I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 365 Fighting Kaqi again (2)

After learning the previous lesson, Charizard tried his best to avoid a head-on confrontation with King Yan, and turned to guerrilla tactics, constantly using skills to try to consume King Yan's physical strength.

In this regard, Qianye Feng was not in a hurry and directly let King Yan deal with the attack from the fire-breathing dragon.

Although King Yan may not have as much combat experience as Charizard, the opponents he faces are very strong, and he will not be as weak as Charizard in combat.

Kaqi's Charizard has indeed been well cultivated, and its skills such as Air Blade, Hot Wind, Jet Flame, Dragon Breath, and Big Character Pyroblast are constantly used by it.

For these long-range attacks, King Yan uses the destructive death ray to resist. Only when it cannot resist, it will rely on its own rapidity to dodge.

Although Charizard's accumulation is very deep, the continuous use of these skills also consumes most of the energy in its body, but King Yan does not seem to have consumed it.

This scene also made Charizard a little doubtful about life. He didn't expect that the opposite King Yan had much deeper energy reserves than himself, so how could he turn defeat into victory.

At this time, not only Charizard started to become anxious, but even Kaqi, who had been directing Charizard's actions, had big beads of sweat on his forehead, and was rapidly turning his brain, thinking about ways to deal with King Yan.

Seeing the Charizard and King Yan constantly attacking and defending in the sky, the audience below were all excited.

Different from the last battle between King Yan and Iron Palm Warrior, King Yan and Charizard are both flying attribute elves, so the battle between them is more intense, and no one has an attribute advantage. Both sides rely on Real strength is fighting.

But after fighting for so long, the strength gap between the two sides has become clear at a glance. Now Charizard has begun to pant violently, but King Yan is very relaxed and comfortable, as if he is not fighting.

"No matter what, Charizard, use super extreme flame bombs!"

In the end, Kaqi gave up thinking. He was not the kind of trainer who fought based on tactics, so he simply used the Z move with all his might.

The super extreme flame bombs used by Kaqi and Charizard are much more powerful than the Flame Turtle Beast. This is already their best blow. If they cannot defeat King Yan, then they will have no ability to resist.

Faced with the combined blow of Kachi and Charizard, King Yan was not afraid. At this time, its dominant aura had been broken by Charizard, so it could only rely on its own ability to block this terrifying blow.

"Great Wang Yan, defeat it!"

Facing the huge fireball formed by the fire-breathing dragon, Qianye Feng did not choose to let Wang Yan get out of the way, because it meant that he was afraid, and naturally he lost in terms of momentum.

When it comes to countering Z moves, Da Wangyan is already very familiar with it. It directly uses the Brave Bird Attack, which is already a somewhat familiar trick. Then it folds its wings and shoots at the huge fireball like a small sun like a sharp arrow. Go in.

Immediately afterwards, King Yan was seen rushing out from the other end of the fireball, and then continued to attack the location of the fire-breathing dragon.

The big fire ball penetrated by Da Wang Yan exploded directly due to its structure being damaged. The huge roar shook everyone's eardrums from time to time, causing several people to cover their ears to avoid being hurt.

Along with the explosion, King Yan directly bombarded Charizard, knocking Charizard down from the sky and hitting the ground like a meteorite.

After everything settled, everyone found that Charizard had completely lost consciousness and was lying quietly in a large pit.

"Charizard, are you okay!"

Seeing this scene, Kaqi couldn't bear it anymore and ran directly to the fire-breathing dragon and asked with concern.

At this time, the surface of the Charizard's body was covered with scars. It was obvious that King Yan's attack just now had dealt a heavy blow to it, causing the Charizard to be seriously injured at this time.

"Shuttlecock Mian, it's up to you!"

Seeing this scene, Qianye Feng did not hesitate and directly released the shuttlecock cotton.

As the life energy generated by the green grass field entered Charizard's body and continued to treat its injuries, Charizard soon regained consciousness, but it was still unable to move its body and needed longer treatment.

"Xiao Feng, your King Yan's strength has really improved a lot after becoming the overlord elf!"

After watching the whole battle between King Yan and Charizard, Dr. Kukui couldn't help but sigh.

Today's performance of King Yan greatly exceeded Dr. Kukui's expectations. The match with Hala had only happened not long ago, but there were some surprising changes in King Yan's strength.

But this change only occurred after King Yan transformed into an overlord elf. This means that as long as an ordinary elf can transform into an overlord elf, his qualifications will no longer be a shackles to him, and his strength will improve before reaching the limit of another world. There will be no obstruction.

"You two are really powerful. In comparison, our strength is far behind!"

Seeing that the treatment of Charizard has been completed, Mao said with some envy.

"We just started earlier. I believe you can catch up soon."

Qianye Feng patted Wang Yan beside him, and then said modestly.

"Xiao Feng, I will definitely train harder and continue to challenge you when my strength improves. I will not give in just yet!"

At this time, Kaqi also came out of the shadow of defeat, and then came to Qianye Feng and said firmly.

For Kaqi, failure is not shameful. It would be most shameful if he loses the courage to challenge because of failure, so he will not be dejected because of a temporary defeat.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your challenge, but I will return to the Fengyuan area in a few days. Then you can come to my farm as a guest. I believe you will like it."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qianye Feng also expressed his plan.

"Ah, Xiaofeng, you are going back. You promised to go to my restaurant for dinner!"

"And you said you wanted to go fishing with me."

After hearing that Qianye Feng was leaving in a few days, everyone was very reluctant to leave, and they all offered words of condolence.

"I deliberately left a few days late in order to fulfill my promise to you. I'm asking you to be my tour guide these days. I haven't had a good time touring the Alola region since I arrived!"

After several people finished chattering, Qianye Feng said.

"That goes without saying, we will definitely take you on a tour of our Alola region!"

Kaqi patted his chest and assured.

"Haha, then you can play with Xiaofeng for a few days. I will move the class back then!"

Dr. Kukui also spoke out at this time.

In the past few days, he planned to study the process of how to transform ordinary elves into overlord elves, so he took this opportunity to postpone the class time.

"Really, that would be great, don't you think so, Togodmar!"

The little fat Mamane said excitedly to Togo Demar in her arms. (End of chapter)

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