I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 360 Overlord Wang Yan (1)

After arriving at the beach, Qianye Feng did not start the experiment immediately, but chose to set up the camp first.

After the camp was set up, Qianye Feng sat on the recliner and carefully looked at the Z bracelet and flying Z in his hand.

The Z bracelet looks like a whole, but Qianye Feng knows that only the core part is the radiance stone, and a groove is specially left on the radiance stone. Z pure crystals with various properties are inlaid in this groove. to release energy.

The Flying Z is a rhombus-shaped crystal with a light blue color throughout, with mysterious energy flowing faintly inside.

"Great Wang Yan, try to see if you can absorb the Z energy in flying Z!"

Qianye Feng handed Flying Z to Wang Yan and said.

At this time, King Yan still maintained the miserable appearance after fighting the Iron Palm Warrior. At this time, its body was in urgent need of energy, which could be used for experiments, so Qianye Feng was not in a hurry to restore its injuries.

Da Wangyan looked at the flying Z in the trainer's hand without hesitation, directly picked it up with its beak, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

Seeing King Yan swallowing Flying Z directly into its belly, Qianye Feng originally wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it later, she let it swallow it.

If it were Z pure crystal Qianye Feng with other attributes, I would still be worried about whether it would cause an energy conflict if swallowed by the King Yan. However, flying Z is originally a fusion of Z energy and flight attribute energy. King Yan itself has the flight attribute. Think about it. Not too big either.

And even if something goes wrong, Qianye Feng believes that he can guarantee the safety of King Yan with his own life energy.

"Wang Yan, how do you feel now?"

After Da Wang Yan swallowed Fei Z for a while, Qianye Feng asked curiously.


Da Wang Yan also closed his eyes and sensed the situation inside his body, then shook his head and shouted.

Obviously, just after swallowing the Flying Z into the body, the King Swallow cannot independently absorb the Z energy inside. What other steps should be needed to allow the King Swallow to utilize the energy in the Flying Z.

Of course, this is not absolute. It is possible that the time is relatively short and Wang Yan is not yet able to digest and absorb the energy in Flying Z, so Qianye Feng plans to observe it for a while before talking.

"Wang Yan, you absorb enough Z energy now, and I will help you with treatment later."

Qianye Feng decided not to think about the things he couldn't figure out for the time being, and let the King Swallow absorb Z energy in the same way as before. As for whether flying Z has any effect, it will be clear after observing the changes in the King Swallow.

This day was spent in the training of King Yan. Now it has mastered the Brave Bird's attack skills to a higher and higher degree, so when there is no opponent, the backlash of the skills it receives is getting lighter and lighter, so Each time it takes longer and longer to drain its energy.

Qianye Feng has no way to do this. He can't let the flame chickens bear the fierce attack of King Yan's brave birds!

With the current strength of the Flame Chickens, King Yan only needs one shot of the Brave Bird's attack skill to render them incapable of fighting.

After spending a peaceful night like this, Qianye Feng discovered the abnormality of the Great King Swallow the next day. Its size had not increased significantly. However, this did not mean that there were no other changes in the Great King Swallow. Qianye Feng discovered that the Big King Swallow had no significant increase in size. The body surface seemed to be covered with a faint golden light.

This is obviously the prototype of the Overlord's aura. Although it is not as powerful as the dazzling Overlord's aura on the Meerkat Inspector Overlord, this thin layer of Overlord's aura has been derived, which means that King Yan has stepped onto the stage. He has entered the threshold of the Overlord Elf.

Now what Qianye Feng needs to do is to allow King Yan to stably generate the overlord aura, and also need it to be able to recover by absorbing the Z energy in the air after the overlord aura is consumed.

Only in this way can it truly represent that King Yan has broken through to the level of the Overlord Elf, and the main purpose of his trip can be considered achieved.

"Wang Yan, can the flying Z be taken out from your body?"

Obviously, the reason why Big King Yan can have such a big change is because the Flying Z that it swallowed into its body yesterday played an important role. In order to verify the guess in his heart, Qianye Feng decided to let King Yan take out Flying Z and take a look. Down.


Although somewhat reluctant, Wang Yan still satisfied Qianye Feng's request.

After closing its eyes and sensing it, it suddenly coughed. The Flying Z it had swallowed yesterday came into its mouth and was held firmly in its beak.

Qianye Feng took the Flying Z in his hand and looked at it carefully. He found that the Flying Z was no longer the diamond shape it was yesterday. The surface seemed to be corroded, becoming pitted, and the size had also shrunk.

After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng already knew that King Yan could digest and absorb Flying Z, and the absorption efficiency was not low.

"Wang Yan, take it back!"

After his suspicion was verified, Qianye Feng handed Flying Z back to Da Wangyan, letting it swallow it and continue digesting it.

At this time, Qianye Feng already knew something, but he still didn't know yet whether King Yan would be able to complete the final transformation after the flying Z was digested.

Of course, if it's not enough, he also has a Z bracelet for Da Wang Yan to absorb, but this is a bit of a waste.

The Z bracelet is much more difficult to obtain than the Z pure crystal. Qianye Feng estimates that it is unlikely that he will obtain a second Z bracelet in the Alola region.

However, Z pure crystals appear more frequently, and lucky trainers often obtain Z pure crystals with various attributes in the elf lairs in the wild.

This may also be because these wild elves instinctively know that staying near Z-pure crystals is very beneficial to them, so they unconsciously collect such crystals.

It's just that most of them cannot sense Z energy, and they don't have the strength to directly swallow Z pure crystals like King Yan, so they can only passively absorb a small part of the energy emitted from Z pure crystals.

Over the next ten days, King Yan's overlord aura became thicker and thicker. When it activated its overlord aura, its whole body seemed to be covered in a layer of golden light, and its own aura also increased sharply. .

But it's not all good news, because all the flying Z that King Yan swallowed and entered its body has been digested and absorbed by King Yan, which means that King Yan can no longer continue to quickly enhance its own dominant aura.

Qianye Feng had previously not dared to let King Yan consume the Overlord aura because the Overlord aura on King Yan's body was too weak. She was afraid that after it was consumed, King Yan would not be able to restore its own aura by absorbing the Z energy in the air. .

Now Qianye Feng has planned to use the Flame Chicken to break the overlord aura of the King Yan. If the overlord aura can be restored after a period of time, it will prove that the King Yan has truly become an overlord elf.

Although the overlord aura on King Yan's body is not as strong as that on the overlord Inspector Meerkat, the Flame Chicken also put in a lot of effort to break through this overlord aura, and even used its unique skill, Flash Charge. , finally broke Da Wang Yan’s dominant aura. (End of chapter)

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