I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 146 Chapter 148 Let's go to America!

In Japan, there is nothing that can't be solved by bowing and apologizing. If there is, then come to Dogeza.

However, the outrageous lie uttered by the archaeologist Shinichi Fujimura had such a bad influence. After the deception was exposed, even if he knelt down and apologized at the press conference with tears in his eyes, he was still prosecuted by the police.

In the end, this archaeological immortal was identified as suffering from "dissociative identity disorder" and sent to the Fukushima Prefecture Mental Hospital.

The archaeologists attending the meeting looked gloomy when they thought of the counterfeiting incident of ancient stone tools.

The year when the fraud was exposed was the darkest moment for the entire Japanese archaeological community. Many colleagues were ashamed to mention that they were doing archaeological work.

Of course, archaeologists would not take the initiative to bring up this scandal. He briefly introduced the method of identifying the age of the Stone Age.

"So this is ah."

After listening to the popular science, the bureaucrats of the Metropolitan Police Department were disappointed and sat back.

"The material of the stone bowl looks like marble, but its hardness on the Mohs scale is extraordinary. It has reached 10, which is the highest level of diamond in nature."

"The stone bowl has no traces of artificial carving, it seems to be formed naturally, and it can be called the uncanny workmanship of nature."

After the stone bowl in front of the Buddha was sent to the secret base overnight, all scientific researchers were mobilized to work overtime to test the stone bowl.

In the laboratory, the stone bowl did not emit golden Buddha light like before, and it didn't look miraculous, but after inspection, it revealed extraordinary everywhere.

"This is really amazing!"

"As expected of King Yan Mo's collection, it is really extraordinary."

"The most special thing is that the superhuman A Fei said that the stone bowl in front of the Buddha can make people have supernatural abilities of the healing department."

Speaking of this, the high-level members of the Metropolitan Police Department had different thoughts, and there was an unconcealable enthusiasm in their eyes.


The director of the Metropolitan Police Department, who was in the front row of the meeting room, knocked on the table, and the hustle and bustle of the scene subsided.

"That Dr. Satomi, how is the situation now? What level has his extraordinary ability reached?" the police chief asked.

"We have persuaded Dr. Satomi to cooperate with our laboratory to conduct experiments. Dr. Satomi's extraordinary ability can effectively heal trauma."

A scientific researcher in a white coat got up and replied: "We also found a patient with advanced cancer. Dr. Satomi was exhausted when the treatment went on for seventeen minutes. He claimed that he was exhausted and could not continue. He is still resting now. .We checked the patient's condition, and the cancer was in remission, and with a few more courses, it may even return to the early stage of the cancer."

"Doctor Ghost almost cured the cancer within a few minutes of his action. It seems that Dr. Lijian is still far inferior to Doctor Ghost." The chief police officer looked disappointed, but he quickly cheered up.

Even if he is not as good as Doctor Ghost, Doctor Satomi, whether as a superhuman or with the supernatural ability to cure terminal illnesses, is very precious.

"Doctor Satomi has obtained supernatural powers from the stone bowl in front of the Buddha. It should not only cure trauma and cancer. Patients with other diseases should also prepare a few. Wait for Doctor Satomi to recover and see if he can treat it." Police Watch The director of the department gave instructions.

The researchers immediately nodded to express their understanding.

"This time, whether it's obtaining extraordinary items or bringing under the control of Doctor Satomi, who has just become an extraordinary person, this is the first time since the 19th year of Heisei!"

Although the police chief has silvery temples, his eyes are piercing and he looks quite majestic. He concluded:

"Yesterday's action is undoubtedly an important victory!"

The senior officers and experts of the Metropolitan Police Department present couldn't help applauding.

"Papa papa!"

There was thunderous applause.

That's right, since the birth of the Transcendent, their Metropolitan Police Department has been deflated everywhere, and they have been played around by the Transcendent like a cat playing with a mouse.

But yesterday at the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University, the results were remarkable. The Metropolitan Police Department acquired supernatural items for the first time, and it was the first time to have its own supernatural person. The combination of the two joys boosted the morale of the Metropolitan Police Department.

During the revival of Minamoto Larimitsu's armor in the museum, the police stationed there escorted an 'Onmyoji'. The Metropolitan Police Department was overjoyed, and immediately investigated the details of the fat house.

All the resumes from birth to adulthood, family members, ancestral home, interpersonal relationship, and even network data are all at a glance. The Metropolitan Police Department even knows how many books and small movies he has downloaded.

In the end, it turned out to be a big oolong.

That fat house is not an extraordinary person at all, but an ordinary mortal, and until now that fat house has been detained in this secret base

"However, after the opportunity comes the challenge!"

The Police Superintendent's expression sank:

"Don't forget, everyone, there are still people coveting this stone bowl in front of the Buddha. That extraordinary organization called Xiao, that extraordinary person named A Fei, may come to snatch this stone bowl at any time."

The high-level members of the Metropolitan Police Department gradually restrained the joy on their faces.

So far, the four extraordinary people who have appeared so far, except Master Lu, the other three, Itachi, Red Sand Scorpion, and A Fei, not only belong to the Akatsuki organization, but also face the government's official attitude. .

Even the unscrupulous looking A Fei showed off teleportation when he left the field at the end.

The most difficult ability displayed by these elusive transcendental beings is teleportation.

As long as you have the ability to teleport, you are invincible.

Who knows if Ah Fei will teleport into this secret base in the next second.

"Our Metropolitan Police Department must strengthen its secrecy work, and we must not let Ah Fei find this place."

"That Ah Fei has an eye called Sharingan, which is very likely to have the same ability of mental manipulation as the 'Itachi' who invaded the fifth lesson." Uchiha Xianmen also participated in this meeting, he said .

"You and I, except everyone here, the Metropolitan Police Department knows about this matter, and there are quite a few people who know the exact location of this secret base."

Hearing what Uchiha Xianmen said, many people frowned.

The ability of teleportation is already buggy enough, and with the addition of mental manipulation, it is simply unsolvable.

"The sharing eyes possessed by two extraordinary people are really mysterious and powerful."

Uchiha Xianmen blinked, with some regret in his tone:

"Unfortunately, in the previous conversation between Ah Fei and the train, the origin of the family was erased. If you can know the specific surname, maybe there is a countermeasure."

The Police Chief took a surprise look at Uchiha Senmen, and just about to say something, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a general in American military uniform walked in.

"Where are the superpower doctors and magical items? Get ready, I have already deployed the latest fighter formation, and we are leaving now."

"Where are you going?"


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