I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 382 Elf Hunter (4)

It's a pity that the Flame Chicken didn't give Mahuola a chance to continue fighting. He just jumped in front of it, and then kicked it with another flame as it was about to struggle to get up.

This moment made Ma Xuanla roll his eyes, and he fainted, no longer as fierce as before.

"Damn it, you guys go to hell!"

After seeing that Ma Huola, whom he relied on, had completely lost his ability to fight, Gerry roared in despair.

But just like Cole, before Gerry's double-barreled shotgun could pull the trigger, Elledo had already teleported to his side, and then directly used telekinesis to immobilize him, making him unable to move at all.

At this time, Qianye Feng took out the elf ball from Gerry's waist, took Ma Xuanla inside, and then locked the elf ball to prevent it from running out on its own.

Then Gerry followed Cole's footsteps, and was tied up tightly with a rope by Qianye Feng, and then threw him and Cole together.

"Thank you for your hard work, Flame Chicken, I'll let Shuttlecock Mian treat you!"

After doing all this, Qianye Feng saw the scars on the flame chicken's body, the most serious of which were caused by the claw attack from Ma Xuanla.

Although the injury of the Flame Chicken is not serious now, with the help of professional team doctor Zhuan Zimian, he will recover soon.

After defeating Gerry, Qianye Feng remembered Yasin, the trainee ranger he had met on the tram before, and called him to talk to him about the situation.

I hope that I can contact the ranger organization through him and take away these two poachers. After all, the main goal of the three of them this time is to find the diamond mining country.

After learning about the situation on Qianye Feng's side, Yasin did not hesitate and directly contacted the senior management of the ranger organization and informed Qianye Feng of the location of the three of them.

After receiving the news, the senior management of the ranger organization quickly contacted the nearby ranger to come and receive the two elf hunters.

"Are the captured elves okay?"

After dealing with the affairs of the two elf hunters, Cole and Gerry, Qianye Feng came to the cage where the captured elves were kept, and asked Makoto.

"Most of the elves are only slightly injured, but a few are more seriously injured. Just because they are in a more frightened mood now, it is better to let them stay inside first."

"After your shuttlecock cotton has finished treating the flame chickens, come over and treat them. After the treatment is completed, you can release them into the wild!"

Zhenyi has obviously dealt with similar incidents before, and he does things in a very orderly manner.

"No problem, Shuttlecock Mian can heal very quickly."

After taking a look at the wild elves who were crowded in the innermost cage because of their arrival, Qianye Feng said to the two of them.

Although the injuries on these wild elves were not serious, they were in a poor mental state because they were locked in a cage, and they were very wary of them.

Soon, Shuttlecock Cotton, who had treated the injuries on the Flame Chicken, began to treat the wild elves in the iron cage. After the treatment was completed, Qianye Feng directly took out the key obtained from Gerry and opened the iron cage.

At the beginning, even though the iron cage door had been opened, these wild elves did not dare to take a step. Later, they only tentatively walked out under the patient guidance of Korni and Zhenyi.

Qianye Feng didn't pay much attention to these wild elves. His attention was now focused on the little Diamond who was kept alone in an iron cage.

The target of Qianye Feng's little diamond was actually it. As the diamond above its head was filled with pink light spots, its mental power increased at an amazing speed, and the increase in mental power also caused Diamond's range of perception keeps expanding.

After Little Diamond senses the situation of Little Diamond captured by Gerry and the others, it will anxiously lead its trainer towards the direction of Gerry's camp in the hope that his trainer can help. Save your own people.

Qianye Feng and the others did not disappoint Little Diamond, and quickly eliminated the elf hunter duo. Of course, Little Diamond was very happy about this.

After the little diamond in the cage was treated with shuttlecock cotton, it happily came to Qianye Feng's little diamond and told it something unknown.

Although he couldn't understand the conversation between the two little diamonds, Qianye Feng could still feel that the rescued little diamond had an extraordinary respect for his own little diamond.

This attitude had been seen by Qianye Feng before from the Mongoose Inspector Overlord in the Alola region.

Those ordinary Meerkat Masters and Meerkat Inspectors have this kind of attitude towards the Meerkat Inspector Overlord. It is as if their own little diamond has become the leader of the group.

Regarding this situation, Qianye Feng didn't know whether it was because Little Broken Diamond was relatively strong, or because it exuded some kind of aura similar to that of an overlord, which made Little Broken Diamond directly regard it as its leader.

"The captured elves have left. The next step is to wait for the forest ranger organization to send people to take away the two elf hunters. After that, we can continue to search for the diamond mining country!"

Zhenyi pointed at the empty iron cage and Qianye Feng and said.

For those captured wild elves, even though Qianye Feng and the others rescued them, they were still full of vigilance. As soon as they escaped from the iron cage, they immediately fled in all directions.

Of course, some more courageous elves would still bow to the three of them to express their gratitude before leaving.

"That's good. It shouldn't take us too much time."

At this time, only the little diamond was left among the captured wild elves. However, seeing that it had been talking to its little diamond and didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, the others just let them talk to themselves.

During this period, Gerry and Cole had a fierce quarrel. If they hadn't been tied up tightly by Qianye Feng, a real PK would have started on the spot.

Ever since Gerry's Mahuola was defeated by Qianye Feng's Flame Chicken and locked into the Poké Ball, Cole seemed to be less afraid of Gerry and completely lost the respectful attitude he had before.

Faced with Gerry's endless scolding, Cole soon began to fight back. At first, he was restrained, but as time went by, he became more and more fierce.

Qianye Feng and the others did not stop their actions. Instead, they watched the two of them dog-eating with interest.

The three of them didn't wait too long. With the roar of cars, a pickup truck appeared in the camp, and the driver of the pickup truck was a middle-aged bearded man.

"Thank you for catching these two guys. Our ranger organization has wanted them for a long time, especially Gerry. He has escaped from us several times."

The bearded man Chuck thanked Qianye Feng and the others.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Chuck took Gerry and Cole into the car and left.

As for the remaining things in the camp, Chuck will clean them up later. Of course, these things can be counted as trophies for Qianye Feng and the others, and they can take them directly if necessary. (End of chapter)

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