I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 65 6V6 (Part 2)

"This child Asha needs to practice harder!"

Mulla, who watched the entire match between the two, murmured.

As the former gym leader of the Cauldron Gym, he knew that Asha had used all her strength in the battle with this boy. Although the outcome between the two had not yet been decided, a fight like this would be enough. This shows that Asha's strength as a gym trainer is still somewhat lacking.

After all, as a gym trainer, you need to conduct assessments for trainers who come to challenge you. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to perform your duties as a gym trainer well.

"Da Wang Yan, use the air blade!"

Qianye Feng also started the final battle at this time.

"Lava snail, break the shell!"

Unexpectedly, Yasha did not choose to defend and counterattack this time, but boldly used Shell Break, abandoning most of her defense power in exchange for increased speed and attack power.

After breaking its shell, the speed of the lava snail was greatly enhanced, and it directly avoided the air blade of King Yan.

"Next, the lava snail uses mist!"

Asha continued to direct.

I saw the lava snails on the field running to avoid the attack of the King Swallow while releasing poisonous mist. Not long after, the field was shrouded in dark purple poisonous mist.

Even if a gap is temporarily created by King Yan's air blade, the lava snail will quickly repair it to ensure that the concentration of poisonous mist on the site is enough to cover its position.

"Now, the lava snail is shooting down continuously!"

When Wang Yan was frantically using the air blade to destroy the poisonous mist, Yasha finally caught a flaw. Although it tried its best to avoid the incoming stones, it was eventually hit by one.

The knockdown skill uses rock attribute energy to condense special stones. When the flying attribute elf is hit by a stone, not only will it have to bear the damage caused by the stone, but its body will also be eroded by the rock attribute energy, causing it to fall from the air. ground.

"Big King Yan, generate airflow and glide with the help of the airflow!"

When Qianye Feng saw King Yan falling to the ground, he could only let it try to see if it could generate and use airflow to prevent it from falling to the ground.

At this time, King Yan was waving its wings desperately, trying to slow down its fall, but its usually very light wings were very heavy at this time, and even if it used all its strength, it would have little effect.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, it began to try. This attempt made it a little surprised. The airflow that was very difficult to operate at high altitude was now very docile.

After Wang Yan saw that he could still control the airflow, he stopped flapping his wings and just kept his wings spread. He could glide in the sky with the help of external airflow, temporarily eliminating the risk of falling.


After seeing this scene, Qianye Feng also exhaled a long breath. If King Yan fell to the ground, then he would have basically lost the game. After all, King Yan, who had become a free-roaming chicken, was not as fast. What advantages can there be.

"Damn it, you actually cracked it. This is what I specially trained for."

Asha saw that King Yan had not been shot down, which was somewhat beyond her expectation. Since she lost to Qianye Feng in Kaina City last time, she had specially trained this set of tactics against flying elves for lava snails.

During this time, the trainer who came to the gym to challenge the challenger, if the challenger used a flying attribute elf, she always asked the lava snail to use this set of tricks to deal with it, and the effect was very good. None of them escaped the fate of falling. The results can be imagined.

"Lava snail, continuously spraying flames!"

Although King Yan has temporarily avoided the risk of falling, it is indeed much slower in terms of flexibility and speed.

Of course, Yasha would not let it go. After all, the downing skill had a time limit. When the skill expired, she would have a headache. Wang Yan, who had suffered a loss, would definitely not be shot down again.

The King Yan tried its best to control the airflow and avoid the incoming jet flames. However, its current state was really unfriendly to it. It was inevitably hit several times. Fortunately, it was now thicker and thicker. It can still withstand a little damage.

After a few minutes, the negative effects caused by the shooting down were finally eliminated by King Yan. Seeing that his wings returned to its control again, King Yan happily shuttled through the air quickly. Qianye Feng and others on the ground were now It can no longer be seen.

"Is this a tailwind?"

Qianye Feng saw that King Yan's speed was unusually fast at this time, and felt that it must have fully understood the downwind skill.

"Okay, King Yan, now it's our turn, use the Brave Bird to attack!"

After hearing the instruction, Wang Yan's eyes narrowed, and he held the lava snail on the ground firmly. Then, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of flight attribute energy. He slightly folded his wings and shot at the lava snail like a sharp arrow.

"No, lava snail, get out of the way!"

Asha reminded loudly.

However, before she could say "dodge", the big king swallow had already hit the lava snail. At this speed, the big king swallow itself also suffered a lot of damage, but it still waved its wings and slowly rose into the air. .

After the smoke and dust on the ground cleared, a large pit appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Inside the pit was the lava snail that had lost its ability to fight.

"The competition is over, the winner is Qianye Feng from Chunhua Town!"

As the referee blew the whistle, it represented the end of the full-team confrontation. In the end, Chiba Kaede won the game with difficulty.

"Congratulations, Xiaofeng, today's game is really exciting!"

Yasha didn't feel depressed about losing the competition, but instead felt like she still had something to say.

"It was indeed a wonderful game, and I benefited a lot. I believe that after this battle, Dawangyan and the others will make great progress."

In this game, Qianye Feng could be said to have shown all his strength, but he still almost lost to Asha, and Asha was only a novice gym trainer, and her own strength was far from reaching its peak.

Through this game, Qianye Feng realized where he could be in this world with his current strength.

Maybe among young trainers, his strength is pretty good, but there is no comparison with the older generation of trainers. Their background is not comparable to what he is now.

"It's really exciting. I haven't seen a challenger as strong as you in a long time!"

Mu La also came over at this time and praised Qianye Feng.

"You are so complimentary, I still need to work harder!"

Qianye Feng replied modestly.

"And you, Asha, through this competition you should have realized that you are far from qualified as a gym trainer, and you will have to work harder in the future!"

Mulla turned to Asha and said seriously.

"I understand, Grandpa, I am also working hard to improve myself, but after today's battle, I feel that I have to work harder."

After Asha finished speaking, she looked at Qianye Feng with eyes blazing.

"Sister, don't look at me like this, I'm scared!"

Qianye Feng complained in his heart that of course he knew what Yasha meant. He was planning to target himself and wait to defeat him next time.

"I have to go to the Elf Center now. Where are you, Asha?"

Today's battle was too fierce, causing their elves to be seriously injured. Qianye Feng planned to ask Miss Joy to help treat them first, so that it would not easily arouse the suspicion of Asha and Mulla.

"Yeah, let's set off quickly!"

After Asha finished speaking, she pulled Qianye Feng towards the door.

Under normal circumstances, the Cauldron Gym can treat its own elves, but there were too many injured elves today, and it was slow to heal by yourself. In addition, Yasha didn't want her grandfather to nag her anymore, so after hearing Qianye Feng's suggestion, , hurriedly pulled her and ran towards the elf center.

"By the way, I was so anxious just now that I forgot to give it to you. This is the Flame Badge. Please accept it!"

After arriving at the elf center, the two handed the injured elves to Miss Joy for treatment. When she was free, Asha seemed to have remembered something, and took out a badge from her arms and handed it to Qianye Feng.

The shape of the flame badge is like a burning flame, with a fiery red bottom and a little orange at the top, like an eternal flame. After Qianye Feng watched it for a while, he put the badge into the badge box.

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