromatic sheep was not proud of the victory in this battle, Qianye Feng also smiled and nodded.

After that, Qianye Feng walked for another hour and finally found a place with a relatively wide view. There was a creek not far away, which was a good place to camp.

"You all come out!"

Qianye Feng released all the elves, and then tidied up the place with the elves, and then happily ate dinner.

Although he is in the wild now, Qianye Feng is not too worried. After all, with the current strength of Heracross and the others, there is no problem in protecting him in the area outside the Orange Forest.

After dinner, Qianye Feng accompanied the elves to do some daily training, and then planned to rest. After all, he had traveled all day, but before resting, he chose to use up all three opportunities to use his abilities to help his family. The elves restore themselves.

Although the number of his own elves now exceeds the number of times his ability can be used every day, he will treat them every once in a while as fairly as possible.

It is said to be a treatment, but in fact it is more about removing the hidden wounds on their bodies and increasing the vitality of the elves.

Although the changes in each treatment will not be too big, over time, Qianye Feng believes that they will be able to continuously break their own upper limit and achieve higher achievements.

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