When Rong Bing saw them coming, he immediately got up with a smile and greeted them.

"President Xu, Secretary Chen, you are here too!"

"Hahaha...... When it's time to come, how can such a grand event not come?" said Lao Xu with a hearty smile.

Several people sat down together and began to chat before the game.

"Master Rong, I didn't expect you to be the first to become the first angler to get an independent invitation, I really envy and admire the old man!" said with a smile.

"President Xu has won the award, as a fisherman, I think the catch is the most important thing, as for any invitation, it's just a floating cloud!" Rong Bing waved his hand and smiled.

"Young people have this state of mind, do you want to envy me?" asked Lao Xu with an exaggerated expression.

"How could it be? President Xu can't make fun of me like this in the future?" Rong Bing said with a little blush.

"By the way, does Master Rong have a girlfriend?" asked the old man abruptly changing the subject.

Rong Bing was stunned and shook his head!

"Haha...... That's really good! I have a grandniece who is very beautiful and a good person! I will introduce you to you another day!" Lao

Xu said like an old naughty boy with a sudden change of face, and rubbed Rong Bing's arm.


Rong Bing was really confused and didn't know how to answer, but fortunately, the big horn sounded at this time.

"Please take your seats, and the competition will start ...... ten minutes later

" "That President Xu, I'm going to prepare first?" Rong Bing said, and without waiting for Lao Xu to answer, he ran to his fishing position with his things.

Since this is a qualifier, there are too many players. Therefore, the organizer did not engage in any activities of drawing lots to get fishing positions, and it was simply arranged directly.

This direct arrangement is arranged by the arrival time of the contestants, with those who come early in front and those who come late in the back of the fishing position.

Since Rong Bing came over early today, his fishing position was at the front, that is, on the side near the rostrum.

It is located in the most beautiful area of Tamming Island, but the water is relatively shallow and there are not many big fish.

However, Rong Bing didn't care, with his intermediate fishing skills, although he didn't dare to crush the players here, it should be no problem to enter the finals.

There is no fishing method in this qualifier, and only the fish are advanced in the end.

That is to say, whether you use table fishing, lure, and rock fishing, there is only one purpose, that is, to catch fish.

Although Rong Bing's platform fishing skills are the highest, he has fallen in love with this sporty fishing technique since he played Lua.

So in today's game, Rong Bing still took out the Lu Ya rod to prepare for the game.

Rong Bing had also learned about it before, and the fish species here in Kobe were already well known.

I saw him hang up the soft bait and throw it directly into the sea.

There are many black eagles, flounders, octopus, saury, and mackerel in this area, and soft bait is the most suitable for this water.

And Xiao Na had already started the live broadcast when Rong Bing was preparing, and the live broadcast room was also lively at the moment.

[Stranger]: "Hey, where is Brother Bing? It doesn't seem to be in China?"

[Administrator Xiao Na]: "Brother Bing is participating in an international fishing tournament in the country of Wa.

As Xiao Na's words scrolled on the screen, the live broadcast room became more lively

![Wang Xiaobei's Chen Yiyi]: "Wow! Brother Bing is participating in the competition again, I'm looking forward to Brother Bing's performance!"

[Yi Gu Allure]: "Brother Bing wants to win glory for Huaxia

, Brother Bing come on......" [Haibo Zhibo]: "Brother Bing come on x1" [A, B, CD]: "Brother Bing come on x99......

". And Rong Bing has already begun to catch the first fish of the day.

This is a flounder, the size of a plate that everyone usually eats.

Flounder, also known as flat fish, emperor fish, and half-sided fish, is long and flat, oblong in shape, with a maximum length of 12 cm, and is a very delicious fish.

The body is slightly elongated and flattened, oblong-oval. The head is large, the snout is short and blunt, the eyes are on the left side of the body, the lower eye is slightly anterior to the upper eye, there is a narrow bony ridge between the eyes, and the upper eye is sunken.

This is a common fish in the Wa country, because the fish body only has fish bones and no fish bones, so the Wa people especially like to use it to make sashimi.

Rong Bing threw the fish into the fish guard, and then threw the second shot, and now he had mastered the Luya rod skills in his mind, and he could catch them in any way.

With the cooperation of the intermediate perspective technique, as long as the fish he wanted, he basically couldn't escape his hook!

In less than half a minute, Rong Bing's fishing rod sank again, and the fishing line began to cut the water surface rapidly, making a tooth-aching "whirring" sound.

[Haibo Zhibo]: "Damn, Brother Bing, there is no one who

has the speed of the fish, and I feel that this fish is very big?" [Your aunt is so beautiful]: "Brother Bing, is this in the Wa Kingdom? Let the little devil taste

it!" [Bangyu]: "Look, it's actually a big hairtail fish!" The

fans in the live broadcast room were amazed, and Rong Bing had already pulled the fish in front of him.

This is a royal ribbon fish that is more than three meters long.

The emperor ribbon fish, also known as Brunhilty, is commonly known as the messenger of the Dragon Palace, the white dragon king, the dragon king fish, the big ribbon fish, the big herring king, the rocking paddle fish, the fat fish, the buy cow, the barbarian, the pig essence, the hundred cattle, the earthquake fish, is one of the radial-finned fish class moon fish order emperor ribbon fish.

It mainly lives in the depths of warm seas such as the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, and usually operates in waters between 200 and 1000 meters.

I don't know how the emperor ribbon fish caught by Rong Bing could have gone to the offshore sea to move?

The emperor ribbon fish is a carnivorous fish, they have a fierce temperament, and they also have the same kind of cannibalism; Rong Bing guessed that this fish probably came here after chasing other fish.

Rong Bingcai didn't care so much, he directly threw the fish into the super fish guard, and threw the rod again to attract the fish.

[Stranger Visitor]: "I heard that the appearance of this kind of imperial ribbon fish is a harbinger of

an earthquake, is it possible that the Wa Kingdom is going to be an earthquake?" [Bald Head Qiang]: "Brother Bang, what you said is true? I still want to go to the Wa Kingdom to watch

Brother Bing's competition!" [Wang Xiaobei's Chen Yiyi]: "So Brother Bing is not very dangerous? Why don't we remind Brother Bing not to compete, or go back to our Huaxia to be safer

?" [Tang Hao]: "This is just a legend, it shouldn't be so coincidental, right?" The

game continued, the fans in the Rong Bing live broadcast room feasted their eyes, and the headquarters

of Sanyou Group was also lively!"Mr. Sanyou! How is our prey now?"

A white-faced European-American holding a red wine glass, opposite him was also the chairman of Sanyou Group, Sanyou Liangcheng.

This is a small cocktail party specially organized by Sanyou Group for those who come from the alliance.

Sanyou Liangcheng smiled, took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Mr. James, please rest assured, the prey has already been on the scene of the fishing competition according to our plan."

James nodded and asked, "Are you sure you don't need us to make a move?" Sanyou

Liangcheng put down his wine glass, hugged his hands and hugged his chest and said: "Mr. James has also watched that video, and we don't have much chance of winning by force!" After Sanyou Liangcheng

finished speaking, he looked at the other party's expression, and after finding that the other party had not changed, he continued: "Why do we have to use our strength to solve things that can be solved with our heads?"

James spread his hands and said expressionlessly: " Then follow your plan, but Mr. Sanyou, I want to warn you first, the headquarters is very angry about this accident!

" Sanyu Liangcheng's face twitched, and finally relented and promised: "Mr. James, please rest assured, if my plan fails, won't there still be you?"

"Cheers to the common ideal!"

James smiled noncommittally and raised his glass.

Sanyu Liangcheng picked up the wine glass in front of him and touched it with the other party.


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