I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 120 Chapter 122 The Emperor's New Clothes

April 25th, Sunday.

It is now the end of April. As the climate warms up, the grass grows and warblers fly. It is also the most serious period of hay fever in Japan every year.

Naruto Uchiha took the tram to the school. There were not many people wearing masks on the tram, but when they got off the tram and walked on the road, more than one-third of the pedestrians wore masks on their faces.

Hay fever can be regarded as a national disease of island countries.

The timing of the onset of hay fever in the island country coincides with the timeline of the advancement of the cherry blossoms. Some foreign tourists think that the hay fever is caused by the cherry blossoms.

But the real culprit is fir. Chinese fir is a kind of economic tree that is very suitable for planting in mountainous areas. During the post-war economic recovery period, in order to meet the needs of greening and development, with the encouragement of the state, foreign Chinese fir trees were found all over the country.

The pollen mist in the fir forest is spectacular, and it looks like yellow rain and fog from a distance during the flowering period, or a wildfire emerges from the top of the forest.

Every year at this time, hay fever will torture the citizens of the island country to death. Many public figures will deliberately avoid this period and hide abroad, just to protect their throats or not to burst into tears and nose in front of fans. .

Although Naruto Uchiha didn't have hay fever, he didn't feel his nose was sore and astringent when he saw that passers-by looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

As usual, Naruto Uchiha came to the classroom of Class B of the first year.


Hikaru Tanaka, who was sitting in the front row of Naruto Uchiha, wore a tight mask on his face. He seemed to be suffering from hay fever allergies, his eyes were red and swollen, and there were tears.

"Tanaka, it looks like you have a serious problem with hay fever."

Naruto Uchiha nodded to him, asked a casual question, and then took out the textbook from his schoolbag. There was another monthly test this week, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"It's okay... ahhh!" Hikaru Tanaka couldn't help but sneezed again.

"By the way, Uchiha, have you heard of the incident that happened on the weekend? It was the incident of the Buddha statue in Ota District..."

Even though Hikaru Tanaka is in this state, he still shows off the latest news he got in a mysterious way.

"What's the matter, I've been sleeping all weekend, and I don't pay much attention to the news." Uchiha said calmly.

In fact, this is a lie at all. Naruto Uchiha personally directed the battle between Master Lu and the Scorpion of Red Sand on Saturday.

At that time, two giants over 20 meters had an earth-shattering collision in the urban area of ​​Tokyo. This movement could not be concealed at all.

Afterwards, Naruto Uchiha has been paying close attention to this matter on the Internet, and this matter also caused a lot of noise in the first time, and it easily rushed to the top of the hot search.

Although he was withdrawn immediately, rumors inevitably spread everywhere.

On the Internet, especially the website users in Ota District, they kept saying that they saw Buddha appearing, manifested Buddha statues to suppress demons, and even released pictures and videos, but these links did not last long before they were blocked.

Some people are very unwilling to try to post it on the Internet, but Facebook can even block the president, not to mention you, a fart of a small island country, all these video materials have disappeared. In the end, as long as it is the ID of the island country, no matter what Three seven twenty one is also blocked.

Those IDs who jumped up and down the most were all silent soon, and then after a day or two, some deleted all the things they posted, and some posted the latest content claiming that all historical statements before were all I am bewitching the public, and decided to apologize to all readers.

As for the local newspapers and magazines of the island country, they were all silent, as if nothing happened, and the official propaganda department did not say anything. Even some foreign media on the peninsula who like to sing against the island country the most remained silent.

At this time, the state machine's ability to control all aspects of public opinion was fully demonstrated, and it was able to erase all video materials of the Ota City incident on the Internet.

Naruto Uchiha couldn't help but feel a little admired.

Although this incident appeared to be a big one, because the area where it was located was the street where Sato Nakakoya was located, which had long been blocked, the damage to the city and the injuries to personnel were not considered serious.

Naruto Uchiha doesn't mind leaking extraordinary information to the public, but he doesn't want to hurt innocent people. When manipulating Buddha statues and fighting clay giants, he also tries to avoid causing too much damage.

It is precisely because of this that with the full cooperation of all forces, it can be suppressed reluctantly.

If it was like Ultraman fighting a little monster, destroying several blocks at once, causing casualties and hundreds of people affected by the disaster, even the island government would no longer be able to pretend to be dead.

The geese leave their voices. Anyone who passes by will leave traces. Even if the government blocks it at the first time, it is inevitable that there will still be smart people who save the data quickly, such as this video downloaded from Hikaru Tanaka's mobile phone. .

"Uchiha, you can take a good look at it. I took this video from my cousin and copied it face-to-face into my phone with great difficulty. If I send a link or post it on social software, it will be blocked immediately."

After the screen on Hikaru Tanaka's phone vibrated for a while, he saw a golden Buddha statue of King Ming, which was six or seven stories high, fighting with a clay giant of the same height.

At the feet of the two giants, the house is like a sandcastle built on the beach, which was simply trampled to pieces.

The entire battle only lasted for more than ten seconds, and the picture on the phone screen seemed to be out of hand. The camera fell from the air to the ground, making a bang, and the picture went completely black.

"Well, this is not a special effect!"

"Well, it's amazing." Naruto Uchiha said indifferently, he was at the first scene himself, how could he be moved by such a small scene now.

He is now thinking more about the impact of this incident on society. Although the official action in this incident is indeed very powerful, it will inevitably leave traces on the Internet.

In the past few days, he has seen on the Internet that many people have been persistently seeking resources, and even called for demonstrations in Congress, asking the government to stop covering up the truth.

Although I searched for news related to Ota District on the Internet now, I couldn't find any traces on the Internet, but in the heated discussions in other community forums, everyone knew that some kind of big event had happened on the Internet.

Just like the emperor's new clothes, there is a secret brewing on the Internet that everyone knows but no one reveals.

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