I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 143 Chapter 145

Ah Fei had just touched the stone bowl, the stone bowl trembled slightly, and a dazzling Buddha light erupted in an instant.

The golden Buddha's light was as real as it was, and it directly flew out of Ah Fei,

"Ouch, whoops."

Ah Fei's body was rolling on the roof of the building like somersaulting.

The barbed wire fence around the train had been burned by the demon fire from the train before, and Ah Fei fell down if he was not careful.

Grace was dumbfounded, this transcendent fell down like this? real or fake?

At the critical moment, Ah Fei's right hand fingers grabbed the edge of the wall.

"Help! Help! I'm going to fall."

Grace and the other police officers looked at me and you, with strange expressions, and finally remained motionless in place.

The other arm stretched out and straddled the edge of the wall. Using this as a support, Ah Fei turned his whole body up, lying on the edge of the roof and panting heavily.

"I almost fell down. Aren't you the police, why don't you come to save me, people nowadays are so indifferent."

Ah Fei stood up, patted the dust on his body, and complained.

The corners of Grace's mouth twitched a few times, and a polite yet distanced smile appeared on Mingyan's face.

Who would have believed that a supernatural being like you, who is elusive and elusive, would fall to his death!

She couldn't help complaining in her heart.

Whether it is the upright and profound Master Lu Lu, the murderous and vicious Red Sand Scorpion, or the Itachi who invaded the Metropolitan Police Department and was so cold that he regarded everyone as a vertical signboard, all of them have the style of an extraordinary person. Mysterious and majestic.

But this extraordinary person named A Fei is different, gags, exaggerated movements, like a funny comparison.

Although I don't know if it's just pretending or it's just the way it is by nature, a superhuman is a superhuman, and Ah Fei scared off the train with a single glance, so the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't be bothered to comment casually.

"Oh, I really have a headache now. The stone bowl in front of the Buddha has broken the seal. Mr. Kurokawa, you left me a mess."

Ah Fei walked up to the crowd, looked at the stone bowl on the ground and said distressedly.

Ah Fei stretched out his hand to take the stone bowl on the ground again, and the stone bowl once again erupted with brilliant golden Buddha light.

But this time, Ah Fei was not thrown away, and his palm was in a stalemate with the Buddha's light for a long time before he took it back.

"Although you say I'm a bad guy, you don't have to hate me to such an extent, you don't even let me touch it. It's so sad, I shouldn't be so bad."

Ah Fei pretended to be sad and covered his face in a crying state.

The Buddha's light gradually dimmed.

Looking at the appearance of this ancient stone bowl, it is no different from the stone bowls carved out of rocks in the temple.

I can't see the miraculousness before, maybe this is the obscurity of the gods.

A Fei took out another twig, squatted down and stabbed it tentatively a few times, seeing that the stone bowl didn't respond, he sneaked out his hand to get the stone bowl at lightning speed.

"Pain, pain, pain—!"

Sure enough, the stone bowl burst out with golden light again, and Ah Fei's hand retracted as if it had been electrocuted.

Everyone looked at him with black lines, do you really think of yourself as a comedian?

"The stone bowl in front of the Buddha would rather choose to recognize mortals as masters than to be taken away by me. Forget it, anyway, I don't need to use this thing to cure diseases and save people."

A Fei glanced at the doctor lying on the ground, then tore off the red cloud robe with a black background, and looked at the fire mouse fur underneath.

Finally, A Fei raised his head and stared at the last quarter moon in the night sky for a while, then turned his head to look at the people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Under the mask, the scarlet Sharingan in the right eye projected an ominous bloody light, and the three hook jades slowly turned.

The originally slightly relaxed atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

There was cold sweat on Grace's forehead, this funny character of A Fei wouldn't want to change his face and kill them all, right? !

Ah Fei bent down, stretched out a sleeve robe, wiped it from the bottom of his feet, and his entire lower body disappeared.

As if by magic, only the upper body is suspended in mid-air.

"The stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the fur of the fire rat... until I get the remaining three things, I will leave this stuff with you for the time being, and I will come to pick it up when I need it."

The sleeve robe continued to flick upwards, and Ah Fei's upper body also disappeared.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ah Fei just disappeared in place.

Although it is not teleportation, it is not much worse.

"Quick! Take back this stone bowl in front of the Buddha!"

"This is a big victory!"

Although the earphone volume had been turned down as much as possible, Grace's ears were numb from the sudden burst of cheers from the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department ordered Grace to keep the stone bowl, they also knew that this was an impossible task under the watchful eyes of the two extraordinary beings, Che and A Fei.

Now, this stone bowl has been left behind, which is simply a surprise.

Although the transcendent said to deposit it, it fell into the mouth of the Metropolitan Police Department, how could it be possible to spit it out!

Afterwards, it must be placed in a heavily guarded military base for research. If a supernatural person wants to come and get it, he must have this ability.

Resisting the urge to take off the earphones, Grace walked over, picked up the stone bowl on the ground, and held it solemnly in her arms.

"The helicopter will come over soon. Before that, we must guard this stone bowl."

Several other black suits, with guns in their hands, surrounded Grace in the middle, keeping vigilance as if they were facing an enemy.

Not long after, Doctor Satomi also began to wake up. He got up from the ground, scratched his fluffy hair, and showed some doubts in his eyes:

"Is this the roof of the hospital? It looks like a fire scene."

The roof of the building was burned beyond recognition by the train, and for a while, it was a little unrecognizable.

"Are you seeing Dr. Sato now, or Professor Kurokawa?" To be on the safe side, Grace asked.

"I'm Satomi, Miss Police Officer, why do you ask such a question?" Doctor Satomi asked in confusion.

It seemed that Dr. Satomi didn't remember being possessed by Professor Kurokawa, and Grace frowned.

However, Dr. Satomi being possessed by a ghost is also a rare observation sample. Grace has received instructions to take Dr. Satomi away with him when the helicopter arrives.

"Doctor Satomi, please get ready..."


At this moment, Dr. Satomi found Mrs. Kurokawa lying on the ground, and hurried forward to turn her over.

After Mrs. Kurokawa was shot flying by the train, she remained unconscious. The chest of her black dress was torn by claws, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and a plump bust.

Doctor Satomi blushed slightly, but maintained the benevolent attitude of a doctor, checked carefully, and found that there was nothing serious and life-threatening.


The doctor's face darkened, and he saw Mrs. Kurokawa's face with a claw mark extending from the chin to the corner of the eye, the skin was torn and blood was still flowing.

Such a long wound, even if the best surgeon is invited to suture it, it will inevitably leave obvious scars.

The face is the appearance of a person, even a man can't accept such a scar, let alone a delicate beauty like Mrs. Kurokawa.

It will be very sad when the teacher's wife wakes up, Dr. Satomi thought.

Hey, what is this feeling?

He stretched out his hands to hold his teacher's wife's face in a mysterious way, and there was a faint blue light in his palm.

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