I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 74 Dinner Party

"Then I'll take my leave now. I won't bother you this time!"

Qianye Feng said to Tie Xuan and Kate who came out.

"Haha, you are welcome to visit again when you have time, Xiaofeng!"

Tie Xuan waved and said with a smile.

After leaving the Violet Gym, Qianye Feng returned to the Elf Center and handed over several injured elves who challenged the gym to Miss Joy for help in treating them. As for his healing ability, it has been used to strengthen the Gracetti obtained yesterday. Asian flower seeds are on the body.

It has only been more than ten days since he left the farm, but he has already achieved his set goal. This trip can be said to be very smooth. There were no unpredictable surprises, but he gained a lot of extra gains.

From Zijin City to his farm, based on Wang Yan's current speed, it would only take two hours under full flight, so he was not in a hurry to go back immediately. After all, it was already evening time.

After waiting for about half an hour, Qianye Feng took back Heracross and the others' elf balls from Miss Joy. After Miss Joy's treatment, Heracross and the others had fully recovered to health.

Qianye Feng, who had nothing to do for a while, walked out of the elf center. It was almost dinner time, and he planned to go to the Zijin Food Court again to buy some delicacies from the food court to share with his elves.

Of course, since the food court had a large flow of people, he only planned to buy enough food from it and take it to the creek where he had previously conducted elf training for a picnic.

His move also received strong support from King Yan, who has always been upset about not having delicious food. Now he can finally satisfy his foodie taste buds.

Not long after, Qianye Feng came to the bustling Zijin Food Street again.

The flow of people here is still as large as ever. This time Qianye Feng bought Jiewei from the street. As long as he thought it was delicious, he packed a portion until the entire space backpack was filled.

He also made a special trip to the restaurant that specializes in making various kinds of noodles, but this time he didn't find King Bonnie. She must have left Zijin City. After all, as one of the Four Heavenly Kings, she must have many things to deal with. .

"Okay, everyone, come out!"

After packing the food from Zijin Food Street, Qianye Feng asked Wang Yan to drive him to the creek. The first thing after landing on the ground, he released all the elves who were ready to move.

He was suddenly surrounded by a group of elves. They knew that his trainer had bought a lot of delicious food, and their mouths were watering when they looked inside the elf ball.

"Okay, don't hang around me. I need to decorate the dining room now, and the tents for camping at night also need to be set up. Now you guys go find some wood and fetch some water, otherwise we will be dead when it gets dark. It’s hard to find.”

Qianye Feng stopped the elves who were already ready to move. Although he bought a lot of delicious food, these foods could only be their after-dinner snacks at best. They still needed to give them energy cubes for their main meal, otherwise no matter how much human food he bought, they would Unable to satisfy their stomachs.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the elves began to prepare in unison, just as they did when they were camping in the wild.

Heracross was responsible for helping to set up the tent, Mr. Mosquito took the bucket to the creek to fetch water, and the other elves went to help pick up some dry wood.

With the efforts of Qianye Feng and a group of elves, the entire camping camp was quickly set up, and a large tablecloth was spread in the open space in front of the tent.

There was a lot of food placed on the tablecloth, and the various flavors were intertwined, causing all the elves to swallow their saliva.

"Okay, you guys finish your main meal first, and then eat these delicacies!"

Qianye Feng said to the elves who could no longer control themselves.

After getting Qianye Feng's permission, a group of elves began to destroy the energy cubes and tree fruits on the plates in front of them. Qianye Feng himself also picked up a village sandwich and ate it. The taste was still in line with his taste.

While Qianye Feng and the others were enjoying their food, a few pairs of eyes popped out of the grass not far from them, staring at them.

Qianye Feng, who seemed to be feeling something, turned his head and looked behind him. He always felt that something was watching him just now, but after careful observation, he found nothing unusual, but this also aroused his suspicion.

"Wang Yan, do you feel like there's something staring at us?"

Qianye Feng said to Wang Yan who was working hard to cook next to him.

Wang Yan, who originally didn't pay much attention to the surrounding situation, fixed his eyes after hearing his trainer's inquiry. After scanning a circle with sharp eyes, he suddenly flew into the air and then flew towards a bush in the distance.

Da Wangyan released two air blades directly at the grass. Suddenly, several figures quickly jumped out from the grass, and then hugged each other and shivered.

The oppressive feeling given to them by the King Swallow was too strong, and it felt more terrifying than the forest overlords they had encountered in the forest before, which also made them afraid to escape directly.

After seeing that Wang Yan had really found the peeper, Qianye Feng hurried over. When he got closer, he realized what they were holding together.

I saw a snake bear, acorn fruit and shy bud hugging each other in fear and shivering. Especially when they saw him approaching, they became even more nervous as if they were about to faint.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Seeing how scared they were, Qianye Feng could only calm them down gently.

After seeing Qianye Feng being so kind and not intending to harm them, the elves relaxed a little.

They have been living nearby. When Qianye Feng came here to bring the elves for training, they had actually been discovered by them, but because of fear, they hid far away.

The reason why they were so close today was because they were attracted by the food scent brought by Chiba maple, and because they hadn't eaten enough for a long time, they couldn't hold back for a while and hid in the grass to watch. Unexpectedly, they were caught by Found on the spot.

As the low end of the food chain in the forest, they can only barely survive by hugging each other for warmth. However, even so, they were driven to this area near the human city by other elves. The hardships involved can be imagined, and this has also led to their cultivation. due to their timid and cautious character.

"You were attracted here by the smell of the food, right?"

When Qianye Feng saw them glancing at the place where the food was placed behind him from time to time, he knew the general reason.

Hearing Qianye Feng say this, the Snake Bear quickly shook his head, but his fellow sufferers Acorn Fruit and Mimosa nodded more honestly. Seeing this scene, the Snake Bear raised his little paw and tapped them on the head respectively.

Acorn Fruit and Mianbao didn't know why their boss hit them, so they could only look at it with tears in their eyes. Seeing this, the Snake Bear felt that these two little brothers were hopeless, and planned to give them two more blows.

"Okay, Snake Bear, you don't have to be afraid that I will hurt you for this reason. I now invite you to come and have dinner with us. I hope you don't refuse!"

Through the interaction between them, Qianye Feng also knew that the snake bear in front of him was the boss of the three elves, so he invited him.

After hearing Qianye Feng's invitation, the snake bear was obviously a little moved, but due to its long-term caution, it still did not dare to accept human kindness.


At this time, the Fire Chicken also ran over to watch the fun. Seeing that the Snake Bears were a little reserved, they ran to them and started chirping at them.

Qianye Feng didn't know what the Fire Chicken was talking to them, but after some persuasion from the Fire Chicken, the Snake Bear finally let down its guard, and then, several elves followed the Fire Chicken and walked away step by step. come over.

Thanks to book friend 20230607578_BD and book friend 20230218144551559 for their monthly ticket support!

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