I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 376 The Legend of the Diamond Mining Country

As a senior elf doctor, Shuttlecock Mian quickly helped all three elves recover from their injuries, but they still looked a little sluggish because they consumed a lot of energy.


The baby dragon, which had recovered its health, was currently surrounding the Fire Monkey, looking at it with envy.

The two elves, who were already basically equal in strength, lost their balance due to the evolution of the little flame monkey. The baby dragon felt very unwilling to accept this, and his face was filled with envy and jealousy.

Originally, Baby Dragon was on the side chasing the Fierce Monkey, but now the strength gap suddenly widened, making it unacceptable for a while.

As the beneficiary of evolution, the Fierce Monkey was naturally happy, and would pat Baby Dragon on the shoulder from time to time, acting like a big brother.

This also made the Baby Dragon very angry. The alliance they formed because they wanted to compete with the Flame Chicken was directly broken. Now the Baby Dragon is also eager to evolve into a crustacean.

After thinking about this, Baby Dragon ran directly in front of Qianye Feng and looked at him pitifully, hoping that the trainer could help him complete his evolution as soon as possible.

"Baby Dragon, your current accumulation is not enough, but as long as you accumulate enough and evolve into a crustacean, your strength will increase explosively. By then, surpassing the Fire Monkey will be a piece of cake."

At this time, as the spiritual mentor of Baby Dragon, Qianye Feng began to describe to Baby Dragon the beautiful scene of it crushing the fire monkey after evolution.


After Qianye Feng's enlightenment, the baby dragon's sense of loss due to the evolution of the Little Flame Monkey was mostly offset, and its enthusiasm for training was greatly improved. Now it has only one idea, that is, to evolve into a crustacean as soon as possible, and then turn over and do it. Boss.

"Xiao Feng, your precious dragon is so interesting!"

Korni witnessed the whole process of Qianye Feng deceiving Baby Dragon, and found it very interesting.

Korni is very fond of silly little guys like Baby Dragon. Her Lucario was very rational and mature when he was still Lilluo, which also made her as a trainer completely incapable of training.

Sometimes Kerni would be despised by Lucario because of her childish behavior. She felt that the relationship between herself and Lucario was a bit reversed, and Lucario was the more mature one.

"Xiao Feng, you have trained so well. The baby dragon is much stronger now than when you first subdued it!"

Looking at the baby dragon who was training hard, Zhenyi couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, it had only been more than a month since she and Qianye Feng separated, but the changes in Baby Dragon were huge. In addition to Baby Dragon's extraordinary qualifications, it was also indispensable for the careful training of the trainer Qianye Feng.

"Actually, the reason why Baby Dragon has undergone such a change is thanks to the Fire Monkey. Without its existence, Baby Dragon would not have such motivation."

After patting the Fire Monkey on the shoulder, Qianye Feng told the two of them about the dispute between the Fire Monkey and the Baby Dragon.

"That's right, everything is my fault, come and praise me now!"

Hearing the trainer praising himself, coupled with the joy of just evolving, the Fire Monkey was overflowing with joy, looking like I was great.

The appearance of the fierce fire monkey also made Korni and Mayi smile. At this time, they felt that Qianye Maple's elves had their own personalities and were very lovable.

"By the way, Korni, do you know where the diamond mining country is?"

After chatting with the two for a while, Qianye Feng suddenly remembered Little Diamond in his mind, and asked about the diamond mining country.

"Xiao Feng, are you talking about the legendary diamond mining country where the phantom elf Dianxi lives and is rich in diamonds?"

Regarding Qianye Feng's sudden question about the diamond mining country, Kerni was still a little unable to react for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"That's right, it's the diamond mining country where Diancie and countless small diamonds live."

In response to Korni's confused look, Qianye Feng confirmed again.

"I remember that you seem to be a trainer in the Hoenn region. How do you know this legend that few people know even in the Kalos region?"

Kerni happened to know a little bit about the legend of the diamond mining country. This was a story her grandfather told her to coax her to sleep when she couldn't sleep when she was a child.

It's just that Kearney was attracted by Dianxi in the story, and later specifically checked some relevant records.

Korni searched for a lot of information and found that the first news about this magical place in Diamond Mining Country came from a book published by an explorer a long time ago.

In this book, the explorer describes a very magical underground diamond mining country, where there are many valuable diamonds from the outside world, and there is also the phantom elf Dianxi who can create diamonds at will.

This also aroused the interest of many explorers. They searched hard based on the locations provided in the books, but all failed.

In the end, these people all regarded the Diamond Mine Country as a place made up by the explorer. In reality, such a magical place did not exist at all. The interest in the Diamond Mine Country also gradually died down in the Carlos area. .

Then, with the passage of time, the diamond mining country evolved into a legend similar to a fairy tale, and few people would go out to find the location of the diamond mining country.

"It seems that I asked the right person. Kerni, you know something about the diamond mining country!"

Seeing Korni's expression, Qianye Feng knew that she should know a lot about the diamond mining country, and couldn't help but said happily.

Although it was unclear why Qianye Feng wanted to inquire about the Diamond Mine Country, Kerni still told him about her general understanding of the Diamond Mining Country, including the book that recorded the initial records of the Diamond Mining Country. Content.

Qianye Feng also explained his purpose of finding the diamond mining country to the two of them. However, before seeing his small diamond, Korni and Zhenyi obviously did not believe Qianye Feng's idea and just regarded it as his. A somewhat whimsical adventure.

"Kerni, is there an elf teleportation device in your Sara Gym?"

Qianye Feng didn't explain too much about the inexplicable looks the two looked at him, but asked Korni.

"Yes, yes!"

Perhaps realizing that her expression just now was a bit hurtful, Kerni responded in a panic.

Later, Qianye Feng, led by Korni, came to a room with many modern instruments, including the elf teleportation device.

Soon, Chiba Kaede got in touch with Terada Yuri who was far away in the Fengyuan area, and asked her to help teleport Little Diamond and Sand Mountain King, while he was preparing to teleport Fist Sea Cucumber, Garbage Algae and Different-Colored Velvet Sheep. go back.

The reason why Qianye Feng sent Chuanshan King here was because he would need its help later to find the location of the diamond mining country.

After all, the diamond mining country exists deep underground in the Kalos region. In that environment, the ability of the Sand Mountain King is more useful to him.

And considering that most of the elves in the underground cave have ground attributes, the heterochromatic velvet sheep is of little use. In addition, it misses the Meili sheep in the group, so it also teleported it back. (End of chapter)

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