I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 398 The current situation of Chiba Farm (4)

"Xie Mi, if you laugh again, the flowers on your head will be laughed off!"

Looking at Xie Mi rolling on the ground laughing in the flowers, Qianye Feng was also a little confused and joked.

However, Xie Mi didn't take Qianye Feng's words to heart and continued to roll around on the ground, his body covered with Grasidia flower petals.

Qianye Feng was not polite to it, walked over directly, then stretched out his right hand and picked it up.

Then, Qianye Feng put Xie Mi on his shoulders and continued walking towards the artificial lake.

At this time, Xie Mi finally calmed down. He sat firmly on Qianye Feng's shoulders and interacted with the baby dragons from time to time, as if asking them about their experiences outside during this period.

Seeing several elves chatting animatedly, Qianye Feng did not disturb them and took a walk to the area where the artificial lake was located.

Looking at the sparkling artificial lake, Qianye Feng felt particularly comfortable, as if all his worries had disappeared.

"Hey, is that Lotus Leaf Boy?"

Qianye Feng suddenly discovered that there were many lotus leaves dotted on the artificial lake. A closer look revealed that these were lotus leaf boys.

The body of Lotus Leaf Boy is blue, with a yellow mouth like a beak and six small blue feet, with a lotus leaf on its back.

Lotus leaf boy likes to live in a pond with clear water.

It is said that it originally lived on land, but because the leaves on its head became heavier, it changed its habits and began to live on the water.

In ponds with good water quality, a large number of lotus leaves gather, so the water surface is sometimes covered with leaves.

If you don't drink water for a long time, the leaves on the head will wither.

Although its leaves become weak as it wilts, it occasionally moves on land in search of clear water.

It will help transport the small, non-swimming elves sitting on the leaves on its head to the other side.

The leaves on its head have anti-fouling properties and can be kept clean even if it carries a Pokémon covered in mud.

Qianye Feng also saw many mosquito-repellent tadpoles lying on the lotus leaves of Lotus Leaf Boy, basking in the sun leisurely, and jumping from one lotus leaf to another from time to time.

Qianye Feng had seen these lotus leaf boys in Feiyue Lake. Apparently they followed the channel to the artificial lake for some unknown reason.

However, it can also be seen that the water quality in the artificial lake is very clean, and only in this way can these lotus leaf boys be able to live here.

Moreover, the fact that they can live here so peacefully obviously has the consent of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King.

In this regard, Qianye Feng's attitude was the same as when he was in the grove, letting the mosquito-repellent frog emperor decide the affairs of his territory, as long as it did not affect the development of Qianye Farm.

With Lotus Leaf Boy as a measuring standard, Qianye Feng can also know the water quality problems of the artificial lake more accurately.

If one day Lotus Leaf Boy can no longer live in the artificial lake, it means that the water quality of the artificial lake has become very poor and it is time to clean it up.

After walking around the artificial lake for more than half a circle, Qianye Maple finally discovered the mosquito-repellent frog king in the rare fruit forest. At this time, it was watering the fruit trees with two mosquito-repellent frogs.

After discovering Qianye Feng approaching, the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King was also very happy, clapped his hands and jumped to him.

At this time, some ripe fruits were sparsely hanging on the rare fruit trees, but because the number was relatively small, they would not attract too many wild elves.

Every few days, the Mosquito Frog King will collect ripe rare tree fruits and bring them to Terada Yuri. After these fruits are made into rainbow-colored energy cubes, Terada Yuri will reward it with some.

This completely aroused the enthusiasm of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor. After all, he had a deep understanding of the effect of the rainbow energy cube.

So now the Mosquito-Incense Frog King pays more attention to the rare fruit trees and has to personally inspect them at least once a day to feel at ease.

Moreover, mosquito-repellent incense and mosquito-repellent tadpoles can be seen everywhere in the fruit forest to ensure that these tree fruits will not be destroyed by other elves.

These mosquito-repellent incense and mosquito-repellent tadpoles also like to wander in the shade of trees, and they can find delicious little bugs inside from time to time.

These bugs are not elves, just ordinary species, but the mosquito-repellent incense king and the mosquito-repellent tadpoles like their smell very much.

During this period, the strength of the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King has grown rapidly due to the rainbow-colored energy cubes, and the number of Mosquito-Repellent Repellent Lords in its group has also grown explosively, so the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King's aura has become increasingly powerful.

This kind of aura is similar to the aura of the Overlord Elf, except that it is not blessed by the Overlord's aura.

After checking out the artificial lake, Qianye Feng planned to go to the fruit forest where King Yan was, but after seeing the lotus leaves on the head of the lotus leaf boy on the lake, an idea came to his mind.

Qianye Maple plans to plant lotus flowers along the artificial lake and Feiyue Lake. This will not only purify the water pollution problem caused by too many elves in the water, but also harvest lotus roots and lotus seeds.

As for why there are plants like lotus in this world, Qianye Maple is actually not very clear. It can only be said to be the miracle of the Creator.

However, Chiba Kaede planned to go back and discuss with Terada Yuri about the specific choice of which lotus variety to plant. She was very knowledgeable in this area.

After keeping this idea in mind, Qianye Feng walked towards the fruit forest where King Yan and the others lived.

This can be said to be the cornerstone for the development of Qianye Farm. Without the continuous supply of fruit from this fruit forest, the number of elves Qianye Maple can raise will be greatly reduced, and a large amount of alliance coins will need to be spent to purchase elf food.

After walking into the fruit forest, Qianye Feng discovered that many fruit seedlings had been planted outside the fruit forest. These fruit seedlings were obviously transplanted from the forest by the mosquito-repellent incense emperor and the mosquito-repellent incense king.

If you don't do this, these seedlings will not be able to enjoy sunlight and nutrients, and naturally they will not be able to grow.

And, as time goes by, as these seedlings grow, the area of ​​the tree orchard will continue to expand.

"Wang Yan, you really know how to enjoy it!"

When Chiba Maple arrived at the place where the King Swallow usually lives, he found it lying quietly on the tree crown, surrounded by many Proud Swallows helping it preen its feathers.

From the comfortable expression of the big king swallow, you can see how much it enjoys it now.

King Yan just opened one eye slightly and glanced at his trainer, then changed his position and continued to enjoy the services of Proud Yan with his eyes closed.

Regarding the attitude of the King Yan, Qianye Feng had no choice but to go alone to the place where the King Yan tribe stored the elf eggs, and found that the number of Proud Yan elves here had increased a lot.

Coupled with the growing population of mosquito-repellent frog kings, Chiba Kaede feels that the Chiba Breeding House can be opened for a longer time next time. The only trouble is that Ogata Akino is traveling and he needs to recruit someone to take care of the breeding house.

But this is not a big deal. Qianye Feng thinks that he can temporarily recruit an employee to take charge of the breeding house.

After all, the breeding house is located relatively far forward, and with the proud swallows everywhere in Chiba Farm, there is no need to worry about the other party discovering anything.

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