After Qianye Feng came to the artificial lake, he first determined the direction of expansion. He planned to continue expanding toward the deeper side.

Although the length and width of the artificial lake to be expanded this time will be about the same as before, he plans to make the newly expanded area into a deep water area with a water depth of at least 3 meters, which can greatly increase the capacity of the artificial lake.

With such a depth, the mosquito-repellent incense community can definitely live more comfortably, and it can also satisfy the survival and reproduction of their community for a relatively long period of time.

After Qianye Feng designated the excavation area, Chuanshan King couldn't wait to use his sharp claws to start digging. After a while, a small earth bag was dug out.

Then, Heracross, Mr. Mosquito Repellent and Shi Li took shovels and started filling the basket with soil.

These three elves are very strong. Shoveling is a piece of cake for them. However, they only have one arm left and can only hold the shovel with one hand. This will undoubtedly consume more of their physical strength. Not easy to borrow.

However, Wrist Strength has nothing to complain about. It feels that this is also a good way to exercise, which can fully exercise its arms and allow its left arm to control power more accurately.

Under the command of the King Swallow, the proud swallows used their claws to lift the basket and fly away in an orderly manner.

In fact, if we take it seriously, they have the largest workload, but fortunately there are a large number of proud swallows, so they can rest in shifts so that they will not be exhausted.

Because today is the first day of digging, Qianye Feng also participated in the whole process.

In addition to helping to fill the soil from time to time, his main job is to direct the Chuanshan King to dig out an outline of the determined area, so that he can leave the work here to them in the future.

As the sky grew dark, Qianye Feng announced that today's work was completed, and the elves who had worked hard all day cheered in unison. They were exhausted today.

"Shuttlecock Flower, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Qianye Feng said to the shuttlecocks who were already eager to try.

With the use of the green grass field skills, the elves who had been feeling heavy and exhausted suddenly became energetic and immersed in the pleasure of washing their bodies with life energy.

By the time they were treated, the elves had mostly recovered from the physical fatigue caused by a day's work. They only needed to replenish enough energy and then have a good night's rest to fully recover.

Judging from the elves' continuously improving physiques, as long as they can be given sufficient energy replenishment, I believe that after the expansion of the artificial lake is completed, the strength of these elves participating in the expansion work will also be greatly improved.

Time passed by and it was already the early morning of the third day.

After Qianye Feng got up, he observed the development of the three plant seedlings as usual. He found that these seedlings had grown to the point where they needed to be transplanted. They needed to transplant these seedlings to the reclaimed land in the backyard as soon as possible. Otherwise, The petri dish is already somewhat unable to support the healthy development of the seedlings.

Now Qianye Feng has completely let go of the expansion work on the artificial lake, and Wang Yan has taken over his overall planning and dispatching work. I wonder if it is his misunderstanding, but Qianye Feng feels that Wang Yan is more efficient than him in doing things.

After a simple breakfast, Qianye Feng took these seedlings to the backyard. Not only that, he also called three shuttlecock flowers and mosquito repellent in advance.

Qianye Maple attaches great importance to these three plants and does not dare to be careless in the slightest. Therefore, he has made all the necessary preparations in advance and strives not to make any mistakes.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng took a small medicine hoe and dug out three holes of suitable size and depth in the center of the planting land.

After that, he put the only three resurrection grass seedlings into the pit, covered them with soil, and completed the transplanting.

Then, the vitality root seedlings and Graxitia flower seedlings were followed in sequence until all the seedlings were planted on the newly reclaimed land.

Qianye Maple could feel that the resurrection grass seedlings were consuming life energy at a faster rate after leaving the petri dish to maintain their own vitality.

At this consumption rate, if there is no other supplement, the life energy of the Resurrection Grass itself will be exhausted in a few days, causing the Resurrection Grass seedlings to wither.

"Shuttlecock, use the grass field!"

"Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent, use it to pray for rain!"

Since the transplanting had just been completed and the seedlings were most vulnerable now, Qianye Maple directly asked three shuttlecocks to release the grass field skill at the same time.

Suddenly, this newly reclaimed land was shrouded in emerald green light. The seedlings that were originally consuming their own life energy now began to absorb the life energy from the external environment.

At this time, the pattering rain also dripped down, nourishing this fertile land.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Qianye Maple feels that these seedlings are becoming more and more energetic, and they no longer have the same feeling of dying that they had when they were just transplanted.

"Okay, Mr. Mosquito Repellent, the rain has been enough now, you can use your rain-seeking skills!"

Qianye Feng looked at the soil that was already moist enough, and immediately asked Mr. Mosquito Repellent to stop the rain-seeking skill.

After hearing the trainer's words, Mr. Mosquito Repellent also stopped controlling the weather. Suddenly the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and a ray of morning sun penetrated through the clouds and fell to the ground, bringing a touch of warmth.

Now that the most important step has been completed, Qianye Maple only needs to calculate the total amount of life energy required by these seedlings in one day.

Currently, the grass field released by Shuttlecock can last for about 10 minutes.

During this period, the energy of the grass field will not dissipate and can be spontaneously absorbed by elves or plants, restoring their vitality or promoting the growth of plants.

In the next few days, Qianye Feng spent all his energy on the seedlings in the backyard. When he saw the seedlings in front of him that had stabilized and started to grow, he felt full of accomplishment.

Through several days of follow-up research, Qianye Maple discovered that it only requires a shuttlecock to release a green grass field every 8 hours to maintain the healthy growth of resurrection grass seedlings.

Of course, if you want the resurrection grass seedlings to speed up their growth, you can also use the grass field skill more times to allow the seedlings to absorb more life energy.

As for the vitality root, it only needs a grass field once a day to meet its survival needs. Therefore, the grass field skill three times a day can make the vitality root seedlings grow faster.

Graxitia flower can be said to be the best growing among the three seedlings. In fact, it only needs normal planting to grow. At most, it needs more careful care.

Planted in the backyard by Thousand Leaf Maple, they can absorb a lot of life energy every day, which greatly promotes their growth and development.

In this regard, Qianye Maple plans to wait until enough seeds are obtained in the future to plant them separately, instead of planting them together like now.

The land in the backyard is actually a kind of experimental field, allowing him to explore how to grow these plants.

"Boss, it's time to eat!"

Terada Yuri came to the backyard and greeted.

"Okay, I'll be right away."

Qianye Feng looked at the sky and found that it was already noon. After sorting the dirt on his body, he came to the hall.

"How about it, are they still used to using the milking machine with the big milk tank?"

Qianye Feng asked after taking a sip of soup.

Just the day before yesterday, the department store in Kena City had sent the milking machine used by the big milk tanks to the farm. In the past two days, Terada Yuri taught the big milk tanks how to use this machine.

"The milking machine is very easy to use. Yesterday, I had to guide the big milk tankers to use it, but today the big milk tankers can already use the machine to express milk by themselves. Moreover, I also found that they are quite satisfied with this machine. "

Terada Yuri answered happily after hearing Chiba Kaede ask about the milking machine.

With this large milk tank milking machine, she can indeed save a lot of time, so that she can spend a lot more time making energy cubes, and she can also take into account her own studies. After all, she has just bought a few books recently. A rare book on animal husbandry.

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