I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 102 Chapter 104

teleport? !

See also teleportation.

The on-site commander's pupils shrank, and the depths of his eyes were filled with shock.

Whether it was the extraordinary monk Di Lu or this masked weirdo, they all ended up teleporting.

For a transcendent, teleportation seems to be the most basic ability, which is too bad for the Metropolitan Police Department. It is almost impossible to capture a transcendent who can teleport.

And the name of this masked weirdo is the Red Sand Scorpion?

The on-site commander looked at the monster's scorpion-like steel tail and the blood-stained gravel, but it was very vivid.

This man called the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was full of murderous intent, and he did not know how many people he had killed.

Compared with him, sending more than a hundred people from the Zhengxin Society to the land of the west, and the red-eyed transcendent who wiped out the fifth lesson but didn't kill any of them, are simply harmless to humans and animals.

In fact, before the red-eyed superhuman invaded the Metropolitan Police Department and packed away all the files, the Metropolitan Police Department paid far more attention to Di Lu, a Buddhist superhuman, than the other.

After all, this is a member of the Buddhist sect. The influence of Buddhism in the island country is much greater than that of Shintoism, and Buddhism is also more abundant in martial arts. Compared with the extraordinary person wearing a red cloud and black bottom robe and unknown origin, it is obvious that the meaning behind the extraordinary land of Buddhism is more meaningful.

"Amitabha. Master Dilu, thank you for saving your life."

With lingering fear, Kanbara Yuji looked at the tip of the steel tail held by Master Jilu with two fingers in the posture of a Buddha holding a flower.

It was only a little bit close, and he would also be strung on it, and he would die.


Master Lu Lu loosened his fingers, and the steel tail was pulled back. He clasped his hands together, made a Buddha ceremony, nodded to the people in the police station, and then said to the red sand scorpion:

"Scorpion of Red Sand, you are already a famous senior. Wouldn't it damage your reputation if you attack these mortals? Please stop here."

"Because I like it, I can do it, so I am allowed to kill anyone I want."

The red sand scorpion sneered, the madness and cruelty in the language were vividly expressed.

His steel tail pointed at Master Lu from the air, and the tip of the tail still had a dark light, obviously very poisonous.

"Dilu, the gatekeeper monk of the Temple of Fire guarding the gap between the two realms, I have heard of your name, and you have entered that realm after less than a hundred years of practice. Since you also appeared in the human realm, you must It will become a stumbling block, in order to realize the great wish of our Akatsuki organization, I will kill you here."

"Is it really Akatsuki? Scarlet Sand Scorpion, a big shot like you who became famous thousands of years ago, how could you join a dangerous secret organization like Akatsuki?"

"Because the philosophy of the Akatsuki organization is correct, just look at that Minamoto Yorimitsu. I met Minamoto Yorimitsu when I was young, and I still clearly remember how powerful Minamoto Yorimitsu was to coerce the Heian era, but he But I refused to enter the heavenly realm, and I sat down in the human realm, and now there is nothing left, but I have lived forever until today."

The on-site commander pricked up his ears to catch all the words as much as possible, but he couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end.

There is too much information here.

This strange person called the Red Sand Scorpion turned out to be from the same period as Minamoto Yorimitsu.

Minamoto Raimitsu was an ancient man in the Heian period of more than a thousand years.

And this red sand scorpion sounds like it has the ability to live forever.

live forever? !

How is this possible? Since the history of mankind, there have been as many emperors and great men who have pursued longevity and long-sightedness as crucian carp crossing the river, but in the end they all proved to be just flowers in the mirror.

And this red sand scorpion has the ability of immortality, which will make many powerful people crazy.

The red sand scorpion and the transcendent who broke into the Metropolitan Police Department were wearing the same style of black-bottomed red cloud robes. Does this mean that they belong to the same organization, the Akatsuki organization?

The expert group did not fail to analyze the costumes of the red-eyed superhumans. The red clouds on the black background symbolize the night sky, and the red clouds represent dawn or dusk, and the clouds are dyed red by the rays of the sun.

In this way, it is indeed reasonable that the organization of the extraordinary is called the Xiao organization.

Not only that, but some experts believe that the red cloud means blood cloud, which represents the falling blood and rain, and is a symbol of unknown meaning.

Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. The extraordinary organization joined by such vicious thugs as the Scarlet Sand Scorpion is definitely not thinking of benefiting mankind.

"Amitabha, Xiao organization, it's too dangerous! The poor monk can only drive you out of the human world." Master Di Lu looked solemn, and a circle of golden Buddha's light emerged from the back of his head, which looked extraordinarily sacred and majestic.

"You junior, stop boasting, do you think you can do it?"

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion grinned grimly, exuding a cold and biting murderous intent.

The steel tail behind him flicked in the air, clanging, and then slashed down on Master Lu's head.

"Master Lu, be careful!"

Master Lu didn't avoid it, he didn't know when, his exposed skin including his bald head became golden.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting came, and Master Lu raised an arm to block the steel tail's slash.

Sparks were still bubbling from the collision.

The on-site commander and Yuji Kanhara were shocked. They all knew how sharp the steel tail was. Even reinforced concrete could be cut through like tofu.

As a result, Master Lu's arm, this golden skin, could not be dealt with now, could it be the legendary Buddhist golden body, the indestructible magic of King Kong?

Master Di Lu is really a good monk!

The red sand scorpion's steel tail danced again and again, slashing at Master Lu from different angles, and even put the tip of the tail between the monk's eyebrows, but failed to break through.

"Damn it, all of you Buddhist monks are like tortoises, with rough skin and thick flesh." The red sand scorpion cursed in a low voice with some displeasure.

"Scorpion of Red Sand, you've had enough trouble, next, it's time for the poor monk to act."

Master Lu Lu clamped the red sand scorpion's steel tail under his arm with lightning speed, and then made a mudra with one hand, spitting out a beam of flames from his mouth.

Fire escape, the art of dragon fire!

The flames stretched forward along the steel tail, and burned the red sand scorpion in an instant, turning him into a torch.

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department at the scene couldn't help showing joy.


At this moment, the steel tail flicked suddenly, directly throwing Master Di Lu into the air, and then poked the tip of the tail, pushing Master Di Lu into a nearby residential house, the wall collapsed, and he was dead or alive.

After being burned by the flames, the red sand scorpion's robe was also burned, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

The Red Sand Scorpion turned out to be a giant puppet monster.

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