I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 373 Wave Guide Practice

After the battle with Korni, Chiba Kaede visited the Sara Gym under the leadership of Mayi and Korni.

The island where the Sara Gym is located has the Refining Tower as the main body, supplemented by various buildings. The leaders here are Mr. Cocobul and Kerni, but in addition to them, there are also many gym apprentices and workers living there. personnel.

Because there are many people and elves living here, it also brings vitality to this castle-like Sara Gym, which does not have the lifeless feeling of other castles at all.

In addition to the daily tasks assigned by the gym, these gym apprentices have to control their own time. However, most of their time is spent training elves and practicing waveguide body training.

The training session hosted by Mr. Cocobul in the morning was not held every day. Normally it would be held about once a week. This training session was actually designed to allow him to know the progress of each apprentice's training in the waveguide exercise technique.

Like Tai Chi in the previous life, the waveguide body-building technique is also a training method that is easy to learn but difficult to master. Only a few people can continue to practice it and advance to become fighters with this set of body-building techniques.

In fact, most apprentices do not want to break through to the fighter stage. Many of them actually train in the Salo Gym to inherit the fighting attribute elves, so that they can go further on the path of being a trainer. As for the wave guide body training technique In fact, it is only used as an auxiliary practice.

Even if Mr. Cocobul hadn't forced the apprentices to learn, and would regularly check the apprentices' learning progress, I believe that many gym apprentices would not actually be willing to learn such a set of body-building techniques.

Lucario was so precious and rare that Qianye Feng did not find anyone among these apprentices who had subdued a second Lucario or Lilluo.

Without the help of the Lucario clan, if you want to simply rely on a set of waveguide body-building techniques to improve your waveguide energy, the effect cannot be said to be completely nonexistent. It can only be said that the speed of progress is too slow.

Although Qianye Feng himself is very proficient in practicing the wave guide body training technique, the effect on him is just that. It may be better at the beginning, but after this period of time, the effect of the practice will definitely be greatly reduced.

"Xiao Feng, grandpa will instruct me and Zhenyi to practice later. Do you want to go with us?"

When the time came to about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Korni asked Qianye Feng.

"Is it okay? If it's not convenient, I can just go to Salo City and walk around by myself?"

Qianye Feng knew that the training that Korni was talking about might be different from that in the morning. It was a relatively core inheritance in the Salo Gym. An outsider like him might not be welcomed by Cocobol if he followed along.

"Don't worry, the afternoon practice won't involve any secrets."

Perhaps seeing Qianye Feng's concerns, Kerni explained.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, I can go there together, you don't have to worry about anything."

Zhen Yi also helped to persuade.

Since both of them have said this, Qianye Feng will naturally not be pretentious, and besides, he is also very interested in improving his own waveguide energy.

Although Qianye Feng does not expect to be able to break through to the realm of a fighter with the help of waveguide energy, his mental strength is stronger and he has more resistance when facing those with super powers.

Qianye Feng followed the two of them to the bottom floor of the Tower of Refinement. The space here was large and there were not many traces of modern civilization modifications. It seemed that it was originally a naturally formed underground cave.

After walking a certain distance in the passage, several people came to a node of underground water veins. To Qianye Feng's expectation, there was also a small waterfall here, and under the waterfall was a bottomless pool.

At this time, Mr. Cocobul was sitting cross-legged on a stone near the waterfall meditating with his eyes closed. There was a Lucario beside him who was also meditating.

The three of them came in front of them but failed to attract their attention, as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with them.

"Xiao Feng, first find a stone and try to see if you can enter a trance state. Grandpa said that the environment here is very quiet and there are no outsiders to disturb you. It is very suitable for forging your spirit."

After Korni and Qianye Feng explained some precautions about meditation, she also started to meditate with her Lucario.

As for Zhenyi, he did not release his spirit, but found a stone and started to meditate cross-legged.

Qianye Feng naturally knew something about meditation. Meditation, also known as meditation, can promote blood circulation in the human body, eliminate worries in life, and remove subjective confusion. It is the best way to prevent and treat diseases, improve health, and cultivate body and mind.

Because meditation focuses the mind in one place, puts the brain into a state of tranquility, calms down the scattered mind, and the state of mind becomes pure and peaceful, and the Qi and pulse are naturally smooth.

"Nei Jing" says: "Tranquility and nothingness, the true energy can follow it, and the spirit can be kept within, and the disease can never be cured?" "It is said that the saint is a person who does nothing, enjoys the ability of tranquility, follows desires and is determined to guard nothingness, so his life span is endless .”

Of course, this is what was said in the previous life. In this world full of magical power, meditation should have some more magical effects, otherwise it would not be favored by Cocobul's family.

As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice. Qianye Feng quickly found a stone suitable for sitting cross-legged and meditating. There was some distance between it and several people. Even if he made a sound, it would have less impact on others.

Soon, Qianye Feng himself began to meditate for the first time in the same way as Cocobul. Since his body's flexibility was beyond that of ordinary people through physical training, he could easily imitate the opponent's movements.

Of course, Qianye Feng also knew that just imitating the movements would not have much effect. He still needed to restrain his spirit, eliminate the interference of all distracting thoughts, and keep his mind in a calm and unruffled state.

At the beginning, the more Qianye Feng wanted to get rid of distracting thoughts, countless distracting thoughts flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, making him involuntarily attracted by these distracting thoughts, causing him to become more and more irritable, and even wanted to be desperate He yelled out, but was restrained by Qianye Feng in the end.

After more than ten minutes of struggle, Qianye Feng began to change his mind and no longer deliberately tried to eliminate distracting thoughts. He just followed the idea of ​​​​making himself comfortable and freed his mind.

Qianye Feng originally thought that doing so would make his meditation a complete failure, but he did not expect that after a while, he felt that his heart had calmed down, and he no longer felt the irritability he had before.

Immediately afterwards, Qianye Feng felt that he had entered a state of being asleep and awake, and everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

I don't know how long it took, Qianye Feng regained his sense of the outside world, and could no longer enter the previous state, but he didn't force it and opened his eyes directly.

"Xiao Feng, you're awake. I didn't expect you to meditate for so long for the first time. Compared to you, I'm really stupid!"

After Qianye Feng stood up and stretched her muscles, Zhenyi also came to her and said with some envy.

At this time, Qianye Feng had time to look around and found that the grandsons of Cocobul and Kerni were still in a meditative state. (End of chapter)

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