I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 133 Chapter 135

"Ouch! It hurts me to death."

Professor Ze Nei hit his head on the ground, staring at his eyes, and then he felt his back sink. Two security guards rode on his back, suppressing his hands and feet, making him unable to move.

Professor Zenei was just a half-bad old man with no strength to restrain a chicken, how could he withstand this kind of trick, and suddenly he screamed in pain.

"You two idiots, imbeciles! I told you to arrest that Kurokawa, why are you arresting me!?" Professor Zenei struggled weakly for a few times, and cursed loudly.

"Sorry, Professor Zenei, we don't know what's going on."

"Yeah, that person is weird!"

The two security guards were terrified and apologized again and again, but they lifted Professor Zenei up from the ground very neatly, put him in the middle, and walked towards the elevator door.

"You guys let me go! You guys let me go!"

Professor Zenei was male on both sides. He kicked his feet a few times, but he was powerless to resist. When he was about to be escorted into the elevator, he finally understood something, turned his head and yelled at Professor Kurokawa:

"Heichuan, is it your fault! You are already a dead man, and you still come to pretend to be a ghost, I will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, a security guard punched Professor Zenei in the face, and Professor Zenei's eyes went dark, and he could no longer speak.

Then Professor Zenei was shoved into the elevator and kicked out of the thirteenth floor.

Professor Kurokawa didn't look back from the beginning to the end, and seemed to have no interest in this funny farce. He followed Dr. Satomi and came to Room 1309.

This is a quadruple ward.

Although some patients and relatives had already fallen asleep at this time, there were still a few people who were awake. The parents of the sick child were in front of the hospital bed every step of the way, with hope shining in their eyes.

Satomi was in the ward before seeing the doctor, and told the couple about the ghost of Professor Kurokawa performing surgery to remove the cancer tumor. Thinking of the incredible scene that happened last night, he couldn't help being suspicious, and finally chose to grab this life-saving straw.

Professor Kurokawa came to the child's bed without encountering any obstacles.

His eyes also switched to those transparent white eyes, and his cheeks were covered with veins, making him look a bit hideous.

Dr. Kurokawa put his hand on the root of the child's right thigh, and the hand emitted a dazzling blue light, illuminating the ward as bright as day.

"What is it, so bright? It's not letting people sleep!"

Several family members of the other hospital beds who were already sleeping soundly rubbed their eyes, opened them sleepily, and then were stunned by the incredible scene in the hospital bed.

A minute later, Dr. Kurokawa finally finished the treatment, and the blue light in his hand gradually dimmed.

"It's one more, it's the last one..."

Professor Kurokawa glanced at Dr. Satoshi, unexpectedly showing a bit of gentleness, but it was fleeting, and immediately turned into the same indifference as before.

The next moment, he turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.


Doctor Satomi murmured with a complicated expression.

The changes in the past few days seem to be that Mr. Kurokawa is gradually regaining his emotions and reason. Perhaps in the near future, Mr. Kurokawa will return to his appearance before his death.

the next day.

In the director's office of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, Professor Ze Nei stared at Doctor Li Jian with a frosty face, and Doctor Li Jian looked at him without changing expression or heartbeat.

After a stalemate for a while, Satoshi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Because Professor Zenei's nose is bruised and his face is swollen, even if he has been treated with medicine, he can't cover his black and blue right eye socket. Although he tried his best to maintain his majesty, he still looks somewhat funny.

Seeing Satomi laughing at himself, Professor Zei was furious.

Yesterday he was disgraced in front of many doctors, and finally he was picked up by two security guards and thrown out of the hospital gate. This was a great shame for him.

"Satomi, what are you laughing at?" Professor Zenei said through gritted teeth.

"It's nothing, I thought of something happy." Doctor Satomi shrugged and said.

Immediately you will stop laughing.

Professor Zenei sneered, took out a document from the drawer, and put it on the desk.

On the front of the document, there are several large characters "Transfer Order".

"Doctor Li Jian, considering that you are very caring and caring for doctors and patients, after serious consideration by the hospital, I think that a doctor with high moral character like you should go to a more suitable place to shine." Professor Ze Nei leaned On the office chair, he said with a smile on his face.

"For example, the health center of Hokkaido University is just short of manpower. That position is very suitable for you."

Sure enough, it came.

After tearing up his face with Professor Zenei last night, Dr. Satomi knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, but he didn't expect Professor Zenei's revenge to come so soon.

The Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University is a national hospital, and all the doctors are public officials. Even if Professor Ze Nei is the Minister of the Medical University, there is no way to directly expel the doctor.

But Professor Zenei has his own way, which is to transfer people from Tokyo to remote areas.

Dr. Satomi couldn't refuse the transfer order at all.

"I see."

Doctor Satomi's lips were slightly pale, and he picked up the order with trembling fingers.

Professor Zenei looked at Dr. Satomi triumphantly with playful eyes, and his face changed drastically the next moment, and he saw that Doctor Satomi tore the order in half on the spot!

"Satomi, what are you doing? Do you think you can resist me like this?"

"I will resign!"

Satomi said the doctor word by word.

He threw the torn order back in front of Professor Zenei, and then left without looking back. Before leaving, he said:

"Professor Zenei, you are not qualified to be a doctor!"

"Damn! Damn! A mere assistant professor, even the rubbish students taught by that bastard Kurokawa, dare to resist me?! Who do you think you are, I am the medical director of the medical university!"

After seeing the doctor leave, Professor Zenei suddenly became furious, swept all the stationery and documents on the desktop to the ground, and said viciously.

After wantonly venting, Professor Ze Nei touched the bruise around his eyes, calmed down again, and showed an inexplicable smile.

What do the living and the dead care about.

No matter how capable Kurokawa was during his lifetime, he turned into a ghost after death and mastered the extraordinary ability to cure cancer, but he is still just a dead person.

What I have to consider now is how to get the most benefit from this incident.

Professor Zenai is thinking about how to use Professor Kurokawa to improve the reputation of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University.

The office door was pushed open without warning, and several menacing black suits walked in.

The leader was a blond, blue-eyed, long-legged big horse. She took off her sunglasses, took out her police officer ID, and opened her bright red lips:

"We are members of the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, and we would like to discuss some matters with Professor Zenei."

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