I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 43 The First Gym Badge

Heracross's resurrection skill this time is even more terrifying than the last time King Yan used it. After all, it is a fighting attribute elf, and the use of fighting attribute skills has a power bonus.

As a normal attribute elf, the King of Leave was hit by a fighting attribute skill, which would have caused double damage. In addition, the previous battle also consumed a lot of its physical strength. When all the circumstances were added up, the King of Leave immediately lost his fighting ability, and suffered a lot of damage. The injuries were serious.

"The gym trainer lost all his elves, and the challenger Qianye Feng won!"

Although he was surprised by Qianye Feng's strength, the gym apprentice as the referee did not give up his duties and announced directly.

"Come back, leave king!"

After Qianli took back his leave request, he walked up to Qianye Feng.

"Xiao Feng, your strength amazes me. Although I don't really like the trick you used when you used Da Wang Yan, I have to admit that it is really effective!"

Qianli was not angry either. After all, the strength he had just asked the King of Leave to use had exceeded the strength usually used for gym challenges.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qianli, because your Leave King is too powerful. If you don't do this, King Yan may not even be able to survive a few rounds!"

Qianye Feng truthfully stated his thoughts and admitted that his win was not very honorable.

"Haha, you don't have to mind too much. You didn't break the rules by doing this. This is the Libra badge of our Chenghua Gym. You deserve it."

Qianli took out a badge from his arms and handed it to Qianye Feng, and then said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Qianli!"

After Qianye Feng took the Libra badge, he expressed gratitude to Qianli.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng took the Libra badge and looked at it carefully, then put the Libra badge into the badge box he got from Miss Joy. This was the first badge he got when he came to this world. special meaning.

However, he didn't have to pose and look cool like Xiaozhi in the animation. He really couldn't do such a middle-class move.

Rina Susui watched the entire battle between Chiba Kaede and Qianri. She originally felt that the strength gap between her and Chiba Kaede had narrowed, and she could catch up and defeat him if she worked harder for a while.

However, after watching the game, she felt that the strength gap between herself and Qianye Feng had not narrowed, which she couldn't accept for a while.

"Rina, it's your turn to challenge, why are you dazing here!"

It wasn't until Chiba Kaede walked up to Rina Susui and patted her on the shoulder that she recovered from the shock.

"Okay, I get it!"

After coming back to her senses, Rina Susui said sheepishly.

She just couldn't accept Qianye Feng's strength for a while, but after this interruption, she finally came to her senses and knew that the most important thing for her now was to pass the challenge at Chenghua Gym and get the badge.

Because Qianli's commonly used Leave King series elves were seriously injured in the battle with Qianye Feng and were unable to participate in the battle immediately, Qianli changed to a set of elves used for gym challenges.

The first match was between Akira Madara, sent by gym trainer Chisato, and the challenger Rina Usui's Spinosaurus.

"Shake Madara and use the phantom light!"

"Spiny shell, ice pick!"

Following the instructions given by the two, the two elves started a duel. The winner was the spiny shell that caught the phantom light of Shaking Madara. It fired the condensed ice cone 5 times in a row, directly beating Shaking Madara to death. combat capability.

Qianye Feng didn't know whether the spiny shell was lucky or whether its characteristic was continuous attack, but she could ask her about this after the game was completed.

After that, the second elf sent by Qianli was a straight bear.

After it came out, it relied on its own speed to quickly approach the spiny shell. Before the spiny shell could react, it used the 100,000 Volts skill to make the already injured spiny shell lose its ability to fight.

"Go, Dou Li Mushroom!"

Rina Hsui's second elf is a mushroom, which has a fighting attribute and has an attribute advantage.

"Dou Li Mushroom, use paralysis powder!"

Rina Susui's strategy is to use paralysis powder to block the speed of the charging bear first, so that she can deal with it calmly.

This strategy achieved very good results. After a careless bear was paralyzed by the paralyzing powder, the outcome of this game was already doomed.

It's just that as a trainer, Qianli is not a vegetarian. Before being hit by Dou Li Mushroom's tile-splitting skill, Zhixiong was temporarily out of paralysis, allowing Dou Li Mushroom to receive a headbutt attack, which also caused Dou Li Mushroom to receive a headbutt attack. Not a minor injury.

"Go ahead, marsupial!"

The third elf in Qianli is the marsupial. This elf is very cherished and powerful. Qianye Feng can feel its momentum just when it appears.

"Dou Li Mushroom, Sonic Punch!"

Rina Susui did not choose to change the elf, but continued to use the Dougai Mushroom. This time she chose to get close to the marsupial, and then used the Sonic Punch with fighting attributes.

In the end, while enduring the blow, the marsupial grabbed the Dou Li mushroom with one hand and used the freezing punch with the other hand. With just one blow, the Dou Li mushroom lost its ability to fight.

"Come out, forest lizard!"

Not surprisingly, Rina Hsui's third elf is her initial elf, the Forest Lizard, who has accompanied her throughout her growth process.

"Forest Lizard, use Leaf Blade!"

Rina Susui believed in the strength of the forest lizard, so she chose to let the forest lizard continue to fight the marsupial in close combat.

"Marsupial, stun punch!"

This time, neither side gained anything from the confrontation.

The leaf blade of the forest lizard struck the marsupial on the head, but it was also knocked away by the marsupial's stun fist. Fortunately, the chaos effect of the stun punch was not triggered, otherwise the forest lizard would have been in danger.

"Forest lizard, ultimate absorption!"

Following Rina Susui's order, the forest lizard activated its skills, and a green light emerged from the marsupial's body, and then sank into the forest lizard's body. The forest lizard's injuries were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Marsupial, earthquake!"

The marsupial was drained of a lot of physical strength by the ultimate absorption, and his body was a lot sluggish, but he still endured and released the earthquake move.

The terrifying seismic wave swept towards the forest lizard, making the forest lizard's body somewhat unsteady. After withstanding this blow, the forest lizard's condition became worse than before using the ultimate absorb.

Now, the elves on both sides have consumed a lot of energy. Qianye Feng knows that the result of the game is about to come out, but he can't judge who can win the game now.

"Uncle Qianli, let's have a final showdown, forest lizard, use your most powerful leaf blade!"

"Okay, just what I wanted, marsupial, use Fire Fist!"

The two elves also knew that this blow would most likely determine the outcome, so they tried their best to use their skills to rush toward each other.

In the end, the forest lizard relied on its own speed to use the leaf blade to chop the marsupial on the head. I don't know if it was intentional. The position of the blade blade this time was the same as the last time. Directly making the scar on the marsupial's head more obvious.

This blow to the leaf blade caused the marsupial to suffer greater damage. The severe pain in its head directly caused the marsupial's body to deflect. The flame fist condensed in the right hand was originally intended to attack the forest lizard's chest. After the deflection, , just brushing the forest lizard's shoulder and passed by.

In this way, although the marsupial's flame fist also caused damage to the forest lizard, these injuries did not make the forest lizard lose its fighting ability.

Instead, due to the inertia of the marsupial's body, it rushed forward a few steps and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"At the end of the competition, trainer Rina Susui won the gym challenge!"

The gym apprentice, who was the referee, also announced the results of the competition in a timely manner.

"Congratulations, Rina, you finally obtained the Libra badge through your own efforts!"

After Chisato took back the Poké Ball from the marsupial that had lost its ability to fight, he came to Rina Usoi and congratulated her.

"Thank you, Uncle Qianli, but I think my victory this time is a bit lucky. If your leave king is still there, I may not be able to win!"

Although Rina Usui is also happy that she passed the challenge of Chenghua Gym, she knows that if Qianli's leave king is still there, she may not be able to win.

"Rina, you don't actually need to think that way. I've told you before that as a gym trainer, my responsibility is to allow trainers who meet the requirements to obtain badges. It's not just about the outcome of the game.

Your performance has exceeded my requirements for issuing the Libra badge, so you earned this Libra badge through your own strength! "

Chisato said seriously to Rina Usui.

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