I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 357 Hala’s Great Test (2)

Faced with the predictable foam light attack of the Victory Hairy Crab, the Strong Chicken did not dodge after all. When it was about to get close to the Victory Hairy Crab, it was hit by the opponent's foam light skill and flew backwards.

Fortunately, the skill of the foam light is not too powerful. The strong chicken just shook his head and quickly stood up. However, due to the additional effect of the foam light reducing the speed, its speed was also reduced a lot. .

It can be said that in the first round of the confrontation, Li Zhuangji was completely at a disadvantage.

"Strong Chicken, use flame jet!"

Since he couldn't get close, Qianye Feng simply resorted to long-range attacks. After all, Strong Chicken's fire-attribute skills were very powerful.

Facing the powerful chicken's jet of high-temperature fire, Hala continued to direct the feisty hairy crab to use foam light to block it.

However, it is a pity that the power of the strong chicken's flames exceeded Hara's expectations, and it directly suppressed the foam light and continued to attack the position of the aggressive hairy crab.

"The hairy crabs are fierce, use rocks to block them!"

Facing the incoming jet flames, Hara decisively gave up using the foam light to resist, and instead let the competitive hairy crab use the rock blockade skill.

Unexpectedly, this rock blocking skill was not released towards the strong chicken, but formed a thick rock wall in front of the aggressive hairy crab.


After the rock wall was formed, the jet flames directly hit it. The high temperature directly burned the rock wall red. Unfortunately, it was not able to penetrate the rock wall and cause harm to the aggressive hairy crabs.

However, after being blocked by the rock wall, Qianye Feng simply continued to let the strong chicken use the charged flame attack to approach the aggressive hairy crab. At this time, the winning hairy crab hiding behind the rock wall could not use foam light to block the strong chicken's movement.

With the help of the skill of accumulating flame attack, the strong chicken moved faster and faster, and soon came to the rock wall. With a strong kick of its legs, it crossed the rock wall directly, and then headed towards the wall behind the wall. Winning Hairy Crab is a two-kick skill.

"Being competitive with hairy crabs, continuously strengthen your punches!"

Facing the attack on the aggressive hairy crab, Hala did not panic at all and commanded calmly.

After receiving the instruction, the feisty hairy crab's two fist-like crab claws danced rapidly and collided with the strong chicken's two consecutive kicks. With his fist, he even used a powerful and heavy punch, which directly knocked the strong chicken upside down.

"Strong Chicken, can you still fight?"

Seeing that the strong chicken was trying to get up, Qianye Feng asked with concern after trying for a long time without success.

At this time, Qianye Feng had also learned about the strength of his opponent, the Feisty Crab, and the Strong Chicken did have a certain strength gap with the opponent, so he didn't want the Strong Chicken to continue to show off his strength.


At this time, the strong chicken also knew that it was not the opponent's opponent, but it still wanted to continue fighting unwillingly. It knew the importance of this game to the trainer and did not want to lose the game because of its own reasons.

With this unwillingness, white light began to emerge from Li Zhuang Chicken's body. More and more white lights directly enveloped Li Zhuang Chicken inside, until its figure could no longer be seen from the outside world.

"The strong chicken has evolved!"

As his opponent, Hala was a little surprised to see that the powerful chicken had evolved at this moment. However, due to his confidence in the strength of the aggressive hairy crab, he was not very worried that the evolved flame chicken could defeat his own aggressive hairy crab. .

As bystanders, Kaqi and others were also excited at this time. They were excited to watch the evolution of the elves at such a close distance.

After the white light dissipated, a flame chicken more than two meters tall appeared in front of everyone. However, unlike ordinary flame chickens, the hair of the flame chicken in front of them showed the color of flames. Compared with the hair of ordinary flame chickens, More brilliant and dazzling.

After Qianye Feng picked up the elf illustration and scanned the flame chicken, he found that the evolved flame chicken had learned the two skills of flame kick and bodybuilding.

"Flaming chicken, it's up to you, use bodybuilding!"

After the Flame Chicken woke up from the joy of evolution, Qianye Feng quickly ordered.

Then the Flame Chicken clenched its fists, its muscles were tightened by it, and then a powerful momentum burst out from its body. It was obvious that it had completed this strengthening.

However, when the Flame Chicken was strengthening its body, the Feisty Hairy Crab was not idle either. It rushed directly towards the Flame Chicken. However, due to its speed, the Flame Chicken had already completed its strengthening before its attack arrived.

With the improved strength after evolution and the blessing of bodybuilding skills, the flame chicken can finally compete head-on with the aggressive hairy crab. They are seen constantly using their fists and feet for rapid attack and defense.

Although the competitive hairy crab is not very fast, the speed at which it swings its fists is very astonishing. It dances its two huge fists so well that it is watertight. It is obvious that it has received strict fighting training before.

But this is also obvious. The king of the island, Hala, is best at using fighting attribute elves, and he himself is also very proficient in fighting.

Fortunately, the Flame Chicken is not a vegetarian. It has also been trained hard with monsters before. When faced with attacks from fighting-type elves, it can unload its strength very well, dodge vital attacks, and carry out timely counterattacks.

However, the flame chicken has been seriously injured before. It cannot compete with the competitive hairy crab for endurance. As time goes by, it has gradually fallen into a disadvantage. If no changes are made, defeat will only happen sooner or later. .

"Flaming Chicken, keep the distance, and then use the final flash charge!"

Facing the already weak Flame Chicken, Qianye Feng could only choose to give it a try.

Obviously the Flame Chicken also understood the trainer's plan. It used a flame kick to collide with the opponent's fist, and used this push to directly distance itself from the competitive Hairy Crab.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of fire energy emerged from the flame chicken's body.

The terrifying heat made the already hot temperature rise by several degrees. As a group of spectators, except for Kaqi who is more resistant to heat, everyone else took a few steps back in tacit agreement.

"I see, let's give it a try, then we won't admit defeat. If we are eager to defeat the hairy crabs, we will use the explosive punch!"

Hala saw that Qianye Feng was planning to use the final blow to recover the disadvantage, so he did not choose to avoid the attack temporarily, but let the competitive hairy crab face the difficulty, intending to decide the outcome with the Flame Chicken through this blow.

After the energy gathering was completed, the Flame Chicken directly stepped out with its long legs and hit the Feisty Hairy Crab. The Feisty Hairy Crab did not hesitate and swung out its right fist filled with terrifying energy and struck in the direction of the Flame Chicken.


As the two sides came into contact, a terrifying energy exploded, and smoke and dust flew throughout the entire venue for a while, and the flame chicken and feisty hairy crab at the center of the collision were directly shrouded in shadow.

After a while, their figures appeared in front of everyone again. At this time, the Flame Chicken had fallen to the ground and fell into a coma, while the Feisty Hairy Crab was still standing steadily. (End of chapter)

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