I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 4 Skill Training

"Come on, Aoguyan, you can do it, don't give up easily!"

It is now the fifth day of weight-bearing training for Aoguyan. During these five days, Aoguyan's weight-bearing has changed from five kilograms to twenty kilograms.

Although this weight is still a bit reluctant for Proud Swallow, Proud Swallow is indeed able to fly with this stone. I believe it will only take a few days to adapt.

The past few days of training have given Qianye Feng a deeper impression of creatures like elves. This kind of creature can indeed break its own limits. In addition, Ao Guyan's perseverance is amazing and she has a drive to refuse to admit defeat. Therefore, you are not afraid of hardship or tiredness when training.

Thanks to Qianye Feng's healing ability, Proud Yan let herself go, training herself to the point of being bruised and bruised every time. This is why it was able to change so much in strength in just a few days.

Now, the proud swallow has to catch at least three spiny tail worms every day to provide food for it and Qianye Maple. Of course, Qianye Maple only needs half of the spiny tail worm meat at most in a day, and the rest will naturally go into the proud swallow. in the belly.

This is unavoidable. There is no other way to replenish energy in this place. We can only obtain the necessary energy by eating more meat.

Now, when going to the river to collect water, Chiba Maple can feel the decrease in the number of spiny tail worms.

After all, creatures like elves also seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Hiss, hiss!"

This is the sound of the Arrogant Swallow returning from prey.

To Qianye Feng's surprise, the food brought back by the Arrogant Swallow this time was not a spinytail, but a Spearow.

This kind of elf has a hot temper and likes to attack humans and the elves they raise. Moreover, the Spearow live in groups.

It can be said that for most new trainers, the Spearow is one of their biggest dangers in the forest.

"Proud Yan, why did you catch the Spearow today? You weren't injured, right?"

Qianye Feng looked at the proud swallow and found that it had no injuries except that its feathers were a little scattered.

After eating spiny tail worm meat for so long, he was a little tired of it and just wanted to improve his taste.

Not only was Aoguyan training these days, he was also not idle, and would also do some exercises. He just needed to leave the opportunity for treatment to Aoguyan, so he didn't exercise too much.

Qianye Feng took the Spearow to the beach and processed it. Because it was a bird, he did not throw away the internal organs. Instead, he washed it and planned to stew it with the wild vegetables he found.

I don't know if it was because they were tired of eating spiny tail worm meat, but both he and Proud Yan felt that the meat of the Spearow was much more delicious than the spiny tail worm meat.

After lunch, one person and one elf rested for a while, and then began the afternoon training.

"Proud Yan, starting from today, you will fly with weight in the morning and start training the use of skills in the afternoon!"

Qianye Feng felt that his physical fitness could no longer improve quickly in a short period of time, so he shortened the training time.

I plan to spend the afternoon training on skills. After all, when facing the enemy, the use of skills is the key factor that determines victory or defeat.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Proud Swallow now completely trusts Qianye Feng. After all, its strength has improved greatly in the past few days. The Spearow it hunted today was one of the culprits that caused it to be seriously injured and dying.

Although it was seriously injured when it was besieged by three Spearows, with its previous strength it could evenly compete with this Spearow, and no one could do anything to the other.

But today, after it encountered the Spearow, it only took a few hits to kill it.

This change is real.

"Proud Swallow, you use lightning flash to pass through the woods, and then when you get close to the target, use peck attack!"

Now the woodland near the beach can be regarded as the territory of the proud swallow. Except for the insect elves, other elves have been driven out by it, so the safety is guaranteed.

Qianye Feng used the complex terrain of the jungle to create a simple training ground, and then used a plastic bottle as a target for Proud Yan to attack.

At the beginning, when Aoguyan used lightning flash to fly quickly, he often couldn't control the steering, causing him to hit a tree. Because the speed was too fast, Aoguyan would be dizzy every time he hit it.

However, Proud Swallow shook its head every time and continued training until it could no longer fly. At this time, Qianye Feng needed to treat it.

While practicing at Aoguyan, Qianye Feng also started his own practice, running back and forth in the complex environment of the jungle to improve his physical flexibility in the jungle.

A real trainer doesn't just stand by and watch his elf train. If he doesn't work hard to improve with his elf, when his level cannot match the elf's strength, there will be situations where the elf will not listen to the trainer. .

Just like Xiaozhi's Charizard in the animation, he can still listen to Xiaozhi's commands during the Charmander stage. After evolving into a fire dinosaur and a Charizard, he can act according to his own wishes.

It was not until much later that Xiaozhi relied on his own actions to regain Charizard's recognition and was able to command Charizard to fight normally.

The elf also has its own thoughts. If its trainer cannot meet its requirements, then why should it obey the trainer's command?

Therefore, when training the proud swallow, Qianye Feng is also improving himself, not only the physical exercise, but also the understanding of the proud swallow itself, the mastery of skill proficiency, the matching of skills, etc.

Only by knowing enough about Aoguyan can he issue accurate orders in subsequent battles, thereby assisting Aoguyan to defeat the enemy more quickly and effectively.

When many new trainers first received the initial elves, they did not know their own elves' personalities and abilities very well, so they were unable to give correct orders during the battle, which led to the failure of the battle.

If the elf fails too many times, the elf will develop a sense of distrust towards the trainer. As a result, during the battle, it will not obey the trainer's instructions and act according to its own wishes.

Fortunately, Aogu Yan's strength improved through Qianye Feng's training, so even if his strength has increased rapidly, he will not look down on his trainer.

This kind of training lasted for half a month. One person and one elf lived a very fulfilling life every day, especially the rapid growth of Aoguyan's strength that made him want to stop.

"Proud Yan, the meat is roasted, eat it quickly!"

This morning, after Qianye Feng and Ao Guyan finished breakfast, they decided to leave this place and head to the human town.

Through this period of training, the size of the Proud Swallow has increased a lot, from the original height of about 0.3m to 0.5m. This size is almost catching up with those stunted King Swallows.

Now the proud swallow can fly with a weight of about 25 kilograms of stone, and its flying speed is not slow.

In terms of skills, he focused on training Arrogant Swallow's lightning flash and peck combos.

Now, the Proud Swallow can use the lightning flash to fly quickly even in dense forests, and will not often hit trees like when it first started training.

Moreover, the power of the peck attack has been greatly improved with the speed of lightning flash.

Now, when the Arrogant Swallow hunts the spinytails, it basically only needs to use the electric light to get close, and when the spinytails don't respond, use a peck to kill them.

Counting the days, it has been more than 20 days since Qianye Feng woke up until today, so he does not plan to continue living here.

Humans are social animals. If it weren't for the company of Arrogant Swallow, Qianye Feng doesn't know if he could survive so many days. Maybe the loneliness would defeat him!

In order to leave this inaccessible place as soon as possible, Qianye Feng made a lot of preparations.

He asked the proud swallow to hunt more prey every day, and then made the food that came many times into dried meat, so that it could be preserved for a longer period of time. He planned to take it with him to eat on the road.

Then let the proud swallow find its way out. These days, the proud swallow often flies out. After several explorations in different directions, it finally found its way out of the forest.

After making these preparations, Qianye Feng finally made up his mind and set off for the human town.

Although he didn't know what kind of difficulties he would encounter on the way, he believed that with Ao Guyan's current strength, he would be able to help him get out.

Not only does Aoguyan trust him, but he also trusts Aoguyan.

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