I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 49 Investigation

"I have a way to alleviate Grandma Uchino's physical condition. Now, except for Yuri, can the rest of you go out first?"

Qianye Feng suddenly said to everyone.

Yes, Chiba Kaede wanted to use his abilities to help Rie Uchino recover. Now that he had initially established a foothold, it no longer mattered much if he slightly exposed his abilities to those close to him.

Moreover, under the current circumstances, he could not let this old man with admirable character endure long-term pain and suffering.

This not only makes me feel guilty, but also leaves a thorn in the hearts of Terada Yuri and the others when his abilities are exposed in the future.

Therefore, after Chiba Kaede thought about it, he planned to reveal his healing ability to Rie Uchino and Yuri Terada. As for the other people in the orphanage, he did not want to reveal it to them yet because they were still young.

"Really, boss, can you really help Grandma Uchino? Thank you so much!"

After hearing what Chiba Kaede said, Yuri Terada excitedly grabbed his hands and said with tears in his eyes.

"That's right, but my method can only be used in front of you. Let the others go out and wait first!"

Qianye Feng replied in the affirmative.

Although they were curious about Qianye Feng's solution, the others suppressed their curiosity, gave up space to Qianye Feng, walked out of the ward consciously, and then closed the door.

"Grandma Uchino, you will feel better soon!"

Chiba Kaede walked to Uchino Rie's hospital bed, held her hand, and said.

As Chiba Kaede's ability was activated, a burst of emerald green energy entered Uchino Rie's body along her hand.

At this time, Uchino Rie felt extremely relaxed, and the severe pain in her lungs caused by breathing was slowly weakening. Not only that, she felt that her body, which was about to run out of oil, seemed to be rejuvenated.

"Grandma Uchino, you can feel your physical condition now."

Qianye Feng said to her with a smile.

"It's incredible. I feel like I am more than ten years younger now and full of energy. Thank you so much, Xiaofeng!"

Rie Uchino felt her rejuvenated body and said gratefully to Chiba Kaede.

"Grandma Uchino, I don't want to expose my ability yet. Can you please continue to pretend to be sick and tell the public that your breathing is better?"

Chiba Kaede looked at Rie Uchino who was about to get up from the hospital bed and said.

"That's it, I understand. I won't tell others about your abilities, I swear!"

After hearing Qianye Feng's request, Uchino Rie thought for a moment and realized what Qianye Feng was concerned about. After all, this ability was too rare and spreading it rashly could easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Although the medical level in their world is very high and they can be treated through elf skills, the human body is still not as good as magical creatures like elves.

The effect of elves' recovery skills on humans is not very obvious, and there are many diseases that cannot be cured.

Qianye Feng's ability directly changed her from the inside out, so she must cherish it very much. If it is exposed, it may cause endless trouble.

"Me too, I won't tell anyone what I saw today, boss!"

Terada Yuri, who had been by his side, witnessed all this and said immediately.

She was also very grateful that Qianye Feng was willing to expose her special abilities to save Grandma Uchino, and she silently swore in her heart that she would not let down this trust.

"Don't be so serious, as long as you don't tell anyone!"

Qianye Feng was very satisfied with the two people's statements and felt that she did not trust the wrong person.

"By the way, Grandma Uchino, how come the orphanage caught fire for no reason? Do you know what caused it?"

Qianye Feng changed the subject and asked about the cause of the fire.

"I'm not very sure about this. The fire seemed to have suddenly appeared. My first reaction was to rescue the children who were still in the room taking a lunch break!"

Rie Uchino still doesn't know what caused the fire in the orphanage, and there was no source of fire in their house.

"By the way, a group of people came over a few days ago and said they wanted to buy an orphanage and plan to build a high-end community in that area. The price was quite high, but the orphanage is our home and we are used to it. So I just refused!"

Rie Uchino suddenly said as if she thought of something.

"If this is the case, then there is a high probability that they set this fire. The land in the orphanage belongs to you, Grandma Uino. If something happens to you and there is no heir, the land will be If it is taken back by the Alliance, then they can purchase that land directly from the Alliance.”

When Qianye Feng heard that someone wanted to acquire land, he instinctively connected the things.

After all, there were not many such things in the past life, but this world is vast and sparsely populated, so most people would not do such a thing, unless that piece of land has some value that they don't know about.

"How could such a person exist? He is so abominable?"

After hearing Chiba Kaede's analysis, Terada Yuri couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly.

"Yes or no, maybe we will know soon. If it is really what they did, and now that nothing has happened to Grandma Uchino, maybe they will come over soon to discuss buying the land."

Surveillance has not yet become widespread in this world. Even if someone sets a fire, as long as they don't admit it, it will be difficult for Qianye Feng to find evidence to accuse them.

But now that nothing happened to Rie Uchino, the problem was thrown back to them. Unless they didn't want the land, they would come over soon to discuss purchasing the land.

"Trash, didn't I ask you to get rid of that old woman? Why is she still fine now?"

Nobuo Igawa looked at the men in front of him with a fierce look and said.

"Boss, I have burned down that orphanage. Now that place is just a piece of scorched earth. If you go to her to buy land again, she will definitely sell it, otherwise she and those little brats will be sleeping on the streets. .”

Watanabe Yusuke smiled apologetically at Igawa Nobuo.

Nobuo Igawa is the boss of a real estate company, but he is also the boss behind an underground gang in Kaina City. He started out by smuggling elves and selling banned drugs in the early days. Later, he accumulated a certain amount of capital and laundered his money to establish the current Kawai Real Estate.

By bribing officials from the city of Kaina, he obtained some information about urban construction, and thus purchased land that was likely to appreciate in value in advance to build houses, earning a lot of money.

In the process of purchasing land, he often encounters people like Uchino Rie who are incompetent, and he will ask his gang members to take action.

He doesn't care whether it's coercion, inducement, or even killing, as long as he can achieve his goal.

This time he got the news in advance. Since the area near Kaina City has been almost developed, the Hoenn Alliance will increase investment in the construction of towns around Kaina City.

Among them, Chunhua Town, which is closest to Kaina City, will give priority to investing a lot of resources in construction, and will build a railway directly to Kaina City. By then, Chunhua Town will surely prosper, and the corresponding land will also be very large. Appreciate quickly.

Kawai Nobuo now needs to acquire as much land as possible in Chunhua Town before this news comes out, and the area where the orphanage is located is a piece of land that he is very optimistic about.

Watanabe Yusuke is the gang member responsible for solving this matter. He has helped Kawai Nobuo solve many similar matters before.

For Watanabe Yusuke, he is actually a little tired of doing this kind of thing, but with his hands already stained with blood, he seems to be unable to look back.

The fire in the orphanage this time was caused by him instructing his Heiluga. Perhaps it was because he also grew up in an orphanage. He just set a fire and left. As for the safety of the people inside, it was up to their own luck. Decided that this was his last act of mercy.

Although Nobuo Kawai felt that what Yusuke Watanabe did this time was a bit soft-hearted, he did not care. After all, he also felt that after this incident, the old woman did not dare to be tough enough not to sell the land to him.

"Then let's leave it like this for now. I'll send someone to find the old woman to buy her piece of land. If she still doesn't sell it, you know what to do next!"

Kawai Nobuo narrowed his eyes and said to Watanabe Yusuke.

"Understood, boss!"

Watanabe Yusuke quickly bowed and saluted.

He knew how cruel Kawai Nobuo was in front of him. He had dealt with many gang members before because of poor performance.

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