I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 93 Beach Training

Qianye Feng, who was delighted to have a baby, packed up her fishing rods and started preparing for dinner.

Because he had been fishing all day, Qianye Feng had no intention of making another big meal, so he cooked a pot of noodles as his dinner.

At this time, the elves who had been out wandering all day also returned to the beach one after another, eating the energy cube set meal Qianye Feng had prepared for them.

It was rare that Fire Chicken did not follow him today. Instead, he formed a jungle exploration team with the Colorful Sheep and Ghost and entered the jungle for adventure.

Qianye Feng was relatively familiar with the situation nearby. There were no particularly powerful elves living nearby, so he felt free to let the elves move around freely.

With the current strength of the heterochromatic sheep and ghosts, there is no problem in protecting the little chicken. In fact, this is also the case. The most powerful elf they encountered today was an Arbo monster.

This Arbor monster was hiding among the fallen leaves, trying to sneak up on the chickens running around.

However, when it was about to succeed, it was hit on the head by a hundred thousand volts from the heterochromatic velvet sheep, which directly killed half of its life and could only run away in despair.

In the following time, they did not encounter any elves who dared to attack them. During this period, they also encountered many elves living in the jungle, but there was no conflict and they all communicated in a friendly manner.

Then there was the lazy group. The shuttlecock floated directly to the top of the big tree and basked in the sun all day long. The king of the crocodile dug a hole on the beach, lay down in it, and took a beach bath.

The only one in the foodie group is Heracross, who searches the jungle for big trees that can produce delicious sap.

However, it does not stop fishing. After sucking a certain amount of tree sap, it will switch to another tree to suck from, ensuring that the tree will not wither due to its excessive sucking.

This is also the survival instinct of their race, and sustainable development is the key to the continuation of their race.

The last group was Qianye Feng's fishing group. Regarding this, the three generals of sea, land and air who were forced to be assigned to this group were very dissatisfied and felt that they had been cheated by their own trainers.

After all, their trainers didn't catch any powerful elves that needed their help all day long, so they spent the day in boredom.

In the early morning of the next day, Qianye Feng was woken up by a burst of noise. When he opened the camping tent, he found that it was already very lively outside. Apparently the elves knew that training was going to start today, and they were all gearing up.

Especially King Yan, who feels that his recent strength improvement has been a bit slow, and wants to make greater progress through battles with other elves.

"Everyone is very energetic!"

Qianye Feng smiled and greeted them.

After breakfast, Qianye Feng announced the start of training.

Da Wangyan still let him practice battles with Mosquito Repellent King, Different-Colored Velvet Sheep, and Ghost. They were all gearing up and seemed very motivated.

Of course, this is also related to the conflict they formed last time. Both sides want to face each other and have been bullied. How can they not fight back?

Especially the old one, Mr. Mosquito Repellent, felt that during the previous battle, it was because there was no water nearby, so he acted so arrogantly, and strongly requested that the battle venue be chosen at the beach.

The Colorful Sheep and Ghost are also very excited, feeling that the continuous control tactics they have practiced together in recent days can finally be put to use.

That's right, Qianye Maple did not allow them to participate in the artificial lake expansion project because their bodies were not suitable for digging.

However, these days were not wasted. They had no feelings at all about being tortured by King Yan's blood some time ago.

Especially the heterochromatic velvet sheep. It feels that its own attributes are those of the Tianke King Yan, and it cannot accept being brutally beaten by the King Yan's inverse attributes.

However, because the speed of the King Swallow is too fast, if they cannot limit the speed of the King Swallow, they will have no way to effectively counterattack, let alone defeat it.

During that time, the heterochromatic velvet sheep and Guis often trained together. The heterochromatic velvet sheep practiced the proficiency of electromagnetic waves and cotton spores, while Guis practiced the proficiency of strange lights, hypnosis, and scary faces.

Not only that, they will also practice skill matching. In short, they use the king swallow as the imaginary enemy, try how to get the king swallow to be attacked, and then let them slaughter them.

For Chuanshan King, it is a rare trip to the beach. Qianye Feng lets him practice sand splashing and quicksand abyss to improve his control over the sand. It is best to use this to learn the sandstorm skills.

For the Chuanshan King who has the property of hiding in the sand, after learning the sandstorm skill, he can use the sandstorm property to hide his figure and confuse the enemy. This is very useful in battle.

After receiving the training task assigned by the trainer, Chuanshan King changed his previous lying posture and began to play with the sand seriously.

After realizing that he was no worse than other elves, Chuanshan King no longer wanted to use lying down as an excuse to escape the battle.

It wants to rise as the King of Chuanshan and become a guardian instead of a weak person being protected.

Heracross and Wrist were still assigned to a group by Qianye Maple, because they are both fighting attribute elves, and the fastest way to improve their strength is in battle.

The only requirement Qianye Maple has for Heracross during this training is that he can only use fighting attribute skills and wrist sparring.

Otherwise, if Heracross uses the flying attribute skill, it may only take a few hits to make the wrist lose its fighting ability, and it will not have the effect of sparring.

Heracross accepted this readily, even a little embarrassed, but he still recognized the recent improvement in wrist strength, knowing that this would be more effective for both parties.

Of course, Wrist Strength has no objection, or it prefers this kind of training method that is close to actual combat. After all, Heracross's strength was limited too much before.

After arranging the training for these elves, Qianye Feng came to the beach and looked at the Wolong Phoenix chicks blowing bubbles on the sea. For a moment, he didn't seem to know where to start training.

Now they all have the same skills, which are jumping and impacting. You can't let them compete with each other to jump higher. That would make no sense.

So Qianye Maple let them do collision training. After several collisions, it discovered that Magikarp likes to run rampant, but the ugly ugly fish that seems a little stupid will judge the situation to avoid the collision of Magikarp, and then use its head Hit Magikarp's body, avoiding its toughest head.

However, the impact force of the Ugly Fish is smaller than that of Magikarp. For Magikarp whose whole body is made of bones, no matter where the impact occurs, the damage is actually relatively small.

In this regard, Qianye Feng did not correct him. He just watched from the side and promised that whoever defeated the opponent first would get an energy cube from him as a reward.

After hearing that there was a reward, the two salted fish who had been a little perfunctory at first started to get serious. They are both bottom creatures in the ocean. No one is stronger than the other, so for a while they were evenly matched.

This is what Qianye Feng wants to see. Without this hard work, he doesn't know how to make them improve their levels in a short period of time.

In the end, the little chicken was left. What it needed now was to exercise its physical fitness, so Qianye Feng tied ropes to both of its legs, and then tied stones to the other end of the rope, and then let it surround it. Run laps on the beach.

This can exercise the chick's leg muscles. This is how Qianye Feng trained it in a short period of time. Of course, the weight of the stone will change as the chick's strength improves.

Thanks to the soy sauce party among book friends, book friends 20200702120636130, and Kong Lei 1 for their monthly votes support!

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