I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 8 Compensation

"You said that there was a survivor in the last passenger ship accident, and he was a child?"

Because the matter was urgent, Miss Junsha reported the matter to the Elf Alliance after settling Qianye Feng. The person contacting her now is Miss Junsha from Kaina City.

"Yes, cousin, I have transmitted the boy's photo to you. Now I need you to compare it with the passenger list of the passenger ship to confirm the authenticity of the matter!"

Miss Junsha from Kaina City happens to be the cousin of Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town. They are both familiar with each other, so they know that the other will not joke about this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, let's settle this little boy named Qianye Feng first, and I will confirm it as soon as possible."

Miss Junsha from Kaina City replied with a serious face.

She was also one of the rescuers in the previous passenger ship incident. Unfortunately, by the time they got the news and went to the rescue, many passengers were already dead or missing.

She knew that the missing passengers had most likely already passed away.

It has been almost a month since that accident, and they had given up rescue half a month ago.

Because the chance of the passengers surviving afterwards is too small.

Unexpectedly, her cousin in Chunhua Town brought her news of survivors today.

Three days later,

Qianye Feng, who had been reduced to a street kid, looked confused when he saw the two identical Miss Junsha in front of him.

In the past few days, Qianye Feng has visited the entire Chunhua Town.

Now everyone in the town knows him, and with his thick skin and sweet-tongued skills, he has bought food from all the shops on the street.

There is no way, he is penniless now, and if he wants to live a good life, he can only rely on being shameless.

However, this shouldn't be illegal. Why did two Miss Junsha come to arrest him?

He had no choice but to follow Miss Junsha obediently to the police station again.

Being caught between two Miss Junsha along the way, Qianye Feng felt that his reputation in Chunhua Town must have changed.

"Hey, I don't know if I can rely on my face to make a living in the future!"

Qianye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"Qianye Feng, I have verified your identity information clearly. You are indeed a survivor of the passenger ship accident."

The speaker was Miss Junsha from Kaina City. After she received the photo of Qianye Feng transmitted from her cousin, she started to verify it. In fact, the verification ended quickly because the photo was consistent with the photo of Qianye Feng sent from Chengdu. The identity information matches.

In the following time, she was actually running for compensation for the accident. Since Qianye Feng was only an 11-year-old boy, the Elf Alliance entrusted Miss Junsha of Kaina City to help him handle the compensation matters.

After the matter was settled, Miss Junsha from Kaina City personally rushed over to deal with Qianye Feng's accident compensation issue.

The two Miss Junsha actually arrived at the Elf Center first, but they searched everywhere but could not find Qianye Feng.

Finally, I learned from Rina Susui that Chiba Kaede went out to wander the streets every day.

Only then did the scene of two Miss Junsha take the streetwalker Qianye Feng away on the street.


Hearing Miss Junsha say that his identity had been confirmed, Qianye Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he motioned to Miss Junsha to continue.

"Unfortunately, your parents have passed away. Due to your disappearance, your remains have been buried in the cemetery in Kaina City. You can go there and pay your respects when you have time!"

Miss Junsha from Kaina City said to Qianye Feng with some sadness.

"I was mentally prepared for the situation on the day of the accident. It was God's blessing that I survived!"

Qianye Feng said with a silent expression.

Seeing Qianye Feng so strong, the two Miss Junsha felt very sad.

"The Elf Alliance entrusted me to handle the compensation for you, that's why it took so long, I'm very sorry!"

Miss Junsha from Kaina City explained why it was delayed for several days.

"You have already dealt with it in a timely manner, how can I have any objections?"

Seeing that Qianye Feng was indeed not like an ordinary child, Miss Junsha thought that the person talking to her was actually an adult, or that even an adult could not be as indifferent as Qianye Feng when encountering such a thing.

But how could she know that the Qianye Feng in front of her was actually a visitor from another world? How could she have so many similar feelings?

"You can get a total compensation of 500,000 alliance coins, which includes your parents' death compensation of 400,000 alliance coins and your compensation of 100,000 alliance coins!"

In fact, the alliance's compensation for survivors is not that high. It was only considering that Qianye Feng lost his family in the accident and lived alone in the wild for so many days that he made an exception and compensated him with 100,000 alliance coins.

Of course, Miss Junsha from Kaina City played a big role in this.

"Okay, I have no objection!"

After hearing that he could get so many alliance coins as compensation, Qianye Feng certainly had no objection.

Even if he had objections, he could not get more compensation as a child. This was already the best result.

"What are you going to do in the future? Do you want to settle in Kaina City with me? I can find an orphanage for you?"

Miss Junsha from Kaina City asked Qianye Feng.

"Well, that's no need. I want to settle in this town. Is that okay?"

Of course Qianye Feng doesn't want to go to an orphanage and be controlled by others. Now that he has start-up capital, he plans to buy Zhuyuan Farm and start his career as a farmer in the Pokémon world.

"Of course, I can help you settle in Chunhua Town, but the conditions here are not as good as in Kaina City!"

Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town was very happy to see that Qianye Feng wanted to stay in the town, but she needed to explain the situation clearly to Qianye Feng to prevent him from regretting it in the future.

"It doesn't matter, I like life here very much, the people here are very friendly!"

Qianye Feng said firmly.

"Now that you have decided, I can't say anything else. This is your identity card in the Fengyuan region. 500,000 alliance coins have been deposited in it. You must keep it well and don't lose it!"

Miss Junsha from Kaina City saw that Qianye Feng had already made up her mind, so she didn't try to persuade him anymore. She just handed him the ID card she had applied for in advance.

"Then I have already settled my affairs here. Cousin, you can change the location of Xiaofeng's identity card to Chunhua Town later!"

"I know, cousin, I'll do it later!"

At this time, Qianye Feng realized that the two Miss Junsha were cousins.

Later, Miss Junsha from Kaina City got on her motorcycle and returned to Kaina City. She still had a lot of things to deal with there and couldn't leave for too long, unlike Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town who had nothing to do all day long. whats the matter.

Next, Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town went through the procedures for Qianye Feng to settle in Chunhua Town. Until this moment, Qianye Feng was considered a person in Chunhua Town. Before, she could only be regarded as a temporary resident.

Seeing that everything was done, Qianye Feng quickly asked about Zhuyuan Farm.

Miss Junsha was also shocked when she heard that Qianye Feng wanted to buy Zhuyuan Farm.

She didn't expect that an 11-year-old child like Qianye Feng would already have the idea of ​​running a farm. Children of their age usually aspired to become elf trainers and travel around.

However, after thinking about what happened to Qianye Feng, she fell silent!

"Since you want to buy Zhuyuan Farm, let me introduce it to you. I happen to know this situation relatively well."

After Miss Junsha's introduction, Qianye Feng learned about some of the situation at Takeyuan Farm. The farm is now run by an old man named Takeyuan Jiro. Due to his age, he can no longer do the work on the farm.

In addition, his children all worked in Kaina City, so he planned to sell the farm and move there to live with his family.

Miss Junsha said that she could help Qianye Feng negotiate with Mr. Zhuyuan and try to help him negotiate the price.

Of course Qianye Feng was very grateful for Miss Junsha's help, but he didn't show it and just waited to repay her in the future.

After that, Qianye Feng returned to the Elf Center first. Miss Junsha said that he could live here first. After the farm matter was settled, he could move directly to the farm.

That night, Qianye Feng suffered from insomnia. Thinking that he could own such a big farm, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He was also so tired that Arrogant Swallow couldn't fall asleep. As a result, the next morning, every bird and every bird was carrying a pair of black birds. eye socket.

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