I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 55 Odamaki Research Institute

"Phew, I lost, Naqi!"

After the King Yan landed on the ground, Naqi and her Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird were already waiting nearby.

"No, you didn't lose. It can even be said that you actually won!"

Naqi looked at the young man in front of her and said with emotion.

The other party has already understood the essence of Shunfeng. She only needs to practice a few more times and she will be able to master it. This is the effect she has achieved after training hard for a long time.

"Naqi, are you the gym trainer of Yinyu Gym?"

Qianye Feng had already recognized Naqi's identity at this time. After all, her name was Naqi, and she had such superb flying skills. Qianye Feng did not believe that such a coincidence existed.

"Well, let me introduce you again. I am Naqi, the gym trainer of Yinyu Gym. Nice to meet you, Xiaofeng!"

Naqi saw that her identity had been revealed, so she no longer concealed it.

"Naqi, I remember that this place is a bit far away from your Yinyu City. How long did it take you to fly to get here!"

Qianye Feng asked curiously.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of flying elves, so I can replace them with flying ones, so it only took 3 days to arrive."

Naqi answered Qianye Feng's question.

"So that's it. I'm going to Dr. Odamaki's research institute. I wonder where you are going?"

"That's such a coincidence. I'm also looking for Dr. Odamaki."

Qianye Feng was a little surprised that the two of them had the same destination.

But then I thought about it, unless they have relatives living here in Weibai Town, as trainers, they will most likely come to see Dr. Odamaki. After all, they have not heard that there are other places in Weibai Town that are worthy of the attention of trainers. .

"Then let's go!"

Not long after Chiba Kaede and Naqi walked, they arrived at the door of a large house with Odamaki Research Institute written in the middle of the door.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

Qianye Feng asked loudly.

"I'm coming!"

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and a beard came out.

"It turns out to be Naqi, and who is this?"

Dr. Odamaki was obviously very familiar with Naqi, but when he saw Chiba Kaede with her, he obviously had some doubts. Maybe it was because Naqi had come alone before!

"Hello Dr. Odamaki, my name is Chiba Kaede. I just contacted you yesterday."

Qianye Feng politely responded to his question.

"Oh, it turns out it's you. I like polite boys, haha!"

After hearing Qianye Kaede's words, the confusion on Dr. Odamaki's face disappeared and he started joking. He was obviously in a good mood.

Later, Chiba Kaede and Naqi entered his research institute under the leadership of Dr. Odamaki. The research institute had a large space, but there were messy documents everywhere. It could be seen that Dr. Odamaki did not pay attention to neatness on weekdays.

"Naqi, this is the baby duck you want. For it, I begged Dr. Yew for a long time before asking her to help find it."

The two followed Dr. Odamaki to a pond in the backyard, where they saw a light blue baby duck swimming leisurely in it.

Baby Duck was not surprised to see Qianye Feng and the others, but looked away a little coldly.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Odamaki!"

After seeing the baby duck, Naqi was also very excited. She had no resistance to flying elves, especially those with online appearance. She especially liked them.

"Baby duck, it's nice to meet you. I will be your trainer in the future. Please give me your advice!"

Naqi turned around and said to the cold-looking baby duck.

After hearing Naqi's words, Baby Duck showed sharp eyes and assumed a fighting posture.

"Do you want to fight me?"

Nachi asked.

The baby duck stared at her and nodded slowly.

"Go, Great Wang Yan!"

As Naqi finished speaking, a heterochromatic king swallow appeared in Qianye Feng's field of vision.

It can be seen from the imposing Qianye Maple of this King Swallow that Naqi has been well trained and is larger than the average King Swallow, but it is still much smaller than his King Swallow.

"Sorry, I didn't bring any elves with similar levels!"

Seeing the strange looks in Chiba Kaede and Dr. Odamaki's eyes, Naqi blushed slightly.

She also knew that using an elf of the same level as King Yan to fight against Baby Duck was indeed a bit bullying, but she really didn't bring an elf with a level similar to that of Baby Duck!

The baby duck, which was posing proudly in the pond, was also panicking inside.

Although it still looks cold, it is complaining like crazy in its heart. Is it wrong? With such a powerful elf, is it necessary to bully this baby duck like this?

I will remember this grudge!

After some psychological struggle, the baby duck chose to lie down directly on the water. It was just cold, not stupid, so let it hit it on the head. I'll lie down, you can do whatever you want!

"Go ahead, Poke Ball!"

When Naqi saw that the baby duck across from her was already lying flat, although she felt a little defeated, she still took out the elf ball and threw it at the baby duck.

Sure enough, the Poké Ball turned off the lights without even shaking. Chiba Kaede and Dr. Odamaki were stunned for a moment, feeling that the woman in front of them was untouchable and a bit of a tiger.

"Ahem, now that Naqi has conquered the baby duck, it's your turn now, Xiaofeng. Come with me!"

Seeing the situation, Dr. Odamaki felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly changed the topic.

Afterwards, the three of them came to a well-protected room. The door was equipped with at least three password locks, including iris recognition, facial recognition, and keys. As for whether there were other protection methods, Qianye Feng didn't know. .

After entering, Qianye Feng found that the room inside was very large, with many cabinets like bookshelves. There was an elf egg placed in each cabinet. They were so densely packed that Qianye Feng couldn't count how many there were.

"Have you decided which elf to choose?"

Dr. Odamaki asked.

"I've thought about it, I want a fire chick, is that okay?"

Qianye Feng had already thought about what kind of elf he needed before he came.

Now he lacks a fire attribute elf, and the final evolutionary form of the fire chicken is the flame chicken, which is a powerful elf that can undergo mega evolution.

Although the corresponding Flame Chicken Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone are difficult to obtain, can't we still let him look forward to the future?

"The elf eggs on this shelf are all fire chicken elf eggs. You can choose one from them."

Chiba Kaede followed Dr. Odamaki to a shelf. There were probably more than 30 elf eggs on the shelf.

Looking at so many Fire Chicken Elf Eggs, Qianye Feng didn't know how to choose for a while. After thinking about it, he chose to close his eyes.

After seeing this scene, Dr. Odamaki and Nachi, who were watching his choice, wondered if there was something wrong with the boy in front of his head.

The reason why Qianye Feng was like this was certainly not because he had a headache.

As he gained a deeper understanding of the life energy in his dantian, he could now vaguely sense the vitality of the elf egg.

Maybe as he continues to understand more deeply, one day he will be able to sense the vitality of adult elves.

Of course, he didn't know what it would do, but now he could use this ability to sense the elf egg with the strongest vitality.

"I want this elf egg, can I?"

Qianye Feng, who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and then pointed towards an elf egg diagonally above him.

"of course!"

Seeing that Qianye Kaede had already selected the elf egg, although the method was a bit weird, Dr. Odamaki didn't want to explore anything. He directly put the elf egg into the prepared incubator and handed it to Qianye Kaede himself.

Qianye Feng took the incubator and held it in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to hear the fire chicken in the elf egg saying hello to him.

"Here you go, this is the Elf Guide!"

After selecting the elf eggs, Dr. Odamaki led them to a research room and handed him an elf illustration.

"Dr. Odamaki, I wonder if you can help me upgrade the content of the illustrated book so that it can record the elves in all regions."

After Qianye Kaede took the Elf Illustrated Book, he found that the Elf Illustrated Book now only recorded common elves in the Hoenn region, so he asked Dr. Odamaki.

"For ordinary new trainers, we don't recommend upgrading their illustrated books, but seeing that your strength seems to be good, I'll give you a chance!

You and Naqi have a 1V1 elf battle. If you can win, I will help you level up. Do you dare to challenge it? "

Dr. Odamaki said playfully.

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