I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 111 Chapter 113

It was already five o'clock in the evening, and Huguo Temple had closed its doors to thank visitors. There was no one in the side hall, only the Buddha statue sitting on the lotus platform, watching everything without sadness or joy.

A strand of translucent spiritual body appeared in the hall as if teleported, and then flew up the beam like riding the wind.

The coffin where Tsukimi Ri Inaba was placed was hidden by Naruto Uchiha on the beam of the side hall of Gokokuji Temple.

Huguoji Temple can be regarded as a famous ancient temple in Bunkyo District. It has a lot of money and wealth. Even the beams of the house are built with hard crossbars, and the coffins are placed securely.

The top of the head is the blind spot of everyone's vision. In the past three days, countless pilgrims who have come to pay homage and the little monks who have welcomed and sent them off have not noticed that there is something extra on their heads.

Seeing the continuous black smoke from the top of the coffin, Naruto Uchiha nodded, which meant that Tsukimi Ri Inaba was about to break the seal.

Naruto Uchiha supported the barrel coffin, took it off the roof, and placed it in the side hall.

Naturally, the strength of the spirit body cannot compare with the original body. Fortunately, Tsukimi Ri Inaba is petite and light in weight.

Naruto Uchiha was hesitating how to transport the coffin out, when he heard a crow outside uttering a shrill cry:


Naruto Uchiha didn't hide Tsukimi Ri Inaba in Gokoku Temple unpreparedly. He left several crows nearby, and he would send a message to him immediately if there was any trouble.

Naruto Uchiha, who is in a spirit state, can perceive the surrounding souls through the technique of spiritualization.

There is a soul approaching outside the side hall of Huguoji Temple. The degree of power and evil is unprecedented in Uchiha Naruto's impression.

Who is it?

The coffin barrel in Uchiha Naruto's hand shook even more violently, and the black mist was transpiring faster and faster.

With a thought, Uchiha Naruto put the coffin and barrel on the ground, and the spirit body restrained its breath and hid in the void.

The gate of the side hall of the Huguo Temple was pushed open by a palm with white scales, and an unidentified person walked in wearing a hooded cloak with his face hidden by shadows.


Go back in time a little.

"Teacher, are we really going to abandon the base and move out of Tokyo? You have worked hard in Tokyo for so many years..."

In the underground refuge of the monsters, Fujiki Yokai is making a final confirmation to Mr. Orochi.

"That's right! Kihara-kun, I've already decided to do this."

Teacher Orochi, still wearing the white coat from before, said gloomyly:

"The current situation in Tokyo is changing suddenly, like the eye of a typhoon. If our organization stays in Tokyo, a place of right and wrong, I'm afraid we will get into more trouble."

I really didn't expect that such a big event would happen during the recuperation period for that old immortal!

The two transcendents actually fought in the Datian District in broad daylight, and even summoned a 20-meter-high statue of King Ming and a clay giant in an extremely exaggerated way. I don't know how many people saw it.

This made Mr. Orochi's plan to strictly manage the monsters and avoid attracting public attention to hide their power and bide their time go bankrupt. In the foreseeable future, the actions of monsters will become more and more difficult.

Teacher Orochi immediately activated his secret channel inside the Metropolitan Police Department, and learned some confidential information that even ordinary police officers do not know.

The dialogue between the monk on the ground and the scorpion called the red sand scorpion is just a small and half claw, which makes people feel incredible.

These extraordinary beings actually existed thousands of years ago, but came from another world.

What kind of place is that place they call the inner world and the heavenly realm? Is it really the legendary heavenly realm?

Even an old and cunning monster like Mr. Orochi couldn't help but feel broken.

If extraordinary beings existed thousands of years ago, and even Minamoto Raikou was an extraordinary being, then what happened to these monsters that were not born until fifteen years after Heisei?

Do the bull ghosts, earth spiders and other big monsters killed by Yuan Laiguang really exist? If it really existed, why did it disappear after thousands of years?

The dialogue between the superhumans seemed to have solved some problems, but it also left more mysteries, which made Mr. Orochi feel puzzled.

Although I can't figure it out, the deterioration of the future situation is predictable. After Mr. Orochi analyzed the information, he decisively decided to break up all the monsters lurking in Tokyo and withdraw them from Tokyo.

"It's just that because of what happened before, the Metropolitan Police Department is still implementing traffic control in Tokyo, and the inspection of imports and exports is very tight. It is not easy to evacuate." Fujiki Youkai said hesitantly.

"Then use that old immortal's contacts and resources. He is now immersed in the dream of immortality. He will listen to everything we say. Now that we have decided to evacuate Tokyo, use the available resources as much as possible, don't worry so much .”

"Yes! Teacher." The Fujiki monster nodded and said:

"There is one more important thing, that is, Shitou and Quanjian, who were arranged to recycle the container before, have not heard from them at all. I wonder if it was delayed due to the impact of the current situation..."

"Both of them may have been killed by the container."

"How is this possible? Inukai is a monster named by you, Sensei. How could it be killed by a human girl!?"

Teacher Orochi slowly closed his eyelids, and said word by word:

"I can perceive the general location and state of the container through the monster energy planted on the container. The container is indeed about to break down, but for some reason, it has become extremely weak in the past few days."

"Does this mean that the container is dying?" asked the Fujiki monster.

"No, I can feel that the container is undergoing wonderful changes." Teacher Dashe shook his head.

"That fragile and unqualified container is being transformed into a perfect container. I have a hunch that this time it will definitely succeed!"

The Fujiki monster hesitated for a moment before saying uncertainly:

"The perfect container? You mean that container, which can hold your soul now?"

"Kihara-kun, I trust you the most among the monsters in the organization, and only you know that I have a second dream, which is to reincarnate as a human being."

"The sorcery was completed several years ago, but there is still a lack of a suitable container. The body of an ordinary human cannot hold the soul of a monster. Our human experiment is nominally to transform humans into monsters, but in fact To make the right container for me."

The white-scale monster spit out a forked letter from its mouth, a combination of cruelty and excitement, making it look extremely ferocious.

"Now, that human girl, Tsukimi Ri Inaba, is the container that carries my dreams, so this time I have to go there myself!"

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