I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 379 Elf Hunter (1)

"Boss, our harvest this time is really not small. After selling these elves, we can live happily for a while."

Somewhere in the Cuiling Mountains, a big man with a gun in his hand and a fierce look on his face said to the middle-aged man next to him.

This is the temporary camp of Gerry and Cole, and it was Cole who just spoke. He and Gerry belong to the same elf hunter organization. They received a capture mission issued by the hunter organization half a month ago and came to Cuiling. Among the mountains.

Gerry is the eldest of the duo. Compared to Cole, who has strong limbs and a simple mind, Gerry is more cruel and cautious, and is the decision-maker between the two.

"Indeed, we got lucky this time. We actually caught a small diamond. This kind of elf is not common. Few people can encounter it. The purchase price of the organization is not cheap."

Gerry looked at the little diamond in an iron cage not far away, and couldn't help but smile happily.

Although their trip into the Cuiling Mountains was not smooth at first, they chased a lone lion cub into a canyon. Although the little lion cub escaped in the end, they were in the canyon. This small diamond was found in a cave.

Compared with the lion cubs, the small diamonds are more valuable. Coupled with the large number of wild elves captured during this period, it can be said that this is the biggest gain for the two of them in many elf hunting operations.

"Boss, should we go back directly, or continue to capture some elves before going back."

Cole asked Gerry, but in his heart he actually wanted to go back. After all, he had been in the wild for half a month, and he already missed the wine and women in the bar.

For a person like Cole, he doesn't know what to plan for the future. Every time he sells elves, he will quickly squander all the money. When the money is used up, he will urge his boss to go out hunting. .

In comparison, Gerry will be more planned. Although he will also squander some of the money, he will still keep most of it to cultivate his own Mahuola. As a senior elf hunter, he clearly knows the characteristics of his elves. Strength is the key to his escape every time.

Gerry has been an elf hunter in the dark profession for so many years, and has changed so many companions. However, he has always been able to get away with it and has not been caught by the Elf Alliance police and forest rangers. In addition to his cautious nature, Many times, it was only through Ma Xunla's strength that he could escape safely.

"We've already made a lot of noise here. In order to prevent us from being tracked by those annoying rangers, let's set off back to the base tomorrow!"

After pondering for a while, Gerry decided to stop there. After all, the harvest from this trip was enough to live on for a long time.

"Okay, boss, I'll go around the forest again and see if I can capture some more elves!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Cole said to Gerry in a happy mood.

At this time, many recently captured wild elves have been imprisoned in their camp, so every time they go out to hunt elves, they need to leave one person to look after the camp.

"Well, go ahead, pay attention to safety, and don't make too much noise!"

Gerry waved his hand towards Cole.

"Got it, boss!"

Cole is more likely to listen to what Gerry, the boss, has to say. Although his mind is relatively simple, he is still a little afraid of his boss. More than once, he saw his boss's horse looking at him with an extremely cruel look. he.

And in the process of capturing the elf, if it encounters a hard-to-gnaw bone, the Mahuola will use its own pair of sharp claws to kill the elf alive.

Cole originally thought that his Nidoking was already very violent, but when his Nidoking trembled under the eyes of Mahuola, he no longer dared to challenge Gerry.

After Cole left, Gerry began to feed the captured elves water and food.

Although his attitude was not bad at this time, the elves he captured shivered and hid on the other side of the shroud, which shows how much psychological shadow he had brought to these elves.

At this time, Qianye Feng and his three people have also entered the green mountains. The resources here are very rich. Along the way, Qianye Feng has discovered many types of tree fruits, with some fruits hanging sparsely on them. Some have already Mature, some are still in a green state.

"Little Diamond, what's wrong with you?"

With the attitude of giving it a try, Qianye Feng released the small diamond when he entered the Cuiling Mountains, hoping that it could sense the traces of his kind.

Only the little diamonds living here are likely to know the existence of the diamond mining country. Although they are unlikely to bring outsiders into their homeland, Qianye Feng still wants to give it a try.

At first, Little Diamond didn't react much and followed a few people forward. However, when it came to a dense forest, it suddenly became anxious, as if it had discovered something.

After taking a look at his trainer, the little diamond floated straight in one direction, and his expression looked a little anxious, as if something happened in that direction.

"Did Little Diamond find anything?"

After seeing the abnormality of the little diamond, Kerni suddenly became excited, because it was better to find something than to search aimlessly.

"It's not clear yet, so let's follow him first!"

Since they were already in the wild, Qianye Feng and the other three released an elf to guard the surroundings to prevent sudden attacks.

Qianye Feng released the Flame Chicken, Korni was next to Lucario, and Mayi released her Eluredo.

With these three powerful elves guarding them, Qianye Feng and others did not encounter any attacks from wild elves along the way. Many wild elves just glanced through the grass and immediately turned around and left.

"Watch where you run, Nidoking, use rock blockade!"

After Qianye Feng and others followed Xiao Suizhuan for a while, they heard a very arrogant voice coming from the distance.

A few people looked through the trees and saw a strong man holding a gun commanding a Nidoking to use skills to attack a mount lamb with scars all over its body.

After being blocked by the sudden appearance of rocks, the mount lamb had a look of despair on its face. It was obvious that it knew that it was doomed.

"Let's see how you can still run away and make me run so far. I'll kick you to death!"

I saw the strong man walking directly in front of the lamb, then raising his foot wearing hiking boots and kicking it hard.

The already very weak mount Lamb screamed even more under the attack of the strong man.

"Stop it, you guy!"

After seeing this scene, Korni could not hold back any longer. From the gun in the strong man's hand and his attitude towards the elves, it could be seen that he was a notorious elf hunter.

"Little girl, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

Cole felt a little guilty when he heard someone came out to stop him, but when he saw that the person coming was just a little girl, he threatened arrogantly. (End of chapter)

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