"Come on, Fire Chicken, you can do it!"

Qianye Feng followed the fire chicken and cheered for it, while the fire chicken dragged two stones and ran forward with difficulty.

"Okay, Fire Chicken, you should rest first!"

With the encouragement of Qianye Feng, Huo Zhiji finally completed the set goal.

At this moment, King Yan suddenly landed on the open space next to him, patted Qianye Feng with its wings, and then pointed to the sea in the distance.

"Um, Wang Yan, have you discovered anything?"

Qianye Feng looked in the direction pointed out to him by Wang Yan, but found nothing unusual, so he couldn't help but ask strangely.

Then, at King Yan's signal, Qianye Feng climbed onto its back, and then was carried by it to fly in the direction indicated.

After reaching the sky, Qianye Feng looked into the distance, and still could only see a black spot on the sea in the distance. However, as King Yan got closer, he finally saw clearly that there was a ship about 10 meters long. Speedboat.

However, the situation of the speedboat is not good. It is surrounded by many megalodon sharks, and the giant tooth sharks are hitting the speedboat with their bodies. There are several young trainers on the boat who are commanding their elves, trying to expel the besieged speedboat. group of megalodon sharks.

"Wang Yan, let's go back first!"

After Qianye Feng knew that the situation was critical, he quickly asked King Yan to go back. Faced with this situation, the best thing was to let the heterochromatic velvet sheep take action and try to drive away these giant tooth sharks with powerful electric skills.

After returning to the beach, Qianye Feng gathered all his elves, briefly described the situation he encountered, put them back into the elf ball, and then rode King Yan again to the sky above the speedboat.

At this time, the speedboat was shaking violently under the attack of the megalodon. If rescue was not carried out as soon as possible, the speedboat was in danger of capsizing.

"Wang Yan, use the air blade continuously to temporarily drive away these giant tooth sharks from the speedboat!"

Qianye Feng ordered.

After receiving the order, Wang Yan did not hesitate, and directed a few sharp air blades at the giant tooth shark that was hitting the ship.

The megalodon sharks were also shocked when they were suddenly attacked from above. Coupled with the pain in their backs, they quickly sank into the water and did not dare to float up for the time being.

Taking advantage of this moment, Qianye Feng quickly asked Da Wang Yan to land on the deck of the speedboat.

"Young man, thank you very much for coming to rescue us!"

A bald old man with a gray beard but a strong physique thanked Qianye Feng directly after seeing him.

Old Man Hutch was once a sailor who ventured across the seven seas. After retirement, he lived a leisurely life every day. Until one day, Xiaopi, the long-winged gull, flew over to keep him company, allowing him to reawaken his youth. In order to go to sea again, he built a speedboat named Xiaopi.

Of course, Old Man Hatch's main purpose now is not to make money, but to enjoy the pleasure of driving a speedboat to and from the sea. He feels that he can't live without the sea in his life. As long as his body can support it, he will continue.

Today, Old Man Hutch received a commission from three elf trainers and needed to sail them to Wudou Town, so after picking up several trainers on time, he set off on a speedboat.

Originally, Old Man Hutch had traveled this route many times without any major problems, but this time they were really unlucky, and they happened to encounter a group of migrating megalodon sharks.

The Megalodon is known as the bully of the sea and is feared by everyone. It is the king of the sea with a ferocious personality, cunning and cleverness. It has teeth that can crush even iron plates. After the teeth are broken, they can be quickly regenerated. It can chew large oil ships to pieces single-handedly.

Ships entering its habitat will be attacked without exception. And it is very sensitive to the smell of blood. After smelling the smell of prey, it will spray the seawater it drinks from the hole in its buttocks to swim, swimming at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

For the megalodon shark, it will immediately attack as soon as it encounters a ship, so this situation happened today. However, it was Old Man Hutch and his friends who were lucky enough to let King Yan discover them, and then King Yan notified them. Chiba Maple's situation happened.

"Can this ship still be started now?"

Qianye Feng took advantage of the opportunity before the Megalodon group launched an attack and asked.

"Yes, but if the speed of the boat is too fast, it will easily be knocked over by the megalodon shark from the side."

Old Man Hutch responded.

"That's great. If you drive in that direction, there's a beach there. The speedboat can temporarily dock there. I believe that once we get there, the megalodon won't tangle with us for too long!"

Qianye Feng explained.

The location of that beach is relatively secluded, and ships usually follow a special route. If they deviate from the route, they can easily hit the rocks and sink. That's why Old Hatch didn't know the existence of this beach.

Of course, without the help of the heterochromatic velvet sheep to temporarily drive away the megalodon group, they would basically not be able to reach the beach and would be knocked over on the way.

"Thank you for the rescue!"

“Thank you so much!”

Several trainers who had been directing the elves to drive away the megalodon finally dared to relax a little and thanked Qianye Feng one after another.


At this time, the speedboat had just started, and the impact of the megalodon came again, but Qianye Feng asked the furry sheep who had been waiting aside to give it an electric shock directly.

While the speedboat is moving slowly, as long as a megalodon dares to hit the speedboat, or has a tendency to hit the speedboat, the heterochromatic velvet sheep will launch an electric shock attack on it.

In order not to create too much hatred with the Megalodon group, Qianye Feng only allowed the heterochromatic velvet sheep to receive low-power electric shocks, the kind that allowed them to feel pain but were not fatal.

Qianye Feng is not afraid of making enemies. After all, he rarely comes to sea. However, Old Man Hutch is in some trouble. He may be retaliated by the megalodon sharks during the boat trip in the future.

The giant tooth sharks that had been electrocuted by the different-colored velvet sheep basically did not dare to continue the collision, which also ensured the normal operation of the speedboat.

Soon they arrived at the sea near the beach, but the giant tooth sharks seemed unwilling to give up. They still followed closely behind the speedboat, but they did not launch any more attacks.

After asking Old Man Hatch to stop the speedboat, Qianye Feng asked Da Wangyan to take them one by one to the beach. Only after they arrived at the beach were they truly out of danger. After all, no matter how powerful the megalodon shark is, it can only show off its cruelty in the sea and cannot reach the beach. Come on land.

After seeing that the prey had landed, the Megalodon group and Qianye Feng on the shore faced off for more than 10 minutes, then turned around and left. As for whether they really left, Qianye Feng could not guarantee.

Only at this time did Qianye Feng have time to talk to the four of them.

From the conversation, he also learned that the old man's name was Old Man Hutch. He was hired by several people to drive a speedboat to Wudou Town. However, he was unlucky enough to encounter a group of megalodon sharks on the way. Qianye Feng also understood what happened after that.

As for the three young trainers who went to Martial Arts Town for the gym challenge, Qianye Feng also knew some simple information about them.

A plainly dressed, strong boy named Kinuchi Kosuke is 15 years old. He likes rock elves very much and his partner is Rumble Stone.

The boy wearing glasses and dressed as a student is named Ishibashi Goichi. He is 14 years old this year. His partner is Numa Yuyu. He recently graduated from the trainer school and is traveling in the Hoenn area. Now he is also traveling to challenge the Hoenn League. , has obtained 3 gym badges.

The girl with long black hair and straight hair is named Ishikawa Shizuru. She is 13 years old this year. She is a very gentle girl. Her partner is Mei Hana. She travels with Ishibashi Goichi and her dream is to become an excellent coordination trainer.

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